Follow these easy steps to connect your Java applications to the Autonomous Database (ADB), using the Oracle JDBC driver and Universal Connection Pool. Oracle Autonomous Database allows both one-way TLS as well as mutual TLS (mTLS) for connection, the default being the later. With one-way TLS aka TLS, you no longer need either Oracle Wallets or JKS to connect to Autonomous Database. When you remove the mTLS requirement, connections can be established with both one-way TLS and with mutual TLS. Pre-requisites section addresses both these approaches. Oracle recommends using the latest Oracle JDBC version 19c which is the Long Term Release. Alternatively you can use the latest Oracle JDBC version 21c-Innovation Release if you require its new features or you can use Oracle JDBC version 23c Free-Developer Release to access the new community supported release.
If you want to connect to the Oracle Database (On-Premises) or Oracle Cloud Database that uses TCP connections then see QuickStart Java applications with Oracle Database (On-premises). Refer to Oracle JDBC and UCP landing page for other technical briefs, blogs, videos etc.,
Get access to the Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB). Click on these links to walk through the steps to provision an ADB instance if you have not provisioned an ADB instance already.
Remember the password that you used for ADMIN user. For this demo purpose, we will be using ADMIN user but, our recommendation is to create other database users either using SQLDeveloper or using SQL Developer web console.
Download latest JDK81 or higher JDK versions
1 Make sure to use JDK8u162 or higher. Use "java -version" to check the JDK version that you have installed. Use "java -jar ojdbc8.jar" to check the JDBC driver version.
Modify to include your ADB connection information:
Example : DB_URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1521)(\", OU=Oracle ADB SANJOSE, O=Oracle Corporation, L=Redwood City, ST=California, C=US\")))"
DB_USER="ADMIN" and DB_PASSWORD="enter_it_from_console"
Get access to the Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB). Click on these links to walk through the steps to provision an ADB instance if you have not provisioned an ADB instance already.
Remember the password that you used for ADMIN user. For this demo purpose, we will be using ADMIN user but, our recommendation is to create other database users either using SQLDeveloper or using SQL Developer web console.
Download JDK81 or higher JDK versions
1 Use "java -version" to check the JDK version that you have installed. Use "java -jar ojdbc8.jar" to check the JDBC driver version.
Modify to include your ADB connection information:
Example : DB_URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@DBName_medium?TNS_ADMIN=/Users/test/wallet_DBName"
DB_USER="ADMIN" and DB_PASSWORD="enter_it_from_console"
Pre-requisites: Make sure to complete all the steps from pre-requisites section.
Create a Maven project : Download Apache Maven and make sure to set the PATH before using mvn commands. Use the following maven command to create a project.
mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=jdbc-test-project -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
Copy to src
directory : Make sure to copy to the src/main/java/com/oracle/jdbctest
Modify pom.xml
with the following changes:
Add Oracle JDBC driver as a dependency.
Note: ojdbc8-production will
download Oracle JDBC driver (ojdbc8.jar
) along with other companion jars such as ucp.jar
(It is a jar required for using UCP as a client side connection pool), oraclepki.jar, osdt_core.jar, osdt_cert.jar
(These jars are required for using Oracle Wallets while connecting to Autonomous Database) etc., Refer to Maven Central Guide for more details.
Make sure you are in the directory where pom.xml
is present.
Clean and Compile the Java code: Use the following commands.
mvn clean
mvn compile
Run the sample Java program
mvn exec:java -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.mainClass=""
You will see the queried rows returned from the database and a message Congratulations! You have successfully used Oracle Autonomous Database as shown in the screenshot below.
Note: If you connect to ADB from behind a firewall, you will likely encounter a connection timeout error. Make sure to be outside the firewall while running this sample or update the tnsnames.ora file to use an HTTPS proxy. Learn how to do this in "JDBC Thin Connections with an HTTP Proxy" section of the ADB documentation.
Create a Gradle project : Follow the instructions from
Gradle Guide
for Gradle download and build instructions. Make sure to set the PATH before using gradle commands. As a first step, create a gradle
project using the below command. Make sure to choose "2: application" for
'Select type of project to generate'. Also, for "Source package (default: temp):" use
gradle init
Copy to src
directory : Make sure to copy to the src/main/java/com/oracle/jdbctest
Modify build.gradle
with the following changes:
as a repository ojdbc8.jar
) along with other companion jars such as
(It is a required jar for using UCP as a client side connection pool), oraclepki.jar, osdt_core.jar, osdt_cert.jar
(These jars are required for using Oracle Wallets while connecting to Autonomous Database) etc., Refer to Maven Central Guide
for more details. run
block to pause for reading password from console repositories {
// Maven Central
dependencies {
// Get the Oracle JDBC driver along with other companion jars
application {
// Define the main class for the application
mainClassName ='{your_project_directory}.ADBQuickStart'
// To pause to read the password from console
run {
standardInput =
Make sure you are in the directory where build.gradle
is present.
