Multitiendas Corona cuts processing times with Oracle Cloud

The Chilean department store chain chooses Oracle Cloud ERP and EPM Planning for greater budgetary control.


Oracle is a world-renowned company that offers all the benefits to help us with our needs through a cloud-based solution—at a very reasonable cost.

Ernesto BartelFinance and Business Manager, Multitiendas Corona

Business challenges

Multitiendas Corona is a Chilean clothing, footwear and telephony company with 54 stores and more than 2,400 workers across the country, from Arica to Punta Arenas. It was founded in 1952 as a family-owned construction company and over the years it gradually became a chain store selling apparel, furniture, electronics, home appliances, sports accessories, and infant products. During the last five years, it has undergone a transformation to focus not only on retail, but also on a financial business that offers credit to low-income Chileans.

As a result of this transformation, the company was faced with unifying data from all the businesses units and updating its enterprise resource planning system in order to deliver quality and timely information that would inform decision-making.

I can think of three words when I hear the name ‘Oracle’: modernity, accessibility, and support.

Ernesto BartelFinance and Business Manager, Multitiendas Corona

Why Multitiendas Corona Chose Oracle

The company decided to acquire Oracle Cloud ERP along with Oracle’s Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (PBCS) module. The retailer found that Oracle Cloud offered the best cost-benefit ratio, and also could also deploy the software in the shortest amount of time.


The implementation took only six months, allowing the company to take advantage of an online and cloud-based solution quickly. It was able to reduce internal processing times and complete in-depth information analysis.

Also, the migration process had no negative impact on the business, and allowed the company to cut the time required for monthly financial reports. Likewise, Oracle’s solutions freed the retail chain from paper-based processes and allowed it to start managing tasks from smartphones with timely, cloud-based, information.

After implementing the Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service module, the company has managed to achieve greater budgetary control, save processing time, and focus on analysis rather than reporting, because it now has all accounting information in a single report that is easy to manage.

Opublikowano:June 11, 2021