Opower Equity and Affordability: Low-to-Moderate Income Customers

Opower solutions help utilities identify, engage, and enroll customers with low-to-moderate income (LMI) in energy assistance programs.

Achieve utility decarbonization targets with Opower.

Opower LMI products

LMI customers face difficult challenges. Opower combines predictive analytics, personalized communication strategies, and a one-stop shop for connecting LMI customers with the energy assistance programs they need.

Find and identify LMI customers

Identifying your LMI customers requires the right approach, data sets, and tools. The Opower identification and analytics solution uses predictive analytics that rely on layering multiple data sets to help easily identify LMI customers.

Utilities predictive analytics

Reach your customers with messaging that resonates

Reach your most vulnerable customers with personalized communications. Carefully tested communications lean on behavioral science techniques and UX research that inspire customers to take action.

personalized messaging

Easily enroll your LMI customers in energy assistance programs

Connect your customers to the Savings Hub, a one-stop shop where they can view a personalized list of assistance programs for which they’re eligible. Customers can

–  Learn about programs for which they qualify and the documentation needed for applications

–  See key enrollment dates and get answers to frequently asked questions

–  Connect directly to the program application or website to get more details

one-stop shop

Product Tour—Opower Affordability Solution

Find and reach customers with low-to-moderate incomes to enroll in energy assistance programs

Low-to-moderate income customers face difficult challenges

Opower affordability solutions help utilities easily find their most vulnerable customers so they can engage with educational communications to find energy assistance programs and get enrolled.

Find, reach, and enroll your low-to-moderate income customers

Engage your low-to-moderate income customers with a personalized experience they need to use energy more wisely and start saving on their energy bills.

  • Find your most vulnerable customers by leveraging AI and behavioral science techniques.
  • Reach them with thoughtfully designed communications.
  • Easily enroll qualified customers in the programs.

Finding your low-to-moderate income customers requires the right technology

Identify customers who are likely to have low-to-moderate incomes by using layered data sets.

  • View household-level energy burden.
  • Analytics show what channels work best.
  • Include new third-party data sets—unemployment and SNAP eligibility rates.
  • See customer data points, account balances, bill details, and payment history.

Reaching your low-to-moderate income customers requires a personalized touch

Reach your low-to-moderate income customers automatically with personalized offers.

  • Customers can receive and engage with a personalized email and via the web experience, then securely share info to see personalized offers for financial assistance and efficiency programs.
  • Questions are used to determine the customer's program eligibility.

Enrolling your customers can be easy

Make it easy for low-to-moderate income customers to find programs and enroll in them by showing

  • How to access the Savings Hub, a one-stop shop for programs they’re eligible for
  • How much they can save and how to begin the enrollment process or learn more program details

Help your customers easily achieve energy affordability

Influence action with the tools, partnerships, and processes that Oracle offers to find, reach, and enroll your low-to-moderate income customers in programs that save energy and lower their bills.

Alleviating the energy affordability crisis in America

An article in Utility Dive magazine outlines Oracle’s effort to help utilities identify and support LMI customers.

Opower equity and affordability benefits

01Use predictive analytics to find LMI customers

Analyze multiple data sets from Opower and external sources to identify LMI customers.

02Increase program awareness and engagement

Deliver personalized communications designed to inspire customers to take action and seek recommended energy assistance programs through the Savings Hub.

03Increase program enrollment

Make it easy for LMI customers who view the Savings Hub to understand program details and how to enroll.

04Enhance your customer experience

Offer a seamless journey toward energy equity and affordability. Deliver a simple and engaging experience for customers to learn about energy assistance programs and enroll in them.

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