The Oracle Analytics mobile app personalizes content for each employee by learning from their data interests and patterns.
Empowers leaders, analysts, and IT to access data from wherever they are, including mobile devices.
Discover insights from ERP data with prebuilt analytics. Uncover underlying drivers of profitability and identify opportunities to optimize.
Monitor and act on workforce insights from HCM data prebuilt analytics. Analyze workforce diversity, mitigate employee attrition, understand retention trends, analyze compensation, and more.
Prebuilt solution for Oracle Cloud SCM that helps supply chain professionals uncover underlying drivers to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure customer satisfaction.
Oracle Cloud Free Tier lets anyone build, test, and deploy applications on Oracle Cloud—for free.
Information and technical recommendations to assist you in implementing specific technical controls.
Third-party compliance attestations or certifications providing independent assessment of security, privacy, and compliance controls.
View and download the latest compliance documents from your OCI Console.
Details on how Oracle develops and manages enterprise systems, cloud, and on-premises products and services.
Overview of how Oracle supports data privacy in our cloud and for our customers.
Secure and elastic compute capacity for cloud workloads.
Dedicated compute instances for isolation, visibility, and control.
GPU-powered servers and VMs for high performance computing (HPC) and AI.
Bare metal instances and low-latency cluster networks for high performance computing (HPC).
Bare metal and virtual machines based on Arm processors for superior price-performance.
Oracle-managed container orchestration service for cloud native workloads.
Serverless platform for developers to create, run, and scale applications without managing infrastructure.
Customer-managed VMware environment for complete control and no re-architecture.
Oracle-managed container orchestration service for cloud native workloads.
Standards-based, Oracle-managed container registry service.
Serverless platform for developers to create, run, and scale applications without managing infrastructure.
Jebkāda veida datus glabājiet to sākotnējā formātā.
Nodrošiniet atvērtā pirmkoda datu analīzi, tostarp Hadoop, Hive, Spark un Hbase, kas integrēta ar OCI.
Metadatu pārvaldība, lai palīdzētu atklāt datus un atbalstītu datu pārvaldību pakalpojumā OCI.
Apstrādājiet ārkārtīgi lielas datu kopas, izmantojot pilnībā pārvaldītu Apache Spark pakalpojumu.
Izveidojiet pašapkalpošanās datu noliktavu, izmantojot Autonomous Data Warehouse.
Palaidiet MySQL datu bāzes pakalpojumu ātrāk, izmantojot lētu, integrētu, atmiņā esošo vaicājumu paātrinātāju darījumu un analītiskai slodzei.
Viegli iegūstiet, pārveidojiet un ielādējiet (ETL) datus datu zinātnes un analītikas lietošanas gadījumiem.
Reāllaika, bez serveriem, ar Apache Kafka saderīga notikumu straumēšanas platforma izstrādātājiem un datu zinātniekiem.
Pārvaldīta reāllaika datu replikācija, lai saglabātu datus ļoti pieejamus un iespējotu reāllaika analīzi.
Optimizējiet liela apjoma ETL/ELT datu kustību un pārveidošanu.
Vienkāršojiet visu slodžu darbību, izmantojot pilnībā autonomu datu bāzi.
Izveidojiet pašapkalpošanās datu noliktavu, izmantojot Autonomous Data Warehouse.
Samaziniet lietojumprogrammu izpildlaika izmaksas, izmantojot Autonomous Transaction Processing.
Paātriniet uz JSON orientētu lietojumprogrammu izstrādi, izmantojot autonomo JSON datu bāzi.
Sasniedziet visaugstāko veiktspējas, mērogošanas un konsolidācijas efektivitāti visām Oracle Database slodzēm.
Izveidojiet un pārvaldiet pilnvērtīgus Oracle Database gadījumus mākonī esošajos VM.
Izmantojiet augstas veiktspējas Exadata iespējas un nodrošiniet datu suverenitāti savā datu centrā.
Novērsiet datu centru pārvaldības, mērogošanas un drošības sarežģītību savā datu centrā.
Pilnībā pārvaldīts atvērtā pirmkoda datu bāzes pakalpojums darījumu un analītiskām slodzēm.
Palaidiet MySQL ātrāk, izmantojot integrētu, atmiņā esošo vaicājumu paātrinātāju darījumu un analītiskai slodzei.
Izmantojiet pilnībā pārvaldītu NoSQL datu bāzu pakalpojumu bez serveriem.
Vienkāršojiet visu Oracle datu bāzu drošību, izmantojot vienu vienotu mākoņpakalpojumu.
Pārvaldīta reāllaika datu replikācija, lai saglabātu datus ļoti pieejamus un iespējotu reāllaika analīzi.
Atklājiet datubāzes veiktspējas problēmas un plānojiet OCI un lokālās iespējas.
Pārvaldiet OCI datu bāzes, kas izvietotas OCI vai lokāli, izmantojot vienotu konsoli.
Novērsiet dīkstāves sinhronizācijai, migrēšanai, jaunināšanai un apkopei.
Optimizējiet liela apjoma ETL/ELT datu kustību un pārveidošanu.
Veidojiet, izvietojiet un pārvaldiet modernas mākoņa lietojumprogrammas, izmantojot izstrādātājiem draudzīgus rīkus un pakalpojumus.
Viegli un droši izvietojiet un pārvaldiet OCI resursus, izmantojot uz Terraform balstītu infrastruktūru kā kodu.
Droši izvietojiet, atklājiet un pārvaldiet mākoņa lietojumprogrammu API.
Veidojiet, patērējiet un pārvaldiet visu API dzīves ciklu.
Oracle pārvaldīts konteineru orķestrācijas pakalpojums vietējām mākoņa slodzēm.
Platforma bez serveriem izstrādātājiem, lai izveidotu, palaistu un mērogotu lietojumprogrammas, nepārvaldot infrastruktūru.
Izsekojiet un reaģējiet uz resursu izmaiņām reāllaikā, izmantojot notikumu vadītas lietojumprogrammas.
Sūtiet brīdinājumus un ziņojumus dažādās platformās, izmantojot ļoti pieejamu publicēšanas/abonēšanas (pub/sub) pakalpojumu ar zemu latentumu.
Racionalizējiet savu lietojumprogrammu izstrādi, piegādi un darbības, izmantojot CI/CD.
Veidojiet un izvietojiet uz datiem balstītas lietotnes ātrāk, izmantojot zemu kodu lietojumprogrammu izstrādes platformu.
Veidojiet ar AI darbināmus tērzēšanas robotus un sarunu interfeisus.
Sadarbojieties, veidojiet un publicējiet saturu un nodrošiniet daudzkanālu pieredzi.
Sadarbojieties un droši kopīgojiet uzticamos datus ar vairākām pusēm, izmantojot atvērtā pirmkoda—blokķēdes pakalpojumu.
Viss OCI pakalpojumu portfelis jūsu datu centrā.
Izmantojiet augstas veiktspējas Exadata iespējas un nodrošiniet datu suverenitāti savā datu centrā.
Novērsiet datu centru pārvaldības, mērogošanas un drošības sarežģītību savā datu centrā.
Klientu pārvaldīta vietējā VMware mākoņu vide.
Izvietojiet mākoņa slodzes ārpus datu centra.
Ļoti optimizēta, droša un vienota zema latentuma vairāku mākoņu pieredze.
Izmantojiet Oracle Integration, SOA OCI un API Management, lai automatizētu procesus ar iepriekš izveidotu savienojumu ar jebkuru mākoni vai lokālu lietojumprogrammu.
Platforma, lai ērti izveidotu, patērētu un pārvaldītu visu API dzīves ciklu.
Pārvietojiet esošās, lokālās integrācijas un saliktās lietojumprogrammas mākonī, kā arī ar iespēju izveidot mūsdienīgas integrācijas, izmantojot Oracle Integration.
Viegli iegūstiet, pārveidojiet un ielādējiet (ETL) datus datu zinātnes un analītikas lietošanas gadījumiem.
Pārvaldīta reāllaika datu replikācija, lai saglabātu datus ļoti pieejamus un iespējotu reāllaika analīzi.
