Les applications cliniques d'Oracle Health accompagnent les cliniciens et les patients de A à Z. Nos applications cliniques aident les praticiens à fournir des soins reposant sur les connaissances, en s'appuyant sur des données issues des dossiers de santé électroniques (RSE), afin d'améliorer la qualité des soins, de générer des revenus et de renforcer l'efficacité clinique et opérationnelle.
Oracle Health aims to improve the clinical and patient experience with knowledge-driven care and specialty-based workflows using an open and interoperable system that enables the exchange of information between homes, health systems, and communities.
The products shown are intended as examples of what has been provided in specific cases. Each medical device/product is designed to comply with the regulations of the geography where it is used. However, we cannot assure its availability or compliance in other specific regions. Local adaptations may be necessary to meet regional requirements.
Oracle Health’s clinical suite helps care teams across the continuum seamlessly document and access critical patient data, create efficient workflows, and support patient safety initiatives.
Our clinical suite includes
Organize care delivery around service lines to improve the quality of care, reduce costs, and drive revenue. Our solutions help clinicians deliver knowledge-driven care using EHR patient information and unique workflows that support service lines and departments throughout the care continuum.
Our service lines and departments solution areas include
Oracle Health’s interoperability capabilities help clinicians collect, curate, and organize data from disparate systems, making patient data more accessible and usable. Connecting clinicians with relevant patient data, no matter the source, provides a more complete picture of the patient so clinicians can spend less time on technology and more time caring for patients.
Oracle Health provides robust workflows for care venues across the continuum that connect the health ecosystem and enhance the healthcare experience using scaled mission-critical systems.
Our continuum of care solution areas include
Contactez notre équipe pour en savoir plus sur les solutions Oracle pour le secteur des soins de santé.