Take control of every stage of the talent lifecycle. Attract the best candidates, boost productivity, and improve decisions with end-to-end talent management. Source, recruit, onboard, manage performance, develop careers, and plan succession—all in one place.
Learn how Oracle AI agents help employees achieve new levels of productivity and growth.
Get started on your skills journey, no matter where you are.
Simplify candidates’ experiences with no need for them to create an account; enable a digital assistant to instantly answer questions.
Use native CRM tools to attract target talent with personalized landing pages and messages.
Improve and accelerate hiring with AI-powered recommendations, self-scheduled interviews, and data-driven offers.
Understand the talent across your business and recommend ideal roles to employees, driving career growth and retention.
Easily review and connect with potential candidates using LinkedIn, without leaving Oracle HCM.
Aflați de ce Oracle a fost numit un lider în 2023 Magic Quadrant™ pentru suitele Cloud HCM destinate întreprinderilor cu peste 1.000 de angajați, plasându-se cel mai la dreapta în categoria „Completeness of Vision” (Completitudine a viziunii) pentru al șaselea an.*
Deliver remarkable candidate experiences, drive internal mobility, and make smarter hiring decisions.
Engage your workforce and boost productivity with modern, easy-to-use tools in a single experience across devices.
Gain real-time talent visibility to enhance decision-making with a complete, unified solution for talent and HR.
Extend talent awareness and bolster development with LinkedIn integrations across recruiting, learning, and profile data.
Join Jane Veader, Product Strategy Director, as she demonstrates the power of Oracle Recruiting, part of Oracle Cloud HCM. You'll learn how our solution provides exceptional candidate experiences, see how we're approaching A.I, and understand why organizations are choosing Oracle to support hiring from start to finish.
See what’s new with Cloud HCM and how we help you make work more human.
* Gartner nu sprijină niciun furnizor, produs sau serviciu descris în studiile publicate şi nu recomandă utilizatorilor de tehnologie să selecteze numai furnizorii cu cele mai înalte evaluări sau alte desemnări. Studiile publicate de Gartner constau în opiniile organizației de cercetare Gartner și nu reprezintă afirmații de netăgăduit. Gartner, Magic Quadrant pentru suite Cloud HCM destinate companiilor cu peste 1.000 de angajați, Ranadip Chandra, Sam Grinter, Ron Hanscome, Chris Pang, Anand Chouksey, Josie Xing, Harsh Kundulli, David Bobo, Laura Gardiner, Hiten Sheth, Jackie Watrous, Travis Wickesberg, 18 octombrie 2023.
GARTNER este marcă comercială și de servicii, iar MAGIC QUADRANT este marcă comercială înregistrată aparținând Gartner, Inc. și/sau filialelor sale din SUA și de pe plan internațional, fiind utilizate aici în baza unei permisiuni. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Acest grafic a fost publicat de Gartner, Inc. ca parte a unui studiu mai amplu și trebuie evaluat în contextul întregului document. Documentul Gartner este oferit la cerere de compania Oracle.
Disclaimer: The preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, timing, and pricing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products may change and remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation.