End of Feature Notices for Oracle Solaris 11

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  • EOF Process

    Software packages that will be removed in a future update will follow this life cycle:

    1. A release note is added to the package. To read the release note:

    • Use the pkg history -N command to display the release note when the package is installed or updated.
    • View the file /usr/share/doc/release-notes.

    2. The package is removed from any group packages in which it had been included.

    3. The pkg list command displays an l (the letter el) in the O column for the package to indicate that the package delivers legacy software that will be obsoleted in the future. The package might be renamed from package-name to legacy/package-name.

    Use the following command to see whether the system has legacy packages installed:

    $ pkg search -l -o pkg.fmri :pkg.legacy:true

    4. The legacy package is obsoleted and therefore removed from the system in a future update. In some cases, it might be possible to keep a legacy package installed as described in Trapped by Older Software. Note, however, that the obsoleted software is not supported by Oracle.

End of Features (EOF) Planned for Future Updates of Oracle Solaris

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    This section lists features that might be removed in future updates of Oracle Solaris 11.

  • Cryptographic Protocols, Algorithms, and Key Lengths

    The following cryptographic protocols, algorithms, and key lengths will be marked as deprecated in a future update.

    • MD5
    • SHA1

    You should upgrade your applications to use modern ciphers and hashes and longer key lengths.

  • FOSS

    The following Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) will not be included in a future update:

    Clutter libraries

    The Clutter libraries will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. Users can download the source from gnome.org.


    Framework for managing desktop login sessions.

    Django 2.2

    Version 2.2 of the Django Python Web framework. Migrate to Django 3.2 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris. Use the django-version mediator to select version 3.2 or newer.


    Utility for obtaining flags needed to build software using the FreeType library. Instead, use pkg-config freetype2.

    Folks, (libfolks)

    The Folks library (libfolks) will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. Users can download the source from gnome.org.

    gmime 2.x

    gmime 2.x will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. Migrate to 3.x as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    GCC 7

    Version 7 of the GNU Compiler Collection. Migrate to a newer version as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    Intltool will be removed from a future release of Solaris. Software that uses it should be updated to use GNU gettext directly instead.


    libchamplain will be removed from a future version of Oracle Solaris.

    libpng 1.0
    libpng 1.2

    Versions 1.0 and 1.2 of the Portable Network Graphics library. Migrate to libpng 1.4 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    libusb 0.1.8

    libusb 0.1.8 will be removed from a future version of Oracle Solaris. Migrate to libusb 1.0.x in the libusb-1 package.

    OpenJade and OpenSP

    OpenJade and OpenSP will be removed in a future release of Oracle Solaris. Users can download sources from openjade.sourceforge.net.

    OpenSSL 1.0.2

    OpenSSL 1.0.2 will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. The replacement is OpenSSL 3.x already delivered with Oracle Solaris.

    OpenUSB library

    OpenUSB library will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. Migrate to libusb 1.0.23 or newer as provided in libusb-1 package with Oracle Solaris.

    PCRE libpcre

    The previous version of the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) library, libpcre, will be removed in a future release of Oracle Solaris. Software using libpcre should migrate to the current version, PCRE 10.x, also known as libpcre2.

    Puppet-Staging Module

    Migrate to the Puppet-Archive Module as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    Python 3.9

    Versions 3.9 of the Python interpreter and modules. Migrate to Python 3.11 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    Python asn1crypto library

    Python asn1crypto library will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. Oracle Solaris provides pyasn1 and pyasn1-modules packages, and the cryptography library. These provide most/all of the functionality available in asn1crypto.

    Python lazy-object-proxy library

    Python lazy-object-proxy library will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. Users can move to wrapt, which is another transparent object proxy for Python that is available in Oracle Solaris, although it works slightly differently.

    Python six library

    Python six library will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. Users should remove all uses of six and replace them with corresponding functionality from the standard library.

