This tutorial shows you how to use PHP with Oracle Database 11g.
Approximately 1 hour
PHP is a popular Web scripting language, and is often used to create database-driven Web sites. If you want to develop your Web application using PHP and an Oracle database, this tutorial helps you get started by giving examples on using PHP against Oracle. If you are new to PHP, review the Appendix: PHP Primer to gain an understanding of the PHP language.
For this Hands On Session, the following has already been installed for you:
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Oracle Database 11g, with a user "phphol" and password (case sensitive) also of "welcome". |
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PHP 5.3 with the OCI8 1.3 extension. |
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The Apache web server. |
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The files you use throughout the tutorial are located in the /home/phphol/public_html directory. |
To create a connection to Oracle that can be used for the lifetime of the PHP script, perform the following steps.
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Review the code as follows, which is contained in the connect.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php // Create connection to Oracle $conn = oci_connect("phphol", "welcome", "//localhost/orcl"); if (!$conn) { $m = oci_error(); echo $m['message'], "\n"; exit; } else { print "Connected to Oracle!"; } // Close the Oracle connection oci_close($conn); ?> The oci_connect() function contains the username, the password and the connection string. In this case, Oracle's Easy Connect connection string syntax is used. It consists of the hostname and the DB service name. The oci_close() function closes the connection. Any standard connections not explicitly closed will be automatically released when the script ends.
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Open a Web browser and enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/connect.php "Connected to Oracle!" is displayed if the connection succeeds.
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the usersess.sql file in the $HOME/public_html directory. column username format a30 column logon_time format a18 set pagesize 1000 feedback off echo on select username, to_char(logon_time, 'DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') logon_time from v$session where username is not null; exit This is a SQL script file that you run in SQL*Plus (Oracle's command-line SQL scripting tool). This SQL*Plus script shows the current database sessions, and what time they logged into the database.
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Open a terminal window and enter the following commands to run the SQL script. Note that you could also exeucte the script in SQL Developer. cd $HOME/public_html sqlplus -l -s phphol/welcome @usersess.sql The SQL*Plus script lists the current database sessions. The only session shown is for SQL*Plus. The PHP connections from the oci_connect() function has been closed.
Database Resident Connection Pooling is a new feature of Oracle Database 11g. For PHP, it allows web applications to scale the number of connections as site usage grows. It allows multiple Apache processes on multiple machines to share a small pool of database server processes. Without DRCP, a standard PHP connection must start and terminate a server processe. A non-DRCP persistent connection holds database server resources even when idle. This tutorial shows how DRCP can be used by new or existing applications without writing or changing any application logic. Perform the following steps:
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Check that php has oci8.connection_class set. Open a terminal window and execute the following command: php -r 'echo ini_get("oci8.connection_class"), "\n";' The connection class tells the database server pool that connections are related. Session information (such as the default date format) might be retained between connection calls, giving performance benefits. Session information will be discarded if a pooled server is later reused by a different application with its own connection class name.
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Review the code as follows, which is contained in the query_pooled.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php Compare this code to the code in the query_nonpooled.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php
The only difference is the ":pooled" in the Easy Connect connection string in query_pooled.php. Please note that the oci_pconnect() call used in both scripts creates a persistent connection to the database. That is, a connection created with oci_pconnect() persists after the script ends and avoids the overhead of database connection setup and teardown for each each script.
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To run the scripts, the Apache Benchmark tool is used. This command repeatedly loads a web page, measuring its performance. From a terminal window, execute the following: ab -c 150 -t 30 http://localhost/~phphol/query_pooled.php The above command sends Apache 150 concurrent requests for the script, repeatedly for 30 seconds.
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Now look at the number of database connections open. Open another terminal window, execute the following: sqlplus phphol/welcome select username, program from v$session where username = 'PHPHOL'; The default DRCP pool MAXSIZE is 40. You see up to 40 connections with PHPHOL username, depending on how many Apache processes handled the 'ab' requests. You may also need to execute the query while 'ab' is running to see the pooled servers working. Oracle manages the DRCP pool, shrinking it after a specified timeout.
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Now, you will run the same command except run the non-pooled script to compare the difference. From a terminal window, execute the following: ab -c 150 -t 30 http://localhost/~phphol/query_nonpooled.php
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Now look at the number of database connections open. Open another terminal window, execute the following: sqlplus phphol/welcome select username, program from v$session where username = 'PHPHOL'; Many more rows than previously are returned. The rows with httpd@localhost (TNS V1-V3) correspond to a running Apache process holding a database connection open. For PHP, Apache runs in a multi-process mode, spawning child processes each of which can handle one PHP script. Depending how Apache allocated these processes to handle the "ab" requests, you may see a varying number of rows in V$SESSION. Compare the number of requests completed in each run. You might want to run each script a few times to warm up the caches. Performance of the scripts is roughly similar. For the small works loads used in these two files, the tiny overhead of the handoff of pooled servers might make query_pooled.php a little slower than query_nonpooled.php. But the non-pooled script causes every single Apache process to open a separate connection to the database. For larger sites, or where memory is limited, the overall benefits of DRCP are significant.
A common task when developing Web applications is to query a database and display the results in a Web browser. There are a number of functions you can use to query an Oracle database, but the basics of querying are always the same:
1. | Parse the statement for execution. | |
2. | Bind data values (optional). | |
3. | Execute the statement. | |
4. | Fetch the results from the database. |
To create a simple query, and display the results in an HTML table, perform the following steps.
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the query.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php // Create connection to Oracle $conn = oci_connect("phphol", "welcome", "//localhost/orcl"); $query = 'select * from departments'; $stid = oci_parse($conn, $query); $r = oci_execute($stid); // Fetch the results in an associative array print '<table border="1">'; while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_RETURN_NULLS+OCI_ASSOC)) { print '<tr>'; foreach ($row as $item) { print '<td>'.($item?htmlentities($item):' ').'</td>'; } print '</tr>'; } print '</table>'; // Close the Oracle connection oci_close($conn); ?> The oci_parse() function parses the statement. The oci_execute() function executes the parsed statement. The oci_fetch_array() function retrieves a row of results of the query as an associative array, and includes nulls. The htmlentities() function escapes any text resembling HTML tags so it displays correctly in the browser.
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From your Web browser, enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/query.php The results of the query are displayed in the Web browser. The OCI_ASSOC parameter fetches the row as an associative arrary of column names and column data.
Bind variables enable you to re-execute statements with new values, without the overhead of reparsing the statement. Bind variables improve code reusability, and can reduce the risk of SQL Injection attacks.
To use bind variables in this example, perform the following steps.
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the bind.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php function do_fetch($myeid, $s) { // Fetch the results in an associative array print '<p>$myeid is ' . $myeid . '</p>'; print '<table border="1">'; while ($row = oci_fetch_array($s, OCI_RETURN_NULLS+OCI_ASSOC)) { print '<tr>'; foreach ($row as $item) { print '<td>'.($item?htmlentities($item):' ').'</td>'; } print '</tr>'; } print '</table>'; } // Create connection to Oracle $c = oci_connect("phphol", "welcome", "//localhost/orcl"); // Use bind variable to improve resuability, // and to remove SQL Injection attacks. $query = 'select * from employees where employee_id = :eidbv'; $s = oci_parse($c, $query); $myeid = 101; oci_bind_by_name($s, ":EIDBV", $myeid); oci_execute($s); do_fetch($myeid, $s); // Redo query without reparsing SQL statement $myeid = 104; oci_execute($s); do_fetch($myeid, $s); // Close the Oracle connection oci_close($c); ?>
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From your Web browser, enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/bind.php The $myeid variable is bound to the :eidbv bind variable so when the query is re-executed the new value of $myeid is passed to the query. This allows you to execute the statement again, without reparsing it with the new value, and can improve performance of your code.
When you manipulate data in an Oracle Database (insert, update, or delete
data), the changed or new data is only available within your database session
until it is committed to the database. When the changed data is committed
to the database, it is then available to other users and sessions. This is
a database transaction.
By default, when PHP executes a SQL statement it automatically commits. This
can be over-ridden, and the oci_commit()
and oci_rollback()
functions used to control transactions. At the end of a PHP script, any uncommitted
data is rolled back.
Committing each change individually causes extra load on the server. In general
you want all or none of your data committed. Doing your own transaction
control has performance and data-integrity benefits.
To learn about transaction management in PHP with an Oracle database, perform
the following steps.
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Start SQL*Plus and create a new table: sqlplus phphol/welcome create table mytable (col1 date);
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the trans_rollback.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php $conn = oci_connect("phphol", "welcome", "//localhost/orcl"); // PHP function to get a formatted date $d = date('j:M:y H:i:s'); // Insert the date into mytable $s = oci_parse($conn, "insert into mytable values (to_date('" . $d . "', 'DD:MON:YY HH24:MI:SS'))"); // Use OCI_DEFAULT to insert without committing $r = oci_execute($s, OCI_DEFAULT); echo "Previous INSERT rolled back as no commit is done before script ends"; ?> The OCI_DEFAULT parameter overrides the basic behavior of oci_execute().
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From your Web browser, enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/trans_rollback.php This script inserts a row into the table.
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Because there is no automatic or explicit commit, the data is rolled back by PHP when the script finishes. To see that the data has not been committed, query the table to see if there are any inserted rows. From your SQL*Plus session, enter the following commands to select any rows from the mytable table: select to_char(col1, 'DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') time from mytable;
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the trans_commit.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php $conn = oci_connect("phphol", "welcome", "//localhost/orcl"); // PHP function to get a formatted date $d = date('j:M:y H:i:s'); // Insert the date into mytable $s = oci_parse($conn, "insert into mytable values (to_date('" . $d . "', 'DD:MON:YY HH24:MI:SS'))"); // Insert & commits $r = oci_execute($s); // The rollback does nothing: the data has already been committed oci_rollback($conn); echo "Data was committed\n"; ?> This script differs from trans1.php in that there is no OCI_DEFAULT when the data is inserted. This means the new data is commited by the oci_execute() call.
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From your Web browser, enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/trans_commit.php The data is now committed.
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From your SQL*Plus session, enter the following commands to select any rows from the mytable table: select to_char(col1, 'DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') time from mytable; If you reloaded the PHP script more than once, a row from each execution is inserted.
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You can compare the performance difference between committing each row individually versus at the end of the transaction. To test the difference, review the code as follows that is contained in the trans_time_commit.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. This commits on each insert. <?php function do_insert($conn) { $stmt = "insert into mytable values (to_date('01-JAN-08 10:20:35', 'DD:MON:YY HH24:MI:SS'))"; $s = oci_parse($conn, $stmt); $r = oci_execute($s); // automatically commit } function do_row_check($conn) { $stid = oci_parse($conn, "select count(*) c from mytable"); oci_execute($stid); oci_fetch_all($stid, $res); echo "Number of rows: ", $res['C'][0], "<br>"; } function do_delete($conn) { $stmt = "delete from mytable"; $s = oci_parse($conn, $stmt); $r = oci_execute($s); } // Program starts here $c = oci_connect("phphol", "welcome", "//localhost/orcl"); $starttime = microtime(TRUE); for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) { do_insert($c); } $endtime = microtime(TRUE) - $starttime; echo "Time was ".round($endtime,3)." seconds<br>"; do_row_check($c); // Check insert done do_delete($c); // cleanup committed rows ?> Run this several times and see how long it takes to insert the 10,000 rows.
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Now run the trans_time_explicit.php script. The only difference in this script is that in the do_insert() function OCI_DEFAULT has been added so it doesn't automatically commit, and an explicit commit has been added after the insertion loop: ... function do_insert($conn) { $stmt = "insert into mytable values (to_date('01-JAN-08 10:20:35', 'DD:MON:YY HH24:MI:SS'))"; $s = oci_parse($conn, $stmt); $r = oci_execute($s, OCI_DEFAULT); // Don't commit } ... $starttime = microtime(TRUE); for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) { do_insert($c); } oci_commit($c); $endtime = microtime(TRUE) - $starttime; ... Rerun the test. The insertion time is less. In general you want all or none of your data committed. Doing your own transaction control has performance and data-integrity benefits.
