Oracle Banking Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management Cloud Service

Oracle Banking Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management Cloud Service is an enterprise offering that enables banks to accelerate credit origination and servicing, prequalify credit lines, track exposures to customers in real time, and mitigate business risks. The solution supports end-to-end lifecycle management and empowers banks with purposeful insights for better decision-making, enables the standardization of processes to enhance distinct operational capabilities, and facilitates real-time collaboration with intelligent automation to improve efficiency. Leveraging an exhaustive set of open APIs for credit functions, Oracle delivers best-in-class persona-based user experiences to maximize efficiency and deliver value.

Centralize exposure management and proactively monitor risk across corporate banking services.

Explore Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management Cloud Service

  • Gain support for more than 40 types of collateral.
  • Maintain haircut margins at the collateral type level to determine the lendable value.
  • Pool multiple collaterals and define the percentage each piece of collateral contributes to the pool.
  • Link collateral pools to limits/credit facilities.
  • Specify the order of utilization for collaterals within a pool.
  • Offer collateral revaluation at the desired frequency.
  • Help maintain covenants and link them with collaterals.
  • Get details about overall collateral utilization and collateral earmarking.
  • Track exposures online in real time with enterprisewide, multicurrency, multidimensional credit limit structures.
  • Support hierarchical structures for credit facilities whereby an overall credit facility can be provided with subfacilities.
  • Support multilevel, hierarchical limit structures, with no limit on the number of sublevels.
  • Maintain various restrictions for products, currencies, branches, customers, tenors, and so on to meet bank requirements.
  • Maintain covenants and link them to facilities for tracking.
  • Define facilities at the liability group (company’s group structure) level and liability level.
  • Help ensure accuracy by tracking utilization to individual transactions.
  • Define limit schedules, transfer limits, place restrictions, and link collaterals.
  • Track exposure by customer, product, business line, geography, and industry.
  • Provide centralized online tracking of multicurrency limits for all transactions.
  • Conduct limit monitoring against sublimits that are directly linked to credit exposures.
  • Track all utilizations of any product online in real time.
  • Ensure that a customer’s liability to the bank at a given point in time remains within a predefined limit.

Process configurability:
Digitalize processes, redesign process models, and offer end-to-end digitalized credit and collateral lifecycle support. This service provides comprehensive coverage of credit and collateral processes, with several prebuilt processes available out of the box that can be configured to meet various product- and country-specific process requirements.

Customer onboarding and servicing capability:
Get a single source of truth to manage customer information in real time online across all entities in the enterprise that use customer data. Create a hierarchy for each corporate customer and their legal entities, with all customer subsidiaries and in-country and cross-border entities defined in a graphical structure along with comprehensive information for each of these entities.

Prequalification check:
Define credit policies once, then track and monitor them downstream during facility creation. The credit proposals initiated are validated against these policies at each stage of the credit process. Credit officers get a holistic view of the met and breached policies, enabling them to make the necessary decisions to initiate policy exception approval or reject such transactions.

Credit monitoring:
The credit risk management team can leverage the comprehensive credit dashboard available with the service to monitor credit exposures across customers and mitigate credit risks. Relationship managers can initiate all applications and follow-ups with all stakeholders from a single customer 360 and relationship management dashboard.

Credit analysis:
Perform detailed credit checks via qualitative and quantitative analysis. You can parameterize criteria using a rule-based framework based on your requirements. Define different scores for different parameters to tailor credit analysis to your needs.


Decrease time to market with rapid provisioning, and lower up-front costs with a pay-as-you-go model.

Public cloud:
Host the application on Oracle Cloud or any public cloud.

Host the application in your own data center.

Why choose Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management Cloud Service

Oracle’s application suite is a complete, end-to-end solution for enterprise limits and collateral management. It supports the maintenance and management of overall liability for the customer, the recording of collaterals, facility lines, and the tracking of utilization against granted facilities.

01Enhanced, customer-centric, centralized limits management

Provide a consolidated view of all customer credit data, including a facility and collateral summary, to better manage each corporate customer’s legal entity hierarchy.

02Multilevel, multicurrency limits tracking

Centralize the online tracking of multicurrency limits, and set and track limits for a single funded facility granted to a customer at both the customer group level and customer level.

03Real-time exposure management

Monitor, control, and report the bank’s exposure to key stakeholders and regulators in real time.

04Centralized collateral management

Offer a solution that can onboard, maintain, and handle the complete lifecycle management of collaterals for effective credit management.

ESG finance introduces a new era of opportunity and risk

Tushar Chitra, Sunay Mruthyunjay, and Swapnil Joshi, Product Management, Oracle

Sustainable finance—which involves factoring environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into investment decisions—presents banks with abundant opportunities for new revenue streams and growth. Customers and regulators are increasingly demanding ESG finance, and it can make good business sense for banks with winning strategies.

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