Presenting Your Oracle PartnerNetwork Guided Journey!

You've indicated that you have or plan to build an application that integrates with an Oracle Health Millennium Platform API. Wonderful! Let's make sure you understand the steps and options you have before you get started. You can use this guide to start at the applicable step depending on where you are on your path.

* Links with an asterisk may not be available until you are a member of Oracle PartnerNetwork.

Step 1: Prepare for the Journey

Determine your focus and identify resources to leverage as you build your integration

  • Review the Oracle Health Millennium Platform API documentation to determine if our APIs support your use case.
  • If our resources support your use case, refer to this Guide of key resources and steps to start building and testing your SMART on FHIR app.
  • Completing Build and Test of your App as outlined in the guide is required if you intend to achieve Integration Expertise
  • If you have technical questions related to testing or the API documentation, please post them to the Developer Forum.
  • If your testing is successful and you’re interested in pursuing Oracle Health Integration Validation Expertise, learn more about the benefits of Oracle Partner Network, the Industry Healthcare Track, and the requirements of the Oracle Health Developer Program.
  • Benefit
    Oracle PartnerNetwork
    Annual Membership Fees – OPN & Healthcare Track $3,500
    API Access
    Annual Millennium Environment Access
    (dev/test/demo) – Per App Purchase
    Validated Integration
    Per validation event – initial & revalidations
    Eligible for FHIR Integration Consulting
    Application Listing Oracle Healthcare Marketplace
    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Environment
    Discounted Oracle SaaS Sandbox Environment
    Digital Marketing Platform Access
    Oracle Sales Accelerator Access
    Learning Path Access with Certification Exam Credits
    Total Fees
    (excludes optional consulting fees)
    $8,500 Annually,
    $8,500 per validation

    Other Considerations

  • Identify which Oracle SaaS application(s) you plan to integrate your application with. If you haven't already done so, check out the Oracle SaaS Overview.
  • You may also need an Oracle SaaS environment to facilitate your integration product lifecycle, and there are a few options available through Oracle PartnerNetwork to fit your needs:

    • A selection of discounted Oracle SaaS application for integration development, test and demonstration purposes that offer greater flexibility in terms of product selection. Learn more about discounted Oracle SaaS applications.*
    • A dedicated, small, global instance with a defined set of Oracle Fusion SaaS Cloud service with preloaded Vision data for integration, testing, demonstration, and training purposes

  • If your solution is not already available to run on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, learn about the value of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and follow the journey for building:

Let's get started with Oracle PartnerNetwork

Before you begin, please review the remaining steps so you'll know what to expect in your journey once you join Oracle PartnerNetwork. Then, if you're ready to go, follow the outlined path – and once you join OPN, you'll be able to access all the resource links you'll need.

Join OPN and the Industry Healthcare Track

If you haven't already become a member of Oracle PartnerNetwork, learn more about OPN Benefits and follow these steps to join OPN.

Enrollment in the Industry Healthcare Track provides the bundle of unique Enablers that will help you accelerate your solution development and maintenance. Once you begin your OPN membership, you can go to the Oracle Partner Store at any point in time to start your Industry Healthcare Track enrollment; however, your best approach would be to enroll in the Industry Healthcare Track by selecting it as you join or renew your membership in OPN since the term dates are tied to the OPN Member date and you can get started right away!

When your track is activated, you'll be sent your provisioning information for the Universal Credits, along with your 5 Unlimited Cloud Learning Subscriptions. Review the Oracle Universal Credits Guidebook* to help you get started with your OPN provided Universal Credits.

If you're not interested in the enablers and benefits associated with the Industry Healthcare Track, and are only interested in becoming a publisher and listing your solution in the Oracle Healthcare Marketplace, then once your integration is ready for commercial availability and validation with the Oracle Health team, apply for your Oracle Validated Integration Expertise. Once we receive your submission, you will be guided on the next steps after you enroll in the Industry Healthcare Track. Please just keep in mind that the renewal date of the track and any purchased Enablers are tied to your OPN renewal date, so you may not realize the full value of the track benefits if you don't enroll right away.

Step 1: Enroll in the Industry Healthcare Track

With your Membership in the Oracle PartnerNetwork, enrollment in the Industry Healthcare Track provides access to several benefits to enable and support the lifecycle of your solution including eligibility to purchase an Oracle Health Millennium Platform environment access subscription for dev/test/demo purposes, Cloud Learning Subscriptions and a discounted dev/test/demo Oracle Cloud Infrastructure environment pre-loaded with Universal Credits.

  • Current OPN Membership

Step 2: Purchase the Oracle Health Millennium Platform Access Dev/Test/Demo Environment

With enrollment in the Industry Healthcare Track, you can purchase an access subscription to an Oracle Health Millennium Platform environment for $5,000 (USD) to support the integration development, testing, and demonstration of your integration.

Step 3: Prepare Your Listing

Get a listing for your integration with the Oracle Health Millennium Platform ready in the Oracle Healthcare Marketplace for review and approval as part of the Oracle Validated Integration.

  • OPN membership

Step 4: Request an Oracle Validated Integration and Accept Terms

Once your application integration with the Oracle Health Millennium Platform has been completed and a listing of your application has been created in the Oracle Healthcare Marketplace, you’re ready to request an Oracle Validated Integration review towards attainment of Expertise. With your request you’ll be able to accept the Oracle Application Validation Integration Addendum to the Oracle PartnerNetwork Agreement which provides the guidelines for review, validation, and support with your integration.