PL/SQL is Oracle's procedural language extension to SQL. PL/SQL procedures and functions are stored in the database. Using PL/SQL lets all database applications reuse logic, no matter how the application accesses the database. Many data-related operations can be performed in PL/SQL faster than extracting the data into a program (for example, PHP) and then processing it. Oracle also supports Java stored procedures.
In this tutorial, you will create a PL/SQL stored procedure and call it in a PHP script. Perform the following steps:
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Start SQL*Plus and create a new table, ptab with the following command: sqlplus phphol/welcome create table ptab (mydata varchar(20), myid number);
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In SQL*Plus, create a stored procedure, myproc, to insert data into the ptab table, with the following commands: create or replace procedure myproc(d_p in varchar2, i_p in number) as begin insert into ptab (mydata, myid) values (d_p, i_p); end; /
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the proc.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. Review the code as follows: <?php
$c = oci_connect('phphol', 'welcome', '//localhost/orcl');
$s = oci_parse($c, "call myproc('mydata', 123)");
echo "Completed";
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From a Web browser, enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/proc.php The PHP script has created a new row in the ptab table by calling the stored procedure myproc. The table ptab has a new row with the values "mydata" and 123. Switch to your SQL*Plus session and query the table to show the new row:
select * from ptab;
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Extend proc.php to use a bind variable. Change proc.php to the following (changes are in bold): <?php $c = oci_connect('phphol', 'welcome', '//localhost/orcl'); $s = oci_parse($c, "call myproc('mydata', :bv)"); $v = 456; oci_bind_by_name($s, ":bv", $v); oci_execute($s); echo "Completed"; ?> The oci_bind_by_name() function binds the PHP variable $v to ":bv" and experiment changing the value inserted by changing the value in $v. Rerun the following URL: http://localhost/~phphol/proc.php Query the table again to show the new row:
select * from ptab;
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PL/SQL stored functions are also commonly used in Oracle. In SQL*Plus, create a PL/SQL stored function myfunc() to insert a row into the ptab table, and return double the inserted value: create or replace function myfunc(d_p in varchar2, i_p in number) return number as begin insert into ptab (mydata, myid) values (d_p, i_p); return (i_p * 2); end; /
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the func.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. Review the code as follows: <?php $c = oci_connect('phphol', 'welcome', '//localhost/orcl'); $s = oci_parse($c, "begin :bv := myfunc('mydata', 123); end;"); oci_bind_by_name($s, ":bv", $v, 10); oci_execute($s); echo $v, "<br>\n"; echo "Completed"; ?> Because a value is being returned, the optional length parameter to oci_bind_by_name() is set to 10 so PHP can allocate the correct amount of memory to hold up to 10 digits Rerun the following URL: http://localhost/~phphol/func.php
This section demonstrates some ways to improve query performance. Perform the following steps:
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First, create a table with a large number of rows. Review the following fetch_prefetch.sql script. set echo on From your sqlplus session, run the following: connect phphol/welcome @fetch_prefetch
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the fetch_prefetch.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php
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Load the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/fetch_prefetch.php Reload a few times to see the average times. The default prefetch size can be set in PHP's initialization file, php.ini. Prior to PHP 5.3, the default prefetch size was 10 rows. In 5.3, it is 100 rows. You should choose a suitable default value for your application, and use oci_set_prefetch() for specific queries that need a different value.
