Oracle Cloud is the first public cloud built from the ground up to be a better cloud for every application. By rethinking core engineering and systems design for cloud computing, we created innovations that solve problems that customers have with existing public clouds. We accelerate migrations of existing enterprise workloads, deliver better reliability and performance for all applications, and offer the complete services customers need to build innovative cloud applications. There are six key reasons customers are choosing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) for all their cloud workloads.
Oracle is the only hyperscaler capable of delivering more than 150 AI and cloud services across public, dedicated, and hybrid cloud environments, anywhere in the world. Read the report to see why Oracle is named a Leader.
Many enterprise applications are challenging to move to the cloud, as most hyperscale cloud providers were architected on a virtual machine model with resources shared through the compute hypervisor and oversubscribed networks. This older cloud computing architecture makes it difficult for enterprise applications to run at the expected levels of performance and availability without typically significant modification, which adds complexity and risk. Enterprise applications and other performance-sensitive on-premises applications were designed to run best on: scale-up architectures for resource scaling (not scale-out); ultra-low latency networks; persistent connections to relational databases; and clustering of resources for availability. OCI was designed with key cloud technologies to address the requirements of enterprise applications.
Moved their inventory management system to OCI without any application changes. Reduced costs by 50%.
Migrated their HCM and financial planning, along with 60 TB of key data to OCI. Performance increased by 25% and costs were reduced by 40%.
Deutsche Bank modernizes the data handling software behind various trading, risk management, and capital planning systems to gain a competitive edge.
While OCI is designed to be better for enterprise applications, the same innovations in networking, compute, and storage make cloud native applications more performant, resilient, and scalable. OCI has the broad cloud services and partner ecosystem you need to build production cloud native apps.
OCI is designed to be a better cloud for your entire development toolchain with support for cloud services from an array of partnerships.
Autonomous services are designed to automate the patching and performance tuning of the operating system and the database. Misconfiguration and poor optimization can rob an application of its performance, and misapplied security patches can introduce vulnerabilities into the system. Autonomous services are designed to reduce risk and cost of human error by:
Automating provisioning of new databases and compute instances
Automating configuration of user access
Automating encryption of services
Automating online patching and updating
Automating resource scaling as demand changes
Automating performance tuning
Oracle applies this automation, and additional workload-specific optimization, with the Autonomous Database across key database use cases including data warehousing, transaction processing, and document databases. Oracle also fully automates the operating system with Autonomous Linux, which automatically performs patches and updates while the system is running, ensuring 99.995% availability.
Analytical and machine learning workloads
Business applications and mixed workloads
Integrated sales and marketing data in Autonomous Data Warehouse. Experienced 50X to 60X faster query performance, better security, and saved 15 hours of weekly admin time.
Consolidated 30 financial and operational systems into a new financial data warehouse that provides a single source of truth. Autoscaling provides performance for peak fiscal reporting periods and flexible costs.
Moved a complex project information and management system to the cloud in just two weeks. Improved performance and realized up to 90% cost and time savings.
We designed the architecture of Oracle Cloud to support a wide range of deployment options for customers. Customers can run an entire OCI region from within their data center, move entire on-premises VMware environments to public cloud regions, or deliver OCI services like Exadata and Roving Edge right to the site of the work needed. Oracle also has a unique interconnection with Microsoft Azure to provide low-latency, unified identity, multicloud services in 12 regions around the world. Whether customers have already chosen a primary cloud provider, or are earlier in their cloud adoption, they can modernize their business with the control, performance, and value of OCI's range of hybrid choices.
Moved its mission-critical SaaS applications to a Dedicated Region, which are used by nearly 70% of the capital markets firms in Japan. They increased both cost and operational efficiency.
Moved its business applications and VMware workloads to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. They cut infrastructure costs by 50% and reduced administration and monitoring efforts by 90%.
Tim Brasil will migrate 7,000 servers, 35,000 cores, 1,200 databases, and 15 petabytes of storage. Core billing, CRM, custom DB applications, and VMware will move to OCI. The Oracle–Azure Interconnect will provide 40 Gbps, federated identity, and a 99.95% SLA.
When building the next-generation cloud, we didn’t just improve the architecture, but also improved key attributes such as security. In most public clouds, apps are built, then as they become larger and more functional, security is bolted on to the application and the services that run it. Every application you want to secure requires a host of different services, often with different pricing per service. At OCI, we’ve designed security into the core experience from the start of your application build or migration, and we’ve made most of our security tooling free as part of your environment.
Oracle has an extensive cloud compliance program designed to help customers operate globally in a complex and rapidly changing business and regulatory environment. Oracle manages more than 80 global, regional, and industry-specific programs to provide third-party attestations like SOC, ISO, HIPAA, and FedRAMP, and advisories for standards like GxP, NIST, GDPR and FISC. Data privacy regulations vary from region to region, and OCI actively maintains programs to comply with standards such as PCI-DSS. OCI further protects privacy by providing services that are region-specific by default, with additional privacy features, as well as published data processing standards and regular reporting of law enforcement requests.
