Bitron Electronics harnesses analytics to refine manufacturing
“Analytics is a mainstay for everyone in our company, in operations, sales, marketing, HR, and finance. Each day, our team members look at the information and then take action based on it.”
Business challenges
Bitron was launched in 1955 when three brothers decided to manufacture components for household appliances in Italy. They switched to electronics in 1969, making what was then cutting-edge technology—the video-entry phone. Since then, the company has expanded to include more than 6,500 employees worldwide. Bitron researches, develops, and manufactures mechatronic devices (mechanics and engineering) for a range of industries, including energy, automotive, and HVAC.
The overall challenge for Bitron was its inability to access and analyze data and KPIs for the whole organization because it was siloed in different places within the company.
Bitron could not see important production process data accurately in real time in order to manage, predict, and mitigate risk. Additionally, the company initially did not have a standardized process among its manufacturing plants.
“The challenge was to put together a lot of data and understand the transfer in real time in order to fix and to optimize our KPIs,” said Federico Perrero, director of quality and business process.
We have a 90% reduction of time spent accessing the right data. It took about 10 minutes before and now it’s about 1 minute.
Why Bitron Electronics Chose Oracle
A unified view of all company data and analytics now enables Bitron to scrutinize and standardize every step of its production processes across 15 manufacturing plants in Europe, Asia, and America. With Oracle, Bitron reduced the time required to access its data by 90%.
Oracle Analytics provided a cloud solution to give the power of analytics to Bitron for quick access and analysis of production operations data for smarter decision-making.
The resulting analytics are now available to every single user and line operator in the company on a real-time data dashboard. Also, Bitron can now standardize processes from one plant to another.
Oracle Analytics has helped Bitron optimize KPIs and reduce risk. Bitron now aggregates complex data from across all of its operations, distilling it into a single risk KPI that gives its executives a compelling snapshot of the business at any time.