JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing and Engineering helps manufacturers—especially those that operate within a mixed-mode (process, discrete, repetitive, etc.) manufacturing environment—develop, manufacture, and distribute products in a timely fashion; use efficient processes that optimize resources; and satisfy customer expectations about quality, price, and delivery.
To maximize customer service while keeping costs in line, you must be sure that demand for your products can be met with available resources. Requirements Planning provides the visibility and action recommendations required for efficient procurement and production scheduling which ensures that supply aligns with demand, even across multiple sites.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing and Engineering helps manufacturers—especially those that operate within a mixed-mode (process, discrete, repetitive, etc.) manufacturing environment—develop, manufacture, and distribute products in a timely fashion; use efficient processes that optimize resources; and satisfy customer expectations about quality, price, and delivery.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator automates the selection and configuration of highly complex products by providing fully integrated front-end sales and quote entry with back-end fulfillment operations and manufacturing systems. Respond to the pressure and opportunities presented by the configuration and customization needs of your customers.
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Quality Management provides a consistent, controlled approach to quality management, helping you identify defects at the source. By incorporating user-defined checkpoints into key operations, you can verify that items meet standards, tolerances, and design specifications from material receipt to the shipment of the end product.
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