Compile the Java code: Use the below command.
./gradlew build
Run the sample Java program
./gradlew run
You will see the queried rows returned from the database and a message Congratulations! You have successfully used Oracle Autonomous Database as shown in the screenshot below.
Note: If you connect to ADB from behind a firewall, you will likely encounter a connection timeout error. Make sure to be outside the firewall while running this sample or update the tnsnames.ora file to use an HTTPS proxy. Learn how to do this in "JDBC Thin Connections with an HTTP Proxy" section of the ADB documentation.
Pre-requisites: Make sure to complete all the steps from pre-requisites section.
Create a Maven project :
Create Right click on src/main/java
. and click on, New -> Class. Enter the following values.
Name: ADBQuickStart and Click 'Finish'.
Make sure to copy contents of to this new file created.
Modify pom.xml
with the following changes:
Add Oracle JDBC driver as a dependency.
Note: ojdbc8-production will
download Oracle JDBC driver (ojdbc8.jar
) along with other companion jars such as ucp.jar
(It is a jar required for using UCP as a client side connection pool), oraclepki.jar, osdt_core.jar, osdt_cert.jar
(These jars are required for using Oracle Wallets while connecting to Autonomous Database) etc., Refer to Maven Central Guide for more details.
Make sure you do not have any compilation error in the Java code and you are using the latest JDK version.
Run the sample Java program: Right Click on --> Run As --> Java Application.
You will be shown a prompt to enter the database password and once you enter the password, the results will be shown.
You will see the queried rows returned from the database and a message Congratulations! You have successfully used Oracle Autonomous Database as shown in the screenshot below.
Note: If you connect to ADB from behind a firewall, you will likely encounter a connection timeout error. Make sure to be outside the firewall while running this sample or update the tnsnames.ora file to use an HTTPS proxy. Learn how to do this in "JDBC Thin Connections with an HTTP Proxy" section of the ADB documentation.
Create a Maven project :
Create : Right click on src/main/java
. Click on New --> Java Class. Enter
This will create the required package structure as well. Make sure to copy contents of to this new file.
Modify pom.xml
with the following changes:
Add Oracle JDBC driver as a dependency.
Note: ojdbc8-production will
download Oracle JDBC driver (ojdbc8.jar
) along with other companion jars such as ucp.jar
(It is a jar required for using UCP as a client side connection pool), oraclepki.jar, osdt_core.jar, osdt_cert.jar
(These jars are required for using Oracle Wallets while connecting to Autonomous Database) etc., Refer to Maven Central Guide for more details.
Compile the Java code: Right click on --> Build Module 'ADBQuickStart'. Make sure there are no compilation errors.
Run the sample Java program: Right click on --> Run 'ADBQuickStart.main()'. Make sure to enter the database password on the console.
You will see the queried rows returned from the database and a message Congratulations! You have successfully used Oracle Autonomous Database as shown in the screenshot below.
Note: If you connect to ADB from behind a firewall, you will likely encounter a connection timeout error. Make sure to be outside the firewall while running this sample or update the tnsnames.ora file to use an HTTPS proxy. Learn how to do this in "JDBC Thin Connections with an HTTP Proxy" section of the ADB documentation.
Make sure to complete all the steps from pre-requisites section.
Download latest 19c version of ojdbc8-full.tar.gz from OTN and unzip the contents to your classpath.
Note: ojdbc8-full.tar.gz contains the latest JDBC driver ojdbc8.jar
, ucp.jar
(It is a required jar for using UCP as a client side connection pool), oraclepki.jar, osdt_core.jar, osdt_cert.jar
(These jars are required for using Oracle Wallets while connecting to Autonomous Database)
Compile the Java program
Make sure to provide the correct path for the required jars in the classpath.
javac -classpath ./lib/ojdbc8.jar:./lib/ucp.jar:/lib/oraclepki.jar:./lib/osdt_core.jar:./lib/osdt_cert.jar com/oracle/jdbctest/
Run the sample Java program
Make sure to provide the correct path for the required jars in the classpath.
java -classpath ./lib/ojdbc8.jar:./lib/ucp.jar:/lib/oraclepki.jar:./lib/osdt_core.jar:./lib/osdt_cert.jar:.
You will see the queried rows returned from the database and a message Congratulations! You have successfully used Oracle Autonomous Database as shown in the screenshot below.
Note: If you connect to ADB from behind a firewall, you will likely encounter a connection timeout error. Make sure to be outside the firewall while running this sample or update the tnsnames.ora file to use an HTTPS proxy. Learn how to do this in "JDBC Thin Connections with an HTTP Proxy" section of the ADB documentation.
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