If you are a member of the Oracle PartnerNetwork in the Cloud Sell or License & Hardware Track, you may distribute the products that are available for resale in each Sell Expertise for the respective track(s).
Your ability to distribute products associated with Sell Expertise shall remain valid so long as you:
NOTE: OPN members in the current OPN program should follow the resell rights they have previously earned.
Partners interested in distributing Oracle Cloud services associated with a Sell Expertise in the Cloud Sell Track must have a current Cloud Services Distribution Addendum (CSDA) to the Master Distribution Agreement (MDA) or equivalent distribution terms1.
Partners interested in distributing Oracle programs and/or hardware and/or services associated with a Sell Expertise in the License & Hardware Sell Track must have a current Full Use Distribution Addendum (FUDA) to the Master Distribution Agreement (MDA) or equivalent distribution terms2.
Partners interested in distributing Oracle Cloud services associated with a Sell Expertise in the Cloud Sell Track to public sector end users, will need to execute a Public Sector Schedule to the Cloud Services Distribution Addendum (CSDA) to the Master Distribution Agreement (MDA) or have equivalent distribution terms3, in addition to a current CSDA to the MDA, or equivalent distribution terms1. Please contact Partner Help, or your Account Manager, for further information.
Partners interested in distributing Oracle programs and/or hardware and/or services associated with a Sell Expertise in the License & Hardware Track to public sector end users, will need to execute a Public Sector Addendum to the Master Distribution Agreement or have equivalent distribution terms4 in addition to a current Full Use Distribution Addendum (FUDA) to the Master Distribution Agreement (MDA) or equivalent distribution terms2. Please contact Partner Help, or your Account Manager, for further information.
1) Cloud Services Distribution Addendum (CSDA) to the Full Use Distribution Agreement (FUDA) or Cloud Services Distribution Schedule (CSDS) to the FUDA to the ISV MA
2) Full Use Distribution Agreement or ISV Master Distribution Agreement and Full Use Distribution Addendum to the ISV Master Distribution Agreement
3) Public Sector Addendum to Cloud Services Distribution Addendum (CSDA) to the Full Use Distribution Agreement (FUDA) or Public Sector Attachment to Cloud Services Distribution Schedule (CSDS) to the FUDA to the ISV MA
4) Public Sector Addendum to Full Use Distribution Agreement or Public Sector Addendum to ISV Master Distribution Agreement