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This section shows the oci_bind_array_by_name() function that allows a PHP array to be retrieved from, or passed to, a PL/SQL procedure. Review the following fetch_bulk.sql script. set echo on This script creates a PL/SQL package that fetches from BIGTAB using a PL/SQL BULK COLLECT statement, and returns the results in a PL/SQL array. From your sqlplus session, run the following: sqlplus phphol/welcome @fetch_bulk
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the fetch_bulk.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php This code calls the PL/SQL package and binds a PHP variable to hold the returned data array. No OCI8 fetch call is needed. This example doesn't print the returned results. If you want to see them, add "var_dump($res);" before the function return statement. The output shows the random 20-character data strings created by fetch_prefetch.sql, which you ran earlier.
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Load the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/fetch_bulk.php Reload a few times to see the average times.
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Change the fetch_bulk.sql package code by adding a WHERE clause to reduce the number of rows fetched. set echo on From your sqlplus session, run the following: sqlplus phphol/welcome @fetch_bulk
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Reload the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/fetch_bulk.php Experiment with different row sizes to see the effect and compare the results with the previous fetch_prefetch.php script. Depending on your data, types, size and business requirements, testing will show which fetch method is faster for your application.
Oracle Character Large Object (CLOB) and Binary Large Object (BLOB) columns (and PL/SQL variables) can contain very large amounts of data. There are various ways of creating them to optimize Oracle storage. There is also a pre-supplied package DBMS_LOB that makes manipulating them in PL/SQL easy.
To create a small application to load and display images to the database, perform the following steps.
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Before doing this section create a table to store a BLOB. In SQL*Plus logged in as phphol, execute the following commands: sqlplus phphol/welcome create table btab (blobid number, blobdata blob);
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Review the code as follows contained in the blobins.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php This shows HTML code embedded in multiple PHP blocks.
In particular, a PHP 'if' statement encloses the HTML code.The first
time the script is loaded, the HTML upload form is shown. PHP has populated
the form action name to call the same script again.
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From your Web browser, enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/blobins.php It shows a Web form with Browse and Upload buttons. Click Browse.
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Select the oracle.jpg from the /home/phphol/public_html directory and click Open.
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Click Upload. The form action calls the script a second time, but now the special variable $_FILES['lob_upload'] is set and picture is uploaded. The successful echo message is displayed. The image has been uploaded to the Web server.
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To show the image, review the code as follows contained in the blobview.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. <?php $conn = oci_connect("phphol", "welcome", "//localhost/orcl"); $query = 'SELECT BLOBDATA FROM BTAB WHERE BLOBID = :MYBLOBID'; $stmt = oci_parse ($conn, $query); $myblobid = 1; oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':MYBLOBID', $myblobid); oci_execute($stmt); $arr = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC); $result = $arr['BLOBDATA']->load(); header("Content-type: image/JPEG"); echo $result; oci_close($conn); ?>
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From your Web browser, enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/blobview.php Make sure there is no whitespace before "<?php" and no echo statements in the script, because otherwise the wrong HTTP header will be sent and the browser won't display the image properly. If you have problems, comment out the header() function call and see what is displayed.
This section shows the basic technique of updating a section of a page without reloading the whole content. Perform the following tasks:
You can use a XmlHttpRequest to update a section of a page without reloading the whole page content. Perform the following steps:
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the ajax_id.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. This file simply echos the parameter passed in. <?php
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From your browser, enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/ajax_id.php?id=185
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the ajax_id.html file in the $HOME/public_html directory. This file contains a JavaScript function, makeRequest(). <html>
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From your browser, enter the following URL to display the output: http://localhost/~phphol/ajax_id.html Click OK to dismiss the alert window. Note: if you use a Internet Explorer, you will need to edit ajax_id.html and change the XMLHttpRequest() call to ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") or ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"). When the HTML page is loaded, the makeRequest() javascript function is called. It prepares an XMLHttpRequest request to call ajax_id.php. A callback function onreadystatechange is set. Finally the request is sent to the webserver asynchronously. When the callback function is notified that the web server request has returned, the output from ajax_query.php is displayed by the alert() function.
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Edit ajax_id.html and change 185 to 186.
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Reload it in the browser. The new value is displayed. Click OK to dimiss the alert window.
