Application Continuity is configured identically in OCI and on-premises and works the same on both platforms. Migrating an application from on-premises to a deployment in OCI will not require changes in the configuration for Application Continuity. What worked on-premises will work identically in OCI.
Application Continuity is fully integrated into the site transition processes of Oracle Active Data Guard. It provides continuous availability in the event of disaster recovery operations and planned site maintenance events. Active Data Guard with Oracle Application Continuity and its integration into the management of those transitions reduces or removes the impacts of site transitions. Replay of interrupted database sessions will be automatic, with the results and notifications returned to the user applications after the transition.
Application Continuity is supported for JDBC-thin, OCI, and ODP.NET unmanaged clients and deployed with third-party application servers with Oracle connection pools and without.
Application Continuity can support a broad range of applications and application infrastructures with just simple configuration changes.
Application Continuity extends the objectives and principles of Oracle MAA deployment higher into the client application stack.
Replay statistics routinely available and detailed diagnostics for your workload are provided from within Oracle Database.
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