Smart Manufacturing

Oracle’s smart manufacturing solution does more just connect your shop-floor data with your manufacturing, maintenance, and planning business systems. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to contextualize the information and provide actionable insights, enabling you to predict machine failures to get ahead of maintenance, adjust production schedules, and avoid costly downtimes. With deeper insights, you can analyze productivity and efficiency, be able to instantly respond to trends, and improve quality across the board.

digital age brief thumbnail - pdf link Adapting Manufacturing for the Digital Age

Digitization is driving behaviors, expectations, and capabilities in ways thought impossible just a short time ago.

Factories of the future thumbnail - pdf link Factories of the future are here

Future factories are becoming a competitive imperative as the adoption of advanced manufacturing 4.0 technologies continue to drive efficiency, flexibility, and product innovation.

Smart Manufacturing featured products

Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing

Streamline your global, mixed-mode manufacturing to make anything, anywhere, with an intelligent, optimized, and integrated solution powered by IoT and AI.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance

Transform your maintenance processes with an integrated and intelligent enterprise asset management system that’s written for the cloud and designed for the Internet of Things environment. Use Industry 4.0 capabilities and predictive analytics to predict asset failure, estimate reliable lifespan, and trigger prescriptive workflows to take preemptive action.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Quality Management

Drive closed-loop quality processes through design, procurement, inventory, manufacturing, and field service to ensure rapid detection and resolution of quality events. Make faster, more informed decisions and reduce risk with a predictive and connected 360-degree view of product quality across product lifecycle and supply chain processes.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Planning

Get better results faster by planning your supply chain end-to-end in the cloud. Effortlessly combine demand insights, supply constraints, and stakeholder input, and apply built-in machine learning to improve profitability while accelerating customer service.

Oracle Analytics Cloud

Address the entire analytics process, from data ingestion and modeling, through data preparation and enrichment, to visualization and collaboration, without compromising security and governance. Use embedded machine learning and natural language processing technologies to help increase productivity and build an analytics-driven culture in your organization.

Oracle Cloud SCM에 대한 분석가들의 의견

Gartner Magic Quadrant, Warehouse Management Systems 부문

Oracle이 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant, Warehouse Management Systems 부문 리더로 선정된 이유를 살펴보세요.

Oracle이 Gartner Magic Quadrant, Warehouse Management Systems 부문에서 9년 연속 리더로 선정된 이유를 확인해 보세요.*

Gartner 'Magic Quadrant 운송 관리 시스템' 부문

Oracle이 Gartner® Magic Quadrant, Transportation Management Systems 부문 리더로 선정된 이유를 살펴보세요.

Oracle은 실행 능력 및 비전의 완성도 부문에서 가장 높은 점수를 획득하며 통산 17번째로** 리더로 선정되었습니다. 그 이유를 확인해 보세요.

Smart Manufacturing key benefits

Improve visibility into costs, efficiency, and quality across factories

Use powerful solutions for collecting operational data in real time, gleaning insights from the data, communicating rapidly, and making holistic and collaborative decisions.

Monitor production performance and predict maintenance failure

Monitor factory efficiency to detect any unusual production behavior using predictive analytics on multiple sources of data. Provide a machine-monitoring platform to detect and predict unusual equipment behaviors and recommend the next best action to fix anticipated failures.

Make better, faster decisions with AI

Leverage machine learning to identify hidden root causes for quality, yield, and other operational issues. Use deeper insights with your experts to make faster decisions and eliminate bottlenecks in production.

Monitor quality and apply best practices training

Use quality monitoring all along the production cycle to detect quality deviations and generate predictive alerts. Run an immediate root cause analysis to identify the sources of a quality issue. Set up best practices training using real data from past quality issues.

How the Internet of Things is making manufacturing smarter

Terri Hiskey, VP Product Marketing, Oracle

Manufacturers are getting smarter about how they run their factories by deploying a new set of tools that are boosting efficiency and adding greater agility across operations. This new breed of solutions capture data from machines, objects, and wearables, and then processes the data using intelligent applications that are the key to deploying “smart manufacturing” solutions.

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* Gartner, Inc., “Magic Quadrant for Warehouse Management Systems”, Simon Tunstall, Dwight Klappich, Rishabh Narang, Federica Stufano, 2024년 5월 2일.

** Gartner, “Magic Quadrant for Transportation Management Systems”, Brock Johns, et al. 2024년 3월 27일.

본 그래픽은 Gartner, Inc.가 발행한 연구 문서의 일부로서, 해당 문서의 전체적 맥락에 따라 평가해야 합니다. Oracle은 요청이 있을 시 해당 Gartner 문서를 제공합니다. Gartner는 연구 간행물에 언급된 공급업체, 제품 또는 서비스를 보증하지 않으며 기술 사용자에게 최고 등급 또는 기타 지정을 받은 공급업체만 선택하도록 권장하지 않습니다. Gartner 연구 간행물은 Gartner 연구 조직의 의견으로 구성되며 사실에 대한 진술로 해석되어서는 안 됩니다. Gartner는 상품성 또는 특정 목적에 대한 적합성 보증을 포함하여 이 연구와 관련된 모든 명시적 또는 묵시적 보증을 부인합니다. GARTNER는 등록된 서비스 상표이며, MAGIC QUADRANT는 Gartner, Inc. 및/또는 미국 및 전 세계 내 계열사의 등록된 상표입니다. 본 페이지에서는 허가를 받아 사용하였습니다. 무단 복제 및 사용을 금합니다.