  • Enrollment in the Oracle Industry Healthcare Track
  • Purchase of an Oracle Health Millennium Platform environment access subscription
  • Submission for approval of a listing for the integration in the Oracle Healthcare Marketplace

Step 5: Accept Terms

With successful completion of the Oracle Validated Integration with Oracle Health Millennium Platform review of your integration and associated listing in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace, the Qualifiers for the Integrated with Oracle Health Millennium Platform Expertise will be satisfied and the Marketplace Publisher Agreement (MPA) will be available in the Expertise Center for review and acceptance as a prerequisite for publishing your Expertise.

  • Enrollment in the Oracle Industry Healthcare Track
  • Approved Oracle Validated Integration with Oracle Health Millennium Platform
  • Approved listing in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace

Step 6: Publish Expertise

After you have met the qualifiers defined within the Integrated with Oracle Health Millennium Platform Expertise, approve your Expertise from the Expertise Dashboard inside OPN Competency Center to publish your achievements to customers on Oracle Partner Finder.

  • Enrollment in the Oracle Industry Healthcare Track
  • 100% completion of all Expertise qualifiers defined in the Expertise Catalog.

Step 7: Publish Your Listing

With your product validated as integrating with the Oracle Health Millennium Platform and the associated Expertise published, your listing in the Oracle Healthcare Marketplace will likewise be approved and ready to publish. Visit your listing in the Oracle Marketplace Partner Portal and update the status to “Published” to gain greater visibility and attract more customers.

  • Published Integrated with Oracle Health Millennium Platform Expertise
  • Approved listing in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace

Step 8: Amplify Your Success

Now that you have a published listing in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace and a published Expertise for your validated integration with Oracle Health Millennium Platform, tell your prospective customers about your success using Oracle press release templates and the Oracle Digital Marketplace Center available with Expertise.

  • Published Expertise
  • Published listing in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace

Step 9: Collect Leads

With a listing of your integration published in the Oracle Healthcare Marketplace, your future customers will submit inquiries via the Marketplace for review and follow-up. Manage leads for your listing through the Marketplace Partner Portal.

  • Listing in the Oracle Healthcare Marketplace or Oracle Cloud Marketplace in a “Published” status.

Launch your integrated solution and get visibility for your company and solution

Once your solution is integrated with one or more Oracle SaaS applications, there are a few customer-facing Oracle tools that can help you spread the word to your potential customers.

  • Oracle Partner Finder – publish a profile about your company and include one or more Solution Profiles that provides your customers with more detail on your solution.
  • Oracle Healthcare Marketplace – our one-stop shopping for customers of Oracle Health technologies and services to find solutions that solve their business needs. Attain your Integrated with Oracle Health Millennium Platform Expertise and become a publisher to showcase your solution on Oracle Healthcare Marketplace, track activity and collect leads. If you're concerned about maintaining both Solution Profiles in Oracle Partner Finder AND listings in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace, we have you covered. Your published listings in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace will automatically be visible as Solution Profiles in Oracle Partner Finder so you have a single place in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace to manage all of your solution information. Please note that your listing shall be reviewed and approved by Oracle before being made publicly available.

Visit the Oracle Healthcare Marketplace publisher documentation for more information about the different listing types available and how to build a listing. And if you're interested in becoming a publisher in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace, let us know your interest. Once we receive your interest submission, you will be guided on the appropriate next steps.

Expand your market presence with Expertise and reach new customers

With your production-ready Oracle validated integration with an Oracle Health Millennium Platform API and a prepared listing in Oracle Healthcare Marketplace, your membership in Oracle PartnerNetwork and enrollment in the Industry Healthcare Track prepares you to attain and publish Expertise.

With all the Qualifiers met you can achieve an Integrated with Oracle Health Millennium Platform API Expertise with your integrated application. So, why achieve Expertise? With this Expertise, you can further differentiate yourself in the market and expand your presence with additional benefits of Expertise including:

  • Press Releases* – publish approved press releases with quotes from Oracle executives using templates.
  • Oracle Partner Finder – publish your Expertise so customers can now find you and your solutions through a filtered search on “Integrated With" Expertise.
  • Oracle Expertise Logo* – leverage the power of the Oracle brand by using your Expertise logo on collateral, web sites, advertising, stationery, business cards, and signage.
  • Digital Marketing Center – take an assessment of your marketing needs and launch a campaign or microsite for your solution.
  • Customer Success Stories* – have some good stories that you would like to highlight on your Partner Finder profile page? Submit your interest and we'll work with you to tell that impactful story of how your solution delivered successful outcomes for your customer. See examples of Customer Success.

If you haven't already become a member of Oracle PartnerNetwork with enrollment in the Industry Healthcare Track, learn more about OPN Benefits and the Industry Healthcare Track. Then, follow these steps to join OPN.

Explore new markets and innovate

Launching your application and achieving Expertise is not the end to a journey but an open door to explore and influence new markets with new knowledge and innovation with your application and Oracle technology.

  • Increase Your Solution's Reach - with your investment in the Oracle PartnerNetwork Industry Healthcare Track you can leverage the skills transfer opportunities available through OCI, PaaS and SaaS Cloud Learning Subscriptions as well as the various accreditation pathways available through the Oracle Learning Center to innovate with your application and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Oracle Fusion SaaS Applications to target new markets.
  • Expand Your Business Model – take your solution to market in different ways. Leverage your Oracle PartnerNetwork resources to achieve Expertise in other tracks such as the Cloud Service and Cloud Sell Tracks as a service delivery provider or reseller of Oracle Cloud products bundled with your solution.
  • Innovate with Your Solution – stay ahead of the technology change curve. Achieve Advanced Healthcare Expertise with your solution, get access to early beta programs, and leverage new features in Oracle Cloud to deliver the successful outcomes that your customers are needing.