Global Trade Compliance


Oracle Global Trade Compliance (GTC) is responsible for import and export oversight, guidance, and enforcement to enable worldwide trade compliant business processes across Oracle, in order to uphold and protect Oracle's global trade privileges and ensure the success of Oracle's business. GTC manages Oracle's global trade compliance portfolio and is responsible for global trade regulatory interpretation and coordination of policy advocacy, Global Brand Protection, Hardware Compliance Strategy, and Market Access programs. Further, GTC reviews and resolves global trade compliance matters; serves as the clearinghouse for all global trade compliance information, including product classification, and is empowered to take actions necessary to ensure Oracle remains compliant with U.S. and applicable local Customs, import, and export laws, regulations, and statutes. Contact Oracle Global Trade Compliance at

Export Regulations

This information has been updated to reflect recent changes to the United States Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Details of the U.S. Commercial Encryption Export Controls can be found at the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) web site. All Oracle products are subject to the U.S. Export Laws, diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.

Product and License Exception Information

Oracle products classified as 5A002 or 5D002, qualify for shipment under ENC Guidelines. Oracle products listed on the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) Product Matrix are classified as Unrestricted or Restricted, as applicable.

Please see the BIS Web Site for detailed information regarding License Exceptions.

Find Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) information via one of these methods

Please note: Local country (non-US) export licensing requirements vary. A formal export license issued by the local ‘ship-from’ country may be required to export ECCN 5A002 or 5D002. Certain countries may also have import licensing requirements.

Prohibited End Users

In accordance with United States’ and applicable export control and economic sanctions laws and regulations and Oracle corporate policies*, all Oracle products and services** are prohibited for export/reexport/transfer (includes in-country transfer) to or access by (includes cloud access) the following:

  • Any company or national of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and the Crimea region, Ukraine's Donbas and other Russian controlled areas of Ukraine as they exist in fact, Belarus*, Russia* and Venezuela*. Export licensing of commodities or services intended for these countries is presumed denied;
  • Re-export to these countries is prohibited; you may not proceed with any proposed transaction if you “know or have reason to know” it would be contrary to U.S. or applicable laws or regulations;
  • Entities listed on any U.S. Government Denied Party/Person List. See BIS’ "The Denied Persons List", the Office of Foreign Assets Control's Economic and Trade sanctions list (OFAC), and the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC). Any customer you know or have reason to know, who is involved in the design, development, manufacture or production of nuclear technology, or nuclear, biological or chemical “weapons of mass destruction.”
  • Please note cloud access and/or download from these countries or regions is considered an export under U.S. export and applicable economic sanctions laws and regulations and is therefore prohibited.

** Oracle products and services include but may not be limited to programs, integrated software, operating systems, hardware, support, product technical data, education, consulting, cloud services.

Customs Classification Matrix for Oracle Products

Media Pack HS
CD-ROM 8524.31
CD-ROM and DVD-ROM 8524.31
DVD-ROM 8524.31
Magnetic Tape 8524.40
Oracle Chatbot