In designing Oracle Cloud, we wanted a cloud that performed better for every application, but also had better price-performance. To do this, we made our pricing globally consistent, where the cost for a compute or storage service is consistently low across all regions to simplify adoption. We made our pricing competitive without requiring customers to make significant, multiyear commitments. We designed core cloud capabilities, such as security and container management, to be included in the cost of compute, not as an add-on charge. We built better performing networks, but also priced the movement of data out of the cloud in recognition of how our customers are building multicloud networks to serve their customers.
Beyond service pricing, we're continually making it easier to work with Oracle Cloud. We've backed our services with the most comprehensive SLAs, where we financially guarantee not only availability, but also the performance of our network and storage services as well as your ability to manage services through APIs at all times. To simplify migration, we include the design, planning, and migration of your workloads into the cloud at no extra cost, through our Cloud Lift program. Finally, we can reduce your software license support costs by 25 to 33 percent as you scale your OCI usage through Oracle Support Rewards.
The benefits add up. Let’s say you're moving a custom application to OCI. You can opt for lower Bring Your Own License pricing for Oracle Database in the cloud, get no-cost engineering support to move your application, and reduce your overall costs through volume OCI discounts and by earning Support Rewards.
Moving to OCI eliminated on-premises expansion costs and complexity, giving Subaru the resources to perform HPC calculations on demand.
Provides scaled cloud-based web conferencing to 20 million monthly active users. They saved 80% on networking by moving, and improved performance by 20%
Expects to reduce costs by 50% for its statewide ERP that supports 150,000 employees.
OCI ponúka spoločný súbor viac ako 100 služieb v každej cloudovej oblasti. Získajte všetky potrebné služby - od kontajnerov a VMware až po umelú inteligenciu – na migráciu, modernizáciu, zostavovanie a škálovanie služieb v oblasti IT. Automatizácia všetkých záťaží vrátane existujúcich aj nových aplikácií a dátových platforiem.
Zostavujte, nasadzujte a spravujte moderné cloudové aplikácie pomocou nástrojov a služieb vhodných pre vývojárov.
Služby integrácie Oracle Cloud Infrastructure prepájajú všetky aplikácie a dátové zdroje s cieľom automatizovať komplexné procesy a centralizovať správu. Široká škála integrácií s vopred vytvorenými adaptérmi a prispôsobením s minimom kódovania zjednodušuje migráciu do cloudu a zároveň zjednodušuje hybridné aj viaccloudové operácie.
Získajte komplexné informácie o podniku s rozšírenou analytikou a pomôžte svojej organizácii rásť pomocou jedinečných informácií.
Jednoducho pridajte inteligenciu do svojich aplikácií a pracovných záťaží pomocou vopred vytvorených modelov vnímania a rozhodovania a hotových chatbotov alebo si vytvorte a trénujte svoje vlastné modely pomocou našich služieb na výskum dát.
Získajte nové prehľady všetkých svojich dát pomocou našej komplexnej platformy spravovaných služieb Spark, Hadoop, Elasticsearch a Kafka v kombinácii s tými najlepšími službami dátového skladu a správy dát.
Zabezpečená a elastická výpočtová kapacita v cloude od flexibilných virtuálnych počítačov (virtuálnych strojov Flex) a vysokovýkonných serverov Bare Metal až po jednotky HPC a GPU.
Kľúčové prípady použitia ukladacieho priestoru na požiadanie s lokálnym ukladacím priestorom, objektovým, súborovým, blokovým a archivačným ukladacím priestorom.
Nasadzovanie aplikácií mikroslužieb vo vysokovýkonných, spravovaných službách Docker s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom, Kubernetes a Fn Functions.
Pripojte sa bezpečne k prispôsobiteľnej a izolovanej virtuálnej cloudovej sieti (VCN) ako základu nasadenia cloudu. Presúvajte dáta s 25 % nákladmi v porovnaní s ostatnými poskytovateľmi cloudových služieb.
Spúšťajte nákladovo optimalizované, vysokovýkonné a autonómne verzie riešenia Oracle Database. Ide o popredný svetový konvergovaný systém správy multimodálnych databáz v cloude.
MySQL HeatWave je plne spravovaná databázová služba, ktorá využíva integrovaný akcelerátor vnútropamäťových dopytov HeatWave. Je to jediná cloudová databázová služba, ktorá kombinuje transakcie, analytiku a služby strojového učenia do jednej služby MySQL Database. Poskytuje bezpečnú analytiku v reálnom čase bez zložitosti, latencie a nákladov na duplikovanie ETL.
Chráňte svoje najcennejšie údaje v cloude pomocou prístupu spoločnosti Oracle s hlavným dôrazom na bezpečnosť a komplexných programov na zaistenie súladu s predpismi. Spoločnosť Oracle poskytuje prehľadnosť a informácie založené na strojovom učení, aby uľahčila správu vo všetkých vrstvách zásobníka nasadeného v ľubovoľnej technológii kdekoľvek.
Globálne, bezpečné a vysokovýkonné prostredie na presun, vytváranie a spúšťanie všetkých záťaží. Ponuky hybridných riešení a riešení Edge poskytujú špecializované nasadenie, odpojenú a nepravidelne pripojenú prevádzku, nízku latenciu a vysoký výkon, ako aj lokalizáciu a zabezpečenie údajov.
Oracle offers a Free Tier with no time limits on selection of services such as Autonomous Database, Compute, and Storage, as well as US$300 in free credits to try additional cloud services. Get the details and sign up for your free account today.
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