Distributing to Public Sector
Cloud Sell Track
Partners interested in distributing Oracle Cloud services associated with a Sell Expertise in the Cloud Sell Track to public sector end users, will need to execute a Public Sector Schedule to the Cloud Services Distribution Addendum (CSDA) to the Master Distribution Agreement (MDA) or have equivalent distribution terms3, in addition to a current CSDA to the MDA, or equivalent distribution terms1. Please contact Partner Help, or your Account Manager, for further information.
License & Hardware Track
Partners interested in distributing Oracle programs and/or hardware and/or services associated with a Sell Expertise in the License & Hardware Track to public sector end users, will need to execute a Public Sector Addendum to the Master Distribution Agreement or have equivalent distribution terms4 in addition to a current Full Use Distribution Addendum (FUDA) to the Master Distribution Agreement (MDA) or equivalent distribution terms2. Please contact Partner Help, or your Account Manager, for further information.