Oracle Cloud Platform Virtual Summit

Lowering Costs with Database Consolidation

August 19, 2020 | Original broadcast date


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Organizations are driving business transformations, accelerating innovations and reducing IT costs by consolidating their mission-critical applications and Oracle Databases in database clouds. Let Oracle show you why creating a database cloud by consolidating on the Exadata platform can address the complexity, cost, and security concerns you may have as you move to cloud.

Lowering Costs with Database Consolidation – Keynote (18:41)

Oracle Exadata services are available in Oracle Cloud, in Cloud@Customer—with Autonomous Database, and on-premises. Learn from real-world customers examples how Oracle Database consolidation on Exadata can lower your costs and maximize value.

Kothanda Umamageswaran, Senior Vice President, Exadata Development, Oracle

Industry Thought Leadership (23:07)

Watch Holger Mueller, VP and Principal Analyst at Constellation, give a industry perspective on database consolidation.

Holger Mueller, Vice President and Principal Analyst Constellation Research, Oracle

Oracle’s internal success story (8:48)

Learn how Oracle's internal IT reduced operating costs and improved application performance.

Krishan Agarwal,Senior Vice Preseident, Oracle Applications Labs Technology, Oracle

Why and How (9:08)

Discover what database consolidation means in practice and easy-to-use next steps to consolidate diverse workloads.

Christian Craft, Senior Director, Product Management, Oracle

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