Reāllaika, bez serveriem, ar Apache Kafka saderīga notikumu straumēšanas platforma izstrādātājiem un datu zinātniekiem.
Izsekojiet un reaģējiet uz resursu izmaiņām reāllaikā, izmantojot notikumu vadītas lietojumprogrammas.
Add ML to applications with prebuilt or custom-trained models.
Build business-specific anomaly detection models to detect critical incidents.
Rapidly build, train, deploy, and manage machine learning models.
Broaden access to business applications with chatbots and conversational AI interfaces.
Create and run in-database machine learning models using SQL, R, and Python.
Perform sophisticated text analysis at scale including sentiment, key-phrases, and named entities.
Provision your virtual networks, including the IPv6 option.
Ensures connectivity between OCI Services and internet or on-premises resources.
Provide automated, scalable traffic distribution from one entry point to multiple servers.
A simple way to connect your enterprise network to OCI over the public internet.
Securely connects you to your OCI resources.
Connect your on-premises network and OCI over a private, high-bandwidth physical network.
Virtual representation of your physical networking router.
Manage, secure, and maintain your domains and endpoints.
Store, view, and analyze all OCI logs to quickly diagnose issues.
Monitor, aggregate, and analyze log data from on-premises and multicloud environments.
Gain visibility into the availability and performance of workloads running on OCI.
Send alerts and messages across different platforms with a highly available, low-latency publish/subscribe (pub/sub) service.
Gain end-to-end visibility into application performance and diagnose issues across OCI, other clouds, and on-premises.
Discover, monitor, and manage Java environments.
Manage Oracle Databases deployed on OCI or on-premises from a unified console.
Easily and reliably deploy and manage Oracle Cloud OCI resources using this Terraform-based infrastructure-as-code service.
Share data between OCI services for improved observability and DevOps operations.
Empower IT operations staff to optimize for performance by quickly analyzing performance patterns over time.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, built with AI technologies, will future-proof your business to keep pace with change.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) helps businesses model and plan across finance, HR, supply chain, and sales for better decisions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Management (SCM) connects supply networks with an integrated suite of business applications designed and built to outpace change.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) is a complete cloud native HR solution connecting every human resource process from hire to retire.
Oracle Advertising and Customer Experience offers a connected suite that goes beyond traditional CRM to help you create, manage, serve, and nurture lasting customer relationships.
Oracle Industry Cloud solutions are purpose-built and based on deep domain expertise to build, run, and grow your business from top to bottom.
Manage lifecycle and entitlements to ensure accurate access to resources.
Set up and enforce security policies to secure cloud compartments with a rich policy library and embedded security best practices.
Easily create, deploy, and manage Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates available in Oracle Cloud.
A unified view of security posture across OCI tenants. Identify, monitor, and remediate issues and inconsistencies.
Assess and monitor cloud hosts and remediate any open ports, or patch unsafe packages.
Centrally manage and maintain control of the encryption keys and secret credentials.
Provide restricted and time-limited secure access to private resources without a jump host.
Protect applications from malicious and unwanted internet and internal traffic with threat intelligence and consistent rule enforcement.
Eliminate complexity and human error with automatic patch updates and tuning.
Protect sensitive data with encryption, access controls, auditing, and more.
Manage user access and entitlements across Oracle and non-Oracle cloud and on-premises services.
Gain visibility and detect threats on the entire cloud stack for workloads and applications.
Simplify security for all Oracle Databases with a single, unified cloud service.
Reliable, high-performance block storage for your cloud infrastructure.
Automatically scaling Network File System (NFS) with multiway replication.
Store any type of data in its native format at scale.
Reliable long-term storage at one-tenth the cost of object storage.
Securely move large volumes of data into Oracle Cloud at no charge.
Bridge local file systems to Oracle Cloud Object Storage.
Oracle Cloud Free Tier lets anyone build, test, and deploy applications on Oracle Cloud—for free.
Learn why IDC calls Oracle Cloud Infrastructure “the ideal platform for running heterogeneous workloads.”
Learn why IDC calls Oracle Cloud Infrastructure “the ideal platform for running heterogeneous workloads.”
