Vytvárajte, testujte a nasadzujte aplikácie v prostredí Oracle Cloud zdarma..
Začnite s cloudovým kreditom 300 USD.*
Na jeho využitie budete mať 30 dní na otestovanie aplikácií vo všetkých službách OCI. Okrem vždy bezplatných služieb vo svojom konte na bezplatnej úrovni.
Kedykoľvek počas alebo po uplynutí 30-dňového obdobia* prejdite na účet Platba podľa spotreby. Platíte len za služby, ktoré prekračujú mesačné bezplatné hodnoty v rámci vždy bezplatných služieb.
Ak po 30 dňoch nič neurobíte, vždy bezplatné služby budete mať naďalej vo svojom bezplatnom účte.
Získajte cloudové kredity a začnite využívať služby Oracle Cloud.
Filtrované podľa: Nepoužili sa žiadne filtre
Up to 4,700 hours. Build, train, deploy, and manage machine learning models. The platform makes data science collaborative, scalable, and powerful.
Up to 51 hours, digital assistants help accomplish tasks through natural language conversations, without having to manage various apps and web sites.
Tiered pricing based on use cases. OCI Language is a cloud-based AI service for performing sophisticated text analysis at scale
Tiered Pricing based on use cases. OCI Speech is an AI service that applies automatic speech recognition technology to transform audio-based content to text
Tiered Pricing based on use cases. OCI Vision is an AI service for performing deep-learning-based image analysis at scale.
Tierd Pricing. OCI Document Understanding is an AI service that enables developers to extract text, tables, and other key data from document files through APIs and command line interface tools.
Up to 4,700 hours. The most comprehensive analytics in the cloud.
Up to 4,500 hours, 500 GB of storage. High-performance VMs and bare metal servers.
OCI Secure Desktops provision Windows or Linux desktops based on a particular shape and image in a customers tenancy. The number of desktops depends on your desktop configuration.
AMD based Compute VMs with 1/8 OCPU and 1 GB memory each
Always Free
2 AMD based compute VMs
Arm-based Ampere A1 cores and 24 GB of memory usable as 1 VM or up to 4 VMs
Always Free
3,000 OCPU hours and 18,000 GB hours per month
Up to 112 million invocations and 20 million gigabyte memory-seconds of execution time
Up to 4,500 hours of compute for OCI Kubernetes Engine. Up to 500 GB of storage for Docker-based OCI Container Registry.
Up to 1,700 hours, 400 GB of storage. Fully managed Oracle WebLogic server.
Up to 4,500 hours of compute for OCI Kubernetes Engine. Up to 500 GB of storage for Docker-based OCI Container Registry.
Up to 112 million invocations and 20 million gigabyte memory-seconds of execution time.
4,700 hours. Rapidly create and deploy engaging web and mobile apps directly from the browser using a visual browser-based development environment.
1,000 hours and 400 GB of Oracle WebLogic Server running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
4,700 hours of compute for CI/CD. Free 20 GB of storage for Git repositories, issue tracking, agile dashboard, and wikis.
1,400 OCPU hours of Blockchain Platform Standard Edition (2 OCPUs/50 GB fixed). Easily create a blockchain instance, configure peer nodes and channels, explore samples and the low-code App Builder, and deploy and test smart contracts.
Build, integrate, and innovate with the industry-favorite low-code application platform
Always Free
Max 1 OCPU per database, Max 20GB Exadata storage per database and 20 simultaneous database sessions. Other limits apply, see documentation for details
Build, integrate, and innovate with the industry-favorite low-code application platform
Always Free
Up to 744 hours per instance
465 hours. Application integration with adapter connectivity and process automation.
1,700 hours, 400 GB of storage. Build and deploy SOA-based applications.
Up to 30 days of 4 Gbps Load Balancer. Automatically distribute traffic and deliver scalability and fault tolerance.
Up to 1,400 hours. Connect your data center to the cloud with a private network.
Service Connector Hub is a cloud message bus platform that offers a single pane of glass for describing, executing, and monitoring interactions when moving data between Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services.
Always Free
2 service connectors
The Load Balancer service allows you to create highly available load balancers within your VCN. All load balancers come with provisioned bandwidth.
Always Free
1 instance, 10 Mbps
The Network Load Balancer service provides automated traffic distribution from one entry point to multiple servers in a backend set. Network load balancers ensure that your services remain available by directing traffic only to healthy servers based on Layer 3/Layer 4 (IP protocol) data.
Always Free
1 instance
Outbound Data Transfer
Always Free
Up to 10 TB per month
Software-defined network that you set up in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure data centers in a particular region . A subnet is a subdivision of a VCN.
Always Free
2 VCNs, includes IPv4 and IPv6 support
The Networking service offers VCN flow logs that show details about traffic that passes through your VCN. They help you audit traffic and troubleshoot your security lists.
Always Free
Up to 10 GB per month shared across OCI Logging services
Provides a site-to-site IPSec connection between your on-premises network and your virtual cloud network (VCN).
Always Free
50 IPSec connections
Up to 435 hours of 100,000 tracing events per hour, including 20 synthetic monitor executions per hour. A robust implementation of a distributed tracing system as a service. Provides monitoring and alerting, diagnostics, exploration, and analytics.
Up to 6 TB storage. Logging is an intuitive, centralized platform for all types of logs.
Up to 600 hours, 300 GB of storage. Logging Analytics is a machine learning-based cloud service for log data from on-premises and multicloud environments.
2 service connectors. Service Connector Hub helps cloud engineers manage and move data between Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) services and from OCI to third-party services.
Use the Monitoring service to query metrics and manage alarms. Metrics and alarms help monitor the health, capacity, and performance of your cloud resources.
Always Free
Up to 500 million ingestion datapoints, 1 billion retrieval datapoints
Application Performance Monitoring provides a comprehensive set of features to monitor applications and diagnose performance issues.
Always Free
Up to 1000 tracing events and 10 Synthetic Monitoring runs per hour
The Logging service provides a highly scalable and fully managed single pane of glass for all the logs in your tenancy.
Always Free
Up to 10 GB per month
The Notifications service lets you know when something happens with your resources in OCI. Using alarms, event rules, and service connectors, you can get human-readable messages through supported endpoints, including email and text messages (SMS).
Always Free
Up to 1 million sent through https per month, 1000 sent through email per month
The Email Delivery service provides a fast and reliable managed solution for sending secured, high-volume marketing and transactional emails.
Always Free
Up to 100 emails sent per day
Tiered pricing based on use cases. Oracle's innovative managed PostgreSQL service, OCI Database with PostgreSQL, combines cutting-edge open source technology with the robustness and speed of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
Tiered pricing based on use cases. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Search with OpenSearch is a managed open source service that makes it easy for you to ingest, search, visualize, and analyze your data.
Tiered pricing based on use cases. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Cache with Redis is a comprehensive, managed in-memory caching solution built on the foundation of open source Redis.
Up to 3,338 hours, 2 TB of Oracle Exadata storage. Mission-critical transaction processing made effortless; the future of database in the cloud.
Up to 5.3 billion reads, 5.3 billion writes, 450 GB storage. Dynamically provision your read, write, or storage units. Get up and running in minutes.
Up to 5 TB of Oracle Database backups. A secure, scalable, on-demand storage solution for backing up your Oracle Database to the cloud.
A JSON database built for developers, featuring document APIs and ACID transactions
Up to 5,000 hours, 550 GB of storage. The world's most popular open source database. 100% developed, managed, and supported by the MySQL team.
Unlimited cloud targets. One paid target. 1M audit records per target. Oracle Data Safe delivers essential security capabilities for your Oracle Cloud and on-premises databases to help reduce risk and improve security.
Up to 3,338 hours, 2 TB of Oracle Exadata storage. Get your data warehouse deployed in seconds. Fully managed, preconfigured, and optimized.
Up to 1,372 OCPU hours using Oracle Database Enterprise Edition and 100 GB of storage
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing, Autonomous Data Warehouse, Autonomous JSON Database, or APEX Application Development.
Always Free
Up to Two databases total
NoSQL is a fully managed database cloud service that offers predictable low latency, dynamic scalability, high performance, and reliable data storage for document, key-value, and fixed-schema data.
Always Free
Up to 133 million reads per month, 133 million writes per month, 25 GB storage per table, up to 3 tables
Automated and integrated generative AI and machine learning in one cloud service for transactions and lakehouse-scale analytics.
Always Free
One standalone HeatWave instance in OCI in your home region, along with up to 50 GB of storage and up to 50 GB of backup storage
The Console Dashboards service allows you to create custom dashboards in the OCI Console to monitor resources, diagnostics, and key metrics for your tenancy.
Always Free
Up to 100 dashboards
Up to 18,750 consumer users. Add user authentication to your apps.
Certificates is a managed TLS certificate service that allows the creation of up to 5 Certificate authorities (CA) and 150 private TLS certificates for easy deployment and renewal with integrated resources. TLS certificates are required for encrypted communication between computers.
OCI's Bastion service provides restricted and time-limited Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) access to target resources that don't have public endpoints.
Always Free
Up to 5 OCI Bastions
The Certificates service provides certificate issuance, storage, and management capabilities, including revocation and automatic renewal.
Always Free
Up to 5 Private CA and 150 private TLS certificates
OCI Vault is a key management service that stores and manages master encryption keys and secrets for secure access to resources.
Always Free
Up to 20 key versions of master encrytion keys protected by a hardware security module (HSM) and 150 Always Free Vault secrets
Up to 7 TB of block volume storage and 11TB of Object storage. Object and block storage to store and access data at scale.
Boot and block volume storage
Always Free
Up to 2 block volumes, 200 GB total. Plus 5 volume backups.
Unstructured storage - standard
Always Free
Up to 20GB total for standard, infrequent and archive
Unstructured storage - infrequent access
Always Free
Up to 20GB total for standard, infrequent and archive
Unstructured storage - archive
Always Free
Up to 20GB total for standard, infrequent and archive
Object Storage API requests
Always Free
Up to 50,000 Object Storage API requests per month
Objavovanie, učenie a vytváranie.