PHP Frameworks like Symfony, Cake and Zend Framework (to name just a few), bring structure and provide an overall architecture to PHP projects. They, along with component libraries like eZ Components, also provide a rich experience of prebuilt components, for example for using web services or authentication.
ZFW can be used in a framework model-view-controller style, or invididual modules can be used. This section looks at the database component of the Zend Framework (ZFW).
Perform the following tasks:
You can use Zend to execute a database query whose results will be presented on the page. Perform the following steps:
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Review the code as follows that is contained in the zfwdb.php file in the $HOME/public_html directory. This file simply displays information about one employee. <?php It includes Zend/Db.php from the webserver's document root directory. This declares the Zend_DB class. It then creates an instance of the Zend_Db Adapter class. This defers actual connection until the first use, allowing you to write applications that can initialize the connection in a common initialization block, but not having the database connection physically opened unless a DB request is actually made. This is just one of the ways to open connections in Zend_Db. The fetchAll() method returns all results from a query. Use an appropriate WHERE clause if only a partial subset of rows is required.
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From your browser, enter the following URL to display the output. When the query executes, the employee details are returned. http://localhost/~phphol/zfwdb.php
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There are a variety of query modes that can be used. Edit the zfwdb.php file and add the following line before the fetchAll() method. Add the statement in bold below. <?php
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Reload the zfwdb.php file to see the different format.
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To pass an array of bind names and values to fetchAll(), edit the zfwdb.php file as followed in bold: <?php
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Reload the zfwdb.php file to verify that the correct user value has been returned.
The Zend_Db_Select class can be used to build up a query based on conditional logic. Perform the following steps:
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Review the zfwdb_3.php file. The row of data that will be inserted is encapsulated in a PHP array. <?php Each component of the query can be added separately $select->from("EMPLOYEES"); $select->where('employee_id = 185'); You could even chain the method together: $select->from("EMPLOYEES")->where('employee_id = 185'); To select just one column, the FROM condition would be $select->from("EMPLOYEES", "LAST_NAME") To select two columns, the FROM condition would be: $select->from("EMPLOYEES", array("LAST_NAME", "FIRST_NAME"))
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Load the zfwdb_3.php file in your browser. Edit zfwdb_3.php and experiment with different clauses. This section has introduced just part of the functionality provided by Zend_Db, which itself is just part of ZFW. When Zend_Db is combined with the other components and with the model-view-controller (MVC) framework, applications can be rapidly built. Before implementing a project with a framework or DB abstraction layer you should consider its maturity, support and performance characteristics, and make your own determination of the best solution for your business needs.
In this tutorial, you have learned how to:
PHP is a dynamically typed scripting language. It is most often seen in Web applications but can be used to run command-line scripts. Basic PHP syntax is simple to learn. It has familiar loops, tests, and assignment constructs. Lines are terminated with a semi-colon.
Strings can be enclosed in single or double quotes:
'A string constant' "another constant"
Variable names are prefixed with a dollar sign. Things that look like variables inside a double-quoted string will be expanded:
"A value appears here: $v1"
Strings and variables can also be concatenated using a period.
'Employee ' . $ename . ' is in department ' . $dept
Variables do not need types declared:
$count = 1; $ename = 'Arnie';
Arrays can have numeric or associative indexes:
$a1[1] = 3.1415; $a2['PI'] = 3.1415;
Strings and variables can be displayed with an echo or print statement. Formatted output with printf() is also possible.
echo 'Hello, World!'; echo $v, $x; print 'Hello, World!'; printf("There is %d %s", $v1, $v2);
The var_dump() function is useful for debugging.
Given the value of $a2 assigned above, this would output:
array(1) { ["PI"]=> float(3.1415) }
Code flow can be controlled with tests and loops. PHP also has a switch statement. The if/elseif/else statements look like:
if ($sal > 900000) { echo 'Salary is way too big'; } elseif ($sal > 500000) { echo 'Salary is huge'; } else { echo 'Salary might be OK'; }
This also shows how blocks of code are enclosed in braces.
