Summer JUG Tour USA
Billy Korando from the Java Developer Relations Team is busy visiting some Java User Groups this summer in an epic tour to talk about "Java Now and Into the Future” with stops in Houston, Chicago, Seattle, Durham/Raleigh, Charlotte, Knoxville, Nashville, Jacksonville, and Tampa.
June 6: Java Day Paris
The Paris JUG organized the 3rd edition of the Paris JUG Java Day in the Jardin d'Acclimatation. Eight speakers, most of them Java Champions, gave 7 talks on various Java subjects, including the new features of the JDK (Gatherers, the Memory API), the hexagonal architecture, JHipster, Generational ZGC, an analysis of the performance and behavior of virtual threads under stress, and how to access LLMs in Java. About 160 people joined the event, which was also about networking and having technical conversations in an iconic environment, around a coffee or a lunch, in the shade of the old trees of the Jardin d'Acclimatation. The Paris JUG was created in 2008 and organizes about 10 meet-ups a year, including a Paris JUG Academy meet-up dedicated to young speakers. The Paris JUG also organizes JChateau, an unconference held every year in March in la Loire Vallée. — José Paumard, Java Developer Relations.
June 16: Japan Java User Group Cross Community Conference
The Java team contributed to the Japan Java User Group's semi annual conference in Tokyo with two sessions and a booth sponsorship. About 600 attendees participated at the event with 38 technical sessions. Georges Saab, SVP, Java Platform Group, delivered the event's keynote on the state of Java development, and Jim Grisanzio from the Java Developer Relations Team did a community session on contributing to Java. See some images here. |