Vytvárajte bežné aplikácie a rozvíjajte sa s generatívnou umelou inteligenciou. Využite bezkonkurenčné možnosti.
Navrhujte a implementujte svoje pracovné úlohy rýchlejšie a efektívnejšie pomocou referenčných architektúr, príručiek na rýchle spustenie a iných prostriedkov.
Program Oracle Learning Explorer ponúka úvodné školiace kurzy a akreditáciu pre celé portfólio produktov spoločnosti Oracle.
Riešenie Oracle Cloud Free Tier vám umožňuje zaregistrovať sa na získanie konta Oracle Cloud, ktoré poskytuje množstvo vždy bezplatných služieb a bezplatnú skúšobnú verziu s bezplatným kreditom v hodnote 300 USD na používanie vo všetkých oprávnených službách Oracle Cloud Infrastructure až 30 dní. Vždy bezplatné služby sú k dispozícii na neobmedzený čas. Služby v rámci bezplatnej skúšobnej verzie sa môžu využívať až do spotrebovania bezplatných kreditov vo výške 300 USD alebo do uplynutia 30 dní podľa toho, čo nastane skôr.
Vždy bezplatné služby sú súčasťou bezplatného riešenia Oracle Cloud Free Tier. Vždy bezplatné služby sú k dispozícii na neobmedzený čas. Platia určité obmedzenia. Keď budú k dispozícii nové vždy bezplatné služby, budete ich môcť automaticky používať aj vy.
Nasledujúce služby sú dostupné ako vždy bezplatné:
Riešenie Oracle Cloud Free Tier je momentálne k dispozícii vo všetkých oblastiach, v ktorých je dostupná komerčná služba Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Podrobné informácie o dostupnosti služby nájdete na stránke dátových oblastí. ** Ak dátová oblasť prvej voľby nie je k dispozícii, vyberte priľahlú oblasť. Ak sa vám nepodarí nájsť požadovanú krajinu alebo územie, kontaktujtetím Oracle Sales alebo Cloud Support pomocou odkazu na čet na paneli s ponukami. Tím Oracle Sales vám môže pomôcť zaregistrovať sa a získať riešenie Oracle Cloud Free Tier.
Na osobu je povolené jedno vždy bezplatné konto alebo konto služby Oracle Cloud Free Trial. Poznámka:
Ak chceme zákazníkom poskytovať bezplatné kontá služby Oracle Cloud, musíme sa uistiť, že ste to vy. Vaše kontaktné údaje a informácie o kreditnej alebo debetnej karte používame na nastavenie konta a overenie identity. Spoločnosť Oracle môže pravidelne kontrolovať platnosť vašej karty, čo má za následok dočasné pozdržanie autorizácie. Tieto pozdržania odstráni vaša banka, zvyčajne do troch až piatich dní a v ich dôsledku nedochádza k žiadnym poplatkom účtovaným na váš účet.
Akceptujeme kreditné a debetné karty, ktoré fungujú ako kreditné karty. Neprijímame debetné karty s PIN alebo virtuálne, jednorazové alebo predplatené karty.
Máte prístup k zákazníckej podpore na vytváranie požiadaviek a riešenie problémov s účtom. Účty typu Platba podľa spotreby podliehajú iným kapacitným obmedzeniam než vždy bezplatné účty. Pri prechode z vývojových a testovacích scenárov do výrobných prostredí môže byť potrebné používať prostriedky mimo vždy bezplatných obmedzení. Získate prístup k najnovšiemu portfóliu služieb OCI, ako je umelá inteligencia, a budete platiť len za to, čo použijete.
Budete platiť iba za služby, ktoré používate a ktoré prekračujú obmedzenia vždy bezplatných služieb. Informácie o nákladoch nájdete v cenníku služieb Oracle Cloud a v nástroji na odhad nákladov v cloude Oracle.
Pozrite si všetky najčastejšie otázky o službe Oracle Cloud Free Tier
*Bezplatné služby sú zvyčajne k dispozícii v oblastiach, v ktorých je dostupná komerčná služba Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Podrobnosti o dostupnosti služby nájdete na stránke dátových oblastí (presné oblasti, v ktorých sú bezplatné služby Free Tier dostupné sa môžu počas procesu registrácie líšiť). Kredit v hodnote 300 USD je dostupný vo vybraných krajinách a platí až 30 dní. Na spotrebu cloudových kreditov sa môžu počas 30-dňového akciového obdobia vzťahovať znížené sadzby.
** Dostupnosť služby Free Tier podlieha kapacitným obmedzeniam. Limity kapacity uvedené pre jednotlivé služby predstavujú iba odhady a odrážajú maximálnu kapacitu, ktorú môžete získať, ak počas propagačného obdobia spotrebujete celý kredit na jednu službu. Maximálna kapacita na získanú službu môže byť pri využívaní viacerých služieb nižšia. Zoznam služieb a odhadované kapacity sa môžu meniť. Zostatok kreditu máte k dispozícii v konzole služby Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.