Aangepaste DV-voorbeelden om de door u ervaren datavisualisatie te verbeteren. Zelfstandige .dva-projecten, die kunnen worden hergebruikt met uw eigen data.
Oracle Analytics and AI Vision come together for image, object and document recognition analysis.
Python scripts compatible with OAC, to train and apply a model using your own Machine Learning algorithm.
A collection of OAC visualizations you can import directly into your deployment.
OAC tells the story of the U.S auto industry in this infographic over 100 years.
Various Oracle DV Desktop Advanced Analytics examples using simple vanilla capabilities of the product.
Predict Heart disease likelihood using Train Multi-Classification ML node in dataflows.
Ppredict Bike Rental count using Train Numeric Prediction ML node in dataflows.
Predict Employee Attrition likelihood using Train Binary-Classification ML node in dataflows.
Fully functional example DV project computing distance between 2 points using latitude and longitude. Script xml and Sample project included in download.
Compute Cumulative Gains and Lift charts for Machine Learning Classification models. All the required dataflows to train, apply ML model and to calculate Cumulative Gain and Lift are included in this project
Dive into a complete world soccer player dataset (18k players) and visualize main players characteristics. Custom dataset representative of famous Soccer video game.
18 years Europe Soccer Major league history, 100k+ games. See the respective influence of each half time score on outcome of the game and overall team win rate. Sample dva project included.
Shows how Machine Learning and Data Science approach can be applied during self-service data exploration using Oracle DV. Examples shows use case to predict Chronic Kidney Disease
Read blog for Machine Learning Approach to Chronic Kidney Analysis
This project is an example of binning individuals by growth rate over a period of time.
Determine exactly why your favorite ballpark charges so much for a single beer. Sample dva project included.
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