Public Safety

Police departments and law enforcement agencies today must serve their communities in two overlapping worlds: the physical and the digital. As challenges evolve for police and law enforcement, new public safety technology solutions are helping those professionals serve, protect, and engage communities.

Empowering First Responders with Real-Time Data and Intelligence

The Oracle Public Safety Suite is a robust, all-in-one secure solution tailored to meet the evolving technology demands of today’s public safety agencies. It integrates every operational facet—from dispatch to in-field response—using Oracle’s wearable computer systems and vehicle video technology, ensuring real-time situational awareness and enhanced transparency. The suite simplifies data management through its records and jail management systems, providing a secure, seamless flow of information, all stored in the Oracle Cloud. By consolidating critical tools into a single, secure platform, Oracle empowers agencies to streamline case reporting, meet federal and state reporting standards, and improve overall operational efficiency. Designed to meet the daily challenges of local agencies, this innovative platform enhances safety and transparency at every level of operation.

Integrated mission-critical technology purpose-built for public safety

Oracle’s unified public safety hardware and software suite provides first responders with advanced tools to boost efficiency and enhance real-time situational awareness, which can help improve issue resolution.

Dispatch Command Center

Oracle Public Safety Dispatch Command Center is a cloud-based CAD system for emergency call management and dispatch. The system enables command center operators to speed up data entry, increase accuracy, and accelerate dispatch by automatically populating 911 call information, identifying and merging duplicate calls, providing “next word” text suggestions, and verifying the incident location in a blended map view. Built-in intelligence tools can also provide critical information about the location and subjects. For example, the system can note if a home is known to have a person with mental health issues based on past incidents. This can help dispatch assign the personnel best equipped to handle the situation versus just the closest officer.

Wearable Computer System

Oracle Public Safety Wearable Computer System provides officer-worn communications and camera systems that can activate automatically upon dispatch and record interactions between law enforcement and community members to support transparency, trust, and accountability. Oracle’s unique streaming and connectivity capabilities also enable agencies to provide video line of sight to a team member at a remote location, such as a command center, to give on-scene responders more guidance and support as an event unfolds. The dispatch, verbal, and video data can be automatically pulled into a case report file in real time, which can save officers hours of reporting paperwork daily.

Personal Communication System

Oracle Public Safety Personal Communication System is a mobile application that runs on a secure mobile device and facilitates dispatch and field-based interactions between first responders. Automated location- and subject-based alerts enhance situational awareness and safety for officers and citizens. In addition, camera-based vehicle license plate and driver’s license scanning and full integration with the Dispatch Command Center and Records Management System, can make it easy to initiate local records searches and view and update case information via the officer’s mobile device.

Vehicle Communication System

Oracle Public Safety Vehicle Communication System is a new touch-talk-listen tablet application that redefines the in-car experience by providing officers with more focused, actionable data “at a glance.” This can include key information from dispatch, navigation details, and field-based interactions between first responders and the command center. Responders can quickly and easily pull up complete records searches and case reporting and view a fully interactive map for better visibility into all other incidents and units in the area.

Vehicle Video Camera System

Oracle Public Safety Vehicle Video Camera System includes a roof-mounted video camera bar with a front and peripheral view camera array, a dedicated automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) camera, and an in-vehicle computer to process video streaming and recording. The system leverages connected hardware to provide a 300-degree view of the incident. Like the body-worn cameras, data and video feeds from the hardware and software can be displayed in real time to all parties supporting the event.

Records Management System

Oracle Public Safety Records Management System is designed to manage all public safety records for an agency, including the entry, storage, retrieval, viewing, and archiving of crime reports, property and evidence, and investigative data. Fully integrated with Oracle Public Safety’s dispatch and mobile services, the system can automatically link and populate 911 call incident details and mobile case reporting data, eliminating the need for duplicate data entry.

Jail Management System

Oracle Public Safety Jail Management System is a cloud-based jail and holding-facility management system designed to eliminate data re-entry and enable more efficient, secure processes from prebooking to transfer or release.

Secure, Accurate, Faster Response

It’s more important than ever for governments to adopt a new, more integrated approach to develop, engage, and deliver positive, community-empowered public safety experiences. This shift from a single-sentinel approach to a collaborative one relies on public engagement, discussion, and participation. Oracle’s unified public safety hardware and software suite's advanced technology can facilitate this shift, supporting seamless communication and data sharing between departments for more efficient and effective emergency responses.

Public safety technology

Public safety in the age of data and smart policing

Police and law enforcement agencies historically responded to crimes that have already been committed or have increased the number of officers assigned in an attempt to deter criminal activity.

Today, digital technologies allow policing to become both proactive and preventative, with a wealth of data available to help predict if, where, when, and how crimes take place. These new tools and techniques must be adopted where possible so crime can be anticipated and prevented.

Across the public safety landscape, reform movements and perceived and real policing dangers have affected recruitment. As the nature of crime and policing rapidly changes, tech-savvy talent is needed. Police agencies struggle to attract these digital native workers. Failure to connect with them can deprive agencies of talent able to use disruptive new technologies. Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems provide seamless experiences from incident call to resolution, while also equipping responders with vital, real-time information in the field. CAD systems also can integrate with new records management systems (RMS), using information from other department technologies and data sources to automate records creation and management.

Public safety and community engagement

It’s more important than ever for governments to use a new approach to develop, engage, and deliver positive, community-empowered public safety experiences. This will mean a shift from the current single-sentinel approach to a collaborative one, relying on public engagement, discussion, and participation.

Today’s public safety ecosystem must encompass more than a “blue wall”. It should move beyond detached policing and law enforcement entities to include community outreach, communication, and engagement.

Technology changing public safety

Technology plays dual roles in the changing worlds of policing and crime. Financial fraud, hate speech, and radicalization are increasing in the digital realm, with social media used to plan and discuss crimes, and even to boast about criminal activity. But technology is also a tool for law enforcement, providing police with new insights, techniques, and evidence to better engage, and ultimately protect, the public. Newer technologies—such as increasingly sophisticated body cams and other data-capture devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), and deeper analytics—help ensure both officer and public safety and enable law enforcement to serve communities more effectively and empathetically.

Police need to adopt a preventative approach over a reactive one to keep the public safe. As crime proliferates, new threats emerge every year. To stay ahead of crime trends, public safety agencies must anticipate and respond to such threats.

A single partner for cloud, software, and video.

Public safety and Oracle’s mission—technology for first responders

Oracle is on a mission, through technology, to make work life simpler, safer, and more productive for our policing and law enforcement first responders. We are developing technologies to make this possible, building trust between first responders and the communities they serve—with the ultimate goal of saving lives. Focus on five things and find the right partner to help your agency.

01Identify a partner who has the technology you need to run your agency

Including body-worn, dash, and other law enforcement cameras

02Work with a partner who has strong software and cloud security protection

No handoffs, no IP allow listing errors, no finger pointing

03Insist on a partner with cloud products designed from the ground up for law enforcement

Not products adapted or retrofitted from other industries

04Find a partner who offers real-time audio transcription of body-worn cameras

Improve situational awareness, increase officer safety, and prepopulate RMS reports

05Pick a partner who streamlines user experiences

Benefit from innovations in call-taking, mobile data terminals, and reporting

Integrated Mission-Critical Technology Purpose-Built for Public Safety

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