Explore why customers are choosing OCI.
Move critical workloads to OCI in just days or weeks with key platform innovations.
Build modern applications with complete developer and deployment services.
Reduce operational overhead with automated cloud services.
Run cloud workloads anywhere with Oracle’s hybrid and multicloud solutions.
Use OCI multicloud solutions, in the form of specialized deployments, database services, monitoring capabilities, and strategic partnerships to fit your organization’s needs.
Innovate with the best of OCI and Microsoft Azure services using a low-latency, private connection.
Protect your cloud environments with built-in security capabilities at no extra charge.
Explore complete SLAs covering availability, manageability, and performance.
Ensure global, regional, and industry compliance with Oracle Cloud’s 80+ compliance programs.
Meet data privacy needs with Oracle’s transparent privacy policies.
Run workloads worldwide on 30+ Oracle Cloud regions with strong business continuity.
Define, plan, execute, and manage cloud strategy with Oracle’s Cloud Adoption Framework.
Quickly deploy more than 100 cloud use cases with reference architectures, Terraform stacks, best practices, and more.
Simple pricing models and compelling savings programs to get you more value, faster.
Only pay for resources consumed, with no hidden costs. Flexibility to switch services and data centers any time without notice.
Use any service, in any region—including future services. Credits are debited over the course of a year, giving you flexibility to ramp up. Purchase larger amounts for volume discounts.
Use your current Oracle licenses to run corresponding services on high-performance Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Every $1 spent on Oracle Cloud generates a 25¢+ reduction in your Oracle technology license support bill.
Explore customer savings, and learn why companies such as Zoom, Mazda, 7-Eleven, and FedEx have chosen OCI for their cloud computing needs.
Design and implement using our catalog of resources including: reference architectures and diagrams, solution playbooks, best practices frameworks, Quick Start guides, and more.
Demonstrate knowledge required to specify, architect, and implement OCI services and solutions by earning an OCI Certification.
Get access to Oracle's tools and technologies to run a wide variety of labs and workshops.
Use these tutorials with Oracle Cloud Free Tier, your own Oracle Cloud tenancy, or an Oracle-provided free lab environment.
The Framework helps organizations define a robust cloud strategy, plan for successful migrations, and ensure manageability of cloud environments.
Terraform stacks in GitHub. Deploy stacks on your tenancy and get infrastructure up and running in minutes.
Tools and resources for modern cloud development including microservices, containers, and open source technologies.
Find information about services, user guides, getting started guides, tutorials, and more.
Advance and future-proof your career by learning OCI for free with our expert-created training and globally recognized certification program.
Learn more about services and APIs.
Build applications using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources.
Download a Terraform template from GitHub.
Stay up-to-date and participate in our developer events—in-person and virtually.
Subscribe for the latest news, labs, and product releases (or manage your subscriptions).
Tools and resources for modern cloud development including microservices, containers, and open source technologies.
Get Free Tier with no time limits on a selection of Always Free services like Autonomous Database, Compute, and Storage, and US$300 in free credits to try additional cloud services.
Get the details on our Cloud support policies and SLAs.
Search our knowledgebase and engage with experts to resolve your issues right from the same platform you use to manage your services.
Directly access a network of Oracle Support experts. Collaborate with an extensive global peer group who share real-world best practices and solutions.
For existing on-premises customers, if you prefer to have just a single Support interface, you can continue to login through MOS.
Earn $0.25 to $0.33 in rewards for every $1 spent on OCI to apply against your on-premises support bill.
We recommend you start all support interactions online, but you can call us too. Find the right number in our Support Directory.
Get guidance on cloud strategy and implementation through a collection of resources, best practices, tutorials, and enablement tools.
Find solutions that extend Oracle Cloud services.
Learn about the OCI Marketplace, including how to browse images and stacks.
Learn how to launch images from Marketplace to OCI.
Learn how to launch solution stacks from Marketplace to OCI.
Create a Service Catalog enabling your organization to manage catalogs of applications approved for use in your tenancy.
Share a custom image that you imported to OCI through Compute.
Learn how to list Applications and images in the Marketplace.