A traditional loop is:
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { echo $i; }
This prints the numbers 0 to 9. The value of $i is incremented in each iteration. The loop stops when the test condition evaluates to false. You can also loop with while or do while constructs.
The foreach command is useful to iterate over arrays:
$a3 = array('Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc'); foreach ($a3 as $v) { echo $v; }
This sets $v to each element of the array in turn.
A function may be defined:
function myfunc($p1, $p2) { echo $p1, $p2; return $p1 + $p2; }
Functions may have variable numbers of arguments, and may or may not return values. This function could be called using:
$v3 = myfunc(1, 3);
Function calls may appear earlier than the function definition.
Sub-files can be included in PHP scripts with an include() or require() statement.
include("foo.php"); require("bar.php");
A require() will generate a fatal error if the script is not found.
Comments are either single line:
// a short comment
or multi-line:
/* A longer comment */
PHP scripts are enclosed in <?php and ?> tags.
<?php echo 'Hello, World!'; ?>
When a Web server is configured to run PHP files through the PHP interpreter, loading the script in a browser will cause the PHP code to be executed and all output to be streamed to the browser.
Blocks of PHP code and HTML code may be interleaved. The PHP code can also explicitly print HTML tags.
<?php require('foo.php'); echo '<h3>'; echo 'Full Results'; echo '</h3>'; $output = bar(123); ?> <table border="1"> <tr> <td> <?php echo $output ?> </td> </tr> </table>
Many aspects of PHP are controlled by settings in the
php.ini configuration file. The location of the file is system specific.
location, the list of extensions loaded, and the value of all the initialization
settings can be found using the phpinfo() function:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Values can be changed by editing phpl.ini and restarting the Web server. Some values can also be changed within scripts by using the ini_set() function.
A list of the various oci functions include the following:
oci_bind_array_by_name |
Binds PHP array to Oracle PL/SQL array by name |
oci_bind_by_name |
Binds the PHP variable to the Oracle placeholder |
oci_cancel |
Cancels reading from cursor |
oci_close |
Closes Oracle connection |
oci_commit |
Commits outstanding statements |
oci_connect |
Establishes a connection to the Oracle server |
oci_define_by_name |
Uses a PHP variable for the define-step during a SELECT |
oci_error |
Returns the last error found |
oci_execute |
Executes a statement |
oci_fetch_all |
Fetches all rows of result data into an array |
oci_fetch_array |
Returns the next row from the result data as an associative or numeric array, or both |
oci_fetch_assoc |
Returns the next row from the result data as an associative array |
oci_fetch_object |
Returns the next row from the result data as an object |
oci_fetch_row |
Returns the next row from the result data as a numeric array |
oci_fetch |
Fetches the next row into result-buffer |
oci_field_is_null |
Checks if the field is NULL |
oci_field_name |
Returns the name of a field from the statement |
oci_field_precision |
Tell the precision of a field |
oci_field_scale |
Tell the scale of the field |
oci_field_size |
Returns the size of the field |
oci_field_type_raw |
Tell the raw Oracle data type of the field |
oci_field_type |
Returns data type of the field |
oci_free_statement |
Frees all resources associated with statement or cursor |
oci_internal_debug |
Enables or disables internal debug output |
oci_new_collection |
Allocates new collection object |
oci_new_connect |
Establishes a new connection to the Oracle server |
oci_new_cursor |
Allocates and returns a new cursor (statement handle) |
oci_new_descriptor |
Initializes a new empty LOB or FILE descriptor |
oci_num_fields |
Returns the number of result columns in a statement |
oci_num_rows |
Returns number of rows affected during statement execution |
oci_parse |
Prepares Oracle statement for execution |
oci_password_change |
Changes password of Oracle's user |
oci_pconnect |
Connect to an Oracle database using a persistent connection |
oci_result |
Returns a field's value from a fetched row |
oci_rollback |
Rolls back outstanding transaction |
oci_server_version |
Returns server version |
oci_set_prefetch |
Sets number of rows to be prefetched |
oci_statement_type |
Returns the type of an OCI statement |
![]() |
Oracle |Oracle and Sun | ![]() |