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Aby ste našli to, čo hľadáte, odporúčame vyskúšať nasledujúci postup:

  • Skontrolujte správnosť zadania kľúčových slov vo vyhľadávaní.
  • Použite synonymá pre kľúčové slovo, ktoré ste zadali, napríklad skúste použiť „aplikácia“ namiesto „softvér“.
  • Skúste niektoré z populárnych vyhľadávaní uvedených nižšie.
  • Začnite nové vyhľadávanie.
Časté otázky

Oracle Optimized Solutions

Oracle Optimized Solutions
Take the guesswork out of deploying enterprise IT solutions

Why Oracle Optimized Solutions?

Oracle Optimized Solutions are proven to save money, reduce integration risks, and improve user productivity. Built with flexibility and security in mind, they can be deployed as complete solutions or easily adapted into existing environments. Oracle Optimized Solutions are designed, tested, and fully documented architectures that are tuned for optimal performance and availability. They are based on uniquely matched components including Oracle's engineered systems, servers, and storage, operating systems, virtualization, database, middleware, and enterprise applications.

Enterprise Applications

Enterprise Applications

Oracle Optimized Solutions for enterprise applications provide optimized performance with integrated availability and security capabilities for complete application environments.



Oracle Optimized Solutions for middleware help organizations easily manage cost effective, secure, and high performing application infrastructures.

Data Management

Data Management

Oracle Optimized Solutions for data management offer proven best practices to control costs and maximize performance for your growing structured and unstructured storage needs.

Core Infrastructure

Core Infrastructure

Oracle Optimized Solutions for core infrastructures include fully tested blueprints that provide the foundation for a more cost effective and agile data center.

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