MCM Telecom matches employee skills to jobs using Oracle

With Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, MCM Telecom gives employees self-service options, including creating profiles they can self-manage online.


MCM employees now can self-manage anywhere at any moment from any device. With the help of Oracle Cloud HCM, we have seen talent develop, and we can trace staff progress in a fast, automated way.

Nizet FloresHuman Capital Manager, MCM Telecom


Business challenges

MCM Telecom is a Mexican telecommunications and IT services company that mainly focuses on business services, including Voice over IP telephony, hosting services, dedicated links, internet services, voice services, and data center capacity. The company has around 350 employees and more than 2,500 customers.

MCM’s human resources team faced a number of challenges due to having to rely on a mix of information systems, including homegrown software, third-party applications, and Excel spreadsheets. Getting information into one place to create reports and make decisions was a major hurdle. Connecting to job boards for recruiting was a manual process. Employees had no self-service tools, so HR teams had to provide any information they needed. Employees had no place to create profiles that explained their skills and competencies. Employee training relied on manual record-keeping, and MCM lacked online options. For performance management, people and their roles were too often mismatched, because the system didn’t clearly track competencies.

The telecom’s leaders felt it was time to modernize their approach to human capital management and the systems to support it.

Why MCM Telecom Chose Oracle

MCM chose Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) after also evaluating Microsoft and SAP because of the capabilities, service, reliability, and price Oracle provided. MCM also has had a positive experience using Oracle E-Business Suite for financials and Oracle Database, so felt comfortable moving forward with Oracle.


Using Oracle Cloud HCM, the company can give employees remote and mobile access to human resources tools. Managers in human resources and in business units can run reports on their own, and they can check employee profiles to help choose people for promotions or new openings. Another benefit has been empowering the employees, so they become responsible for their own development in the company.

For learning management, the company now has all its training courses and related management processes in one platform. Employees just register for courses and once they finish them, add the certificate to their profile themselves. Since MCM is a telecommunications company, employees need certification for certain roles, and now the company can closely track that, to use in discussions with customers and with employees for performance evaluations and development.

In addition, using Oracle HCM’s learning management capabilities, the company can offer training material online, allowing it to increase its training capacity by 200%. Using online courses reduces training costs by about 50% compared with in-person training. Employees can manage their own training and take the courses on their own schedule.

With Oracle HCM’s performance management capability, the telecom has a better understanding of the skills and work history of its employees. MCM had employees create profiles that identified their skills and competencies. Using this information, 30% of employees had their work redefined in some way.

In addition, the business has used Oracle Cloud HCM to improve the process for when an employee needs to report a human resources concern, such as something related to health and safety or harassment. Now, using Oracle HCM, the relevant information can more easily get to the appropriate people, and information doesn’t get lost or distorted, as could happen when the process happened via email. There is a detailed follow-up process through the platform, and tickets can be issued anywhere, with no need to go to the office.

During the pandemic, MCM used Oracle Cloud HCM to follow up on the cases of people infected, investigate who they might have been in contact with at the company or suppliers, so MCM could send people home to quarantine and avoid more infections inside the company.

Using Oracle Taleo for recruiting, MCM can connect its system directly with LinkedIn to upload positions directly, and to automatically look for the profiles that align to the job characteristics. One recruiter can now do the work that used to required two people, because the operation is more efficient.

Gepubliceerd:July 2, 2021


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