Achieve submillisecond latency with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Cache, a fully managed Redis service engineered for exceptional scalability and consistent high availability. Propel your applications to perform faster and more reliably than ever.
Our rebranded service offers the same powerful caching solutions with enhanced performance and scalability for high performance web applications, real-time analytics, and more.
Experience lightning-fast application response times with submillisecond data delivery by integrating a caching layer compatible with Redis into your application architecture. OCI Cache dramatically enhances user experience, reducing the load on your databases and improving overall system performance by alleviating disk operations.
Our flexible memory configurations allow you to have complete and precise control over the amount of memory in your cluster nodes. With OCI Cache, there's no need to overprovision your memory to meet your capacity needs, ensuring efficient resource utilization.
Enhance your database services, such as MySQL Database or other database options, by leveraging OCI Cache. Use our service to achieve more cost-effective scalability compared to directly expanding your database instances. Adjust your nodes and memory configurations on the fly to suit changing demands without incurring unnecessary costs.
“OCI provided us with a comprehensive suite of managed open source services—Oracle Kubernetes Engine, OCI Database with PostgreSQL, and OCI Cache—and also offered a clear roadmap and extensive support. The standout factor was OCI's cost efficiency, being less than half the cost. But our collaboration with OCI demonstrates a partnership that extends beyond technology, highlighting their support and commitment to our project's goals.”
“OCI helped us deliver features and capabilities quickly for OCI Cache and OCI Database with PostgreSQL for a large-scale deployment. These services are essential to run our platform, which empowers our clients with the skills, content, and insights they need to delight their customers.”
OCI Cache offers a user-friendly and versatile caching solution. With it, you can adjust your cluster resources easily and precisely to meet your capacity needs rather than being constrained by rigid, fixed configurations. Our service provides the scalability necessary to seamlessly grow along with your application demands.
Enjoy the convenience of a fully managed caching service. OCI Cache automates cluster deployment, failover, and patching processes, relieving you of the manual overhead associated with these critical tasks. Focus more on your business objectives and less on operational management.
At Oracle, we are committed to the open source community and uphold the integrity of the code we use. OCI Cache is fully compatible with Redis, the industry-leading in-memory data structure store, known for its versatility and performance. It enables you to use familiar Redis commands and leverage existing Redis workloads without any changes to your application code.
OCI Cache is ideal for applications that need to deliver fast, real-time data. Leverage Cache to enhance the performance and safeguard MySQL databases from abrupt spikes in usage. OCI Cache offers a seamless way to add a protective layer in front of your application or database, boosting performance and enabling efficient control over your database instance's scalability and costs. With this fully managed service, you're free from the hassle of handling repetitive tasks, saving you time and resources.
Speed up dynamic web applications by caching session states, HTML fragments, and data queries.
Provide faster access to analytics and real-time data processing to drive decision-making processes.
Improve game performance with rapid access to game states, session information, and leaderboards.
Oracle oferă o versiune Free Tier pe o perioadă nelimitată pentru peste 20 de servicii, precum Autonomous Database, Arm Compute și Storage, precum și credite gratuite în valoare de 300 USD pentru încercarea altor servicii în cloud. Obțineți detaliile și înscrieți-vă astăzi pentru contul dvs. gratuit.
Testați o gamă largă de servicii OCI cu ajutorul tutorialelor și laboratoarelor practice. Fie că sunteți dezvoltator, administrator sau analist, vă putem ajuta să aflați cum funcționează OCI. Multe laboratoare rulează pe Oracle Cloud Free Tier sau pe un mediu de laborator gratuit, oferit de Oracle.
Laboratoarele din acest atelier acoperă noțiunile introductive pentru serviciile de bază din Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), inclusiv rețelele virtuale în cloud (VCN) și serviciile de calcul și de stocare.
Începeți laboratorul despre serviciile de bază din OCI acumÎn acest atelier, veți parcurge pașii pentru a începe să utilizați Oracle Autonomous Database.
Începeți laboratorul despre noțiunile de bază pentru Autonomous Database acumAcest laborator vă arată cum să încărcați o foaie de calcul într-un tabel Oracle Database, apoi cum să creați o aplicație pe baza acestui tabel nou.
Porniți acest laborator acumÎn acest laborator, veți implementa servere web pe două instanțe de calcul din Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), configurate în modul Disponibilitate ridicată, utilizând un load balancer.
Începeți laboratorul despre aplicația HA acumAflați cum implementează arhitecții și alți clienți ai noștri o gamă largă de fluxuri de lucru, de la aplicații enterprise până la HPC și de la microservicii până la lacuri de date. Cunoașteți cele mai bune practici și aflați opiniile altor clienți arhitecți din seria noastră Built & Deployed, apoi chiar implementați mai multe fluxuri de lucru cu ajutorul funcției noastre „click to deploy” sau direct din depozitul nostru GitHub.
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