    Ruby 3.1

    Ruby 3.1 will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. Users should migrate to Ruby 3.3 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    telepathy-glib will be removed from a future release of Oracle Solaris. Users can download the source from telepathy.freedesktop.org.

    xf86-video-cirrus and xf86-video-openchrome drivers

    x11/server/xorg/driver/xorg-video-openchrome and x11/server/xorg/driver/xorg-video-cirrus drivers will be removed in a future release of Oracle Solaris.

  • Network Information Name Service (NIS)

    All components of NIS, including clients, servers, tools, and programming interfaces might not be available in a future update. Instead, use the LDAP naming services.

End of Features (EOF) for Oracle Solaris 11.4 SRUs

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    This section lists features that are no longer available in Oracle Solaris 11.4 Support Repository Updates (SRUs).

    For further details about changes delivered in Oracle Solaris 11.4 SRUs, including both planned and delivered End of Feature removals, see the README documents for each SRU, available from My Oracle Support Oracle Solaris 11.4 Support Repository Updates (SRU) Index (Doc ID 2433412.1).

  • Drivers

    The following drivers and their associated man pages are no longer available. Unless an alternative is listed, any devices supported by these drivers no longer work, and any software that relies on these drivers or devices no longer work.

    Apache Tomcat 8.5

    Version 8.5 of the Apache Tomcat application server has been removed from Oracle Solaris. Migrate to a later version as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    audiocs (4D)

    Crystal Semiconductor 4231 audio driver.


    conflict has been removed from Oracle Solaris. Those who still need conflict can download and build the source from invisible-island.net/conflict/conflict.html


    CVS has been removed from Oracle Solaris. Those who still need CVS can download and build the source from ftp.gnu.org/non-gnu/cvs/

    Device Driver Utility

    Device Driver Utility tool for creating device drivers.

    llc2 (4D) Logical Link Control 2 (LLC2) driver. This driver was required by the X.25 and Solstice OSI suite add-on products. See the llc2 (4D) man page for more information.

    NVIDIA R340
    NVIDIA R304

    Legacy versions 340.xx and 304.xx of the NVIDIA Graphics Driver. Instead, either upgrade to a graphics card supported by a newer version of the NVIDIA driver, or migrate to the X.Org VESA driver without hardware acceleration. See Support timeframes for Unix legacy GPU releases for NVIDIA's support lifetimes and supported GPUs for each driver version.
    psif (4D) PCIe Scalable System Interface (PSIF) and Virtual Function InfiniBand (IB) driver.

    WiFi Device Drivers

    The following wireless network device drivers:

    arn(4D)            rum(4D)
        atu(4D)            uath(4D)
        iwh(4D)            ural(4D)
        iwk(4D)            urtw(4D)
        iwp(4D)            zyd(4D)
  • FOSS

    The following Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is no longer included. If an alternative is still included in Oracle Solaris, it has been listed. You can also look for this software from upstream providers or third party packagers such as Unix Packages.


    The ASCII art library, aalib.


    ANother Tool for Language Recognition. If needed, install directly using the instructions at Getting Started with ANTLR v4.

    Apache Commons Collections

    Interfaces, implementations, and utilities for Java Collections, including apache-commons-logging .

    APR 1.5

    Version 1.5 of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and APR-util. Migrate to version 1.6 instead.

    Automake 1.10
    Automake 1.11
    Automake 1.15

    Versions 1.10, 1.11, and 1.15 of the automake Makefile generating tool. Migrate to a newer version of automake as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    On-screen keyboard support for GNOME is now provided by GNOME Shell instead.


    CLooG is an open source library which implements Z-Polyhedra scanning.

    cx_Oracle and ODPI-C

    cx_Oracle and ODPI-C libraries. Migrate to python-oracledb library. cx_Oracle was rewritten and renamed to python-oracledb. The way it is built also changed, which is why ODPI-C has been removed as well.

    Django 1.11

    Version 1.11 of the Django Python Web framework. Migrate to Django 3.2 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris. Use the django-version mediator to select version 3.2 or newer.

    Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI)

    The DRI subsystem, the i915 kernel driver for Intel graphics, and associated modules for the Xorg server and Mesa library.

    Users of Intel graphics from the 910 chipset through, and including, the Intel Core 4th Generation ("Haswell") CPU will need to use the Xorg VESA driver and Mesa swrast driver instead. If the system has not had manual configuration applied, this change will happen automatically. If an Xorg configuration file exists, then it might need to be edited to remove the usage of the intel or modesetting drivers for Xorg, because both of these drivers rely on the i915 kernel drivers.

    Users of other graphics devices will not be affected.


    Distributed Multihead X (DMX) software includes the Xdmx server and associated utilties and libraries.


    The enscript command converts ASCII files to PostScript or other output languages. Use the a2ps command instead.

    Federated File Systems - FedFS

    NFS support for the Federated File Systems protocols (RFC 7532 and RFC 7533), including administrative commands has been removed. Support will remain for RFC 6641 and for referrals of type "nfs-basic".

    Foomatic Print PPDs

    The package pkg:/print/lp/filter/foomatic-ppds was part of SVr4 printing which was already removed. Please use pkg:/print/cups/filter/foomatic-db and pkg:/print/cups/filter/foomatic-db-engine compiled for CUPS instead.

    Frame Buffer Power Management (FBPM)

    FBPM support has been removed from the x11-protocols headers, the libXext library, and the xset command in Oracle Solaris.

    fstobdf utility

    Those who need fstobdf can download and build the source from X.Org.


    The g11nsvc Locale Services Python library. Instead, use the nlsadm command or parse the locale_description files and pkg outputs directly. See the nlsadm (8), locale_description (5), and pkg (1) man pages.

    GCC 5
    GCC 9
    GCC 10
    GCC 11

    Version 5, 9, 10, and 11 of the GNU Compiler Collection. Migrate to GCC 11 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.
    GCC Go runtime library libgo.so.14 and libgo.so.16 has also been removed. Binaries which were built using gccgo 9 and 10 will need to be rebuilt with a newer gccgo version.


    gnome-common has been removed from Oracle Solaris.

    GNOME 2.0 Configuration - GConf

    GConf (GNOME 2.0 Configuration). Use GNOME 3.x replacement GSettings and dconf.


    Tools for building GNOME 2 documentation. Use yelp-tools to build GNOME 3 style docs instead.

    gnu-gs-fonts-std and gnu-gs-fonts-other

    gnu-gs-fonts-std and gnu-gs-fonts-other.

    GNU parted, NTFS utilities

    GNU parted and NTFS utilities.


    GOCR (GNU Optical Character Recognition) program.

    Google Go 1.7

    Version 1.7 of the Go programming language. Migrate to the GNU Go compiler (gccgo ) as provided in Oracle Solaris for both x86 and SPARC. Rebuild your Go applications using the go build command provided by gccgo . Additional packages not provided by Oracle Solaris can be downloaded by using the go get tool.

    GTK+ 2 and gtkmm

    Version 2 of the GTK+ and gtkmm libraries has been removed from Oracle Solaris. Migrate to version 3 or 4 as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    The gtkspell library.

    GSSDP, GUPnP, GUPnP-igd

    GSSDP, GUPnP, and GUPnP-igd.

    HTTP and HTTPS support for SVR4 tools

    Removed support for the HTTP and HTTPS protocol for installing SVR4 packages.


    Tool for measuring the latency and throughput of a webserver.


    hal-cups-utils is a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) plugin module that automatically creates print queues under the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) for printers detected by HAL.

    ICU 59.1

    Version 59.1 of the International Components for Unicode libraries. Migrate to ICU version 63.1 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    The idnkit2 library. Use the libidn2 library instead.

    IPFilter to PF conversion tool

    The ipf2pf(7) tool and smf service has been removed from Oracle Solaris.


    Irssi has been removed from Oracle Solaris. Those who still need Irssi can download and build the source from irssi.org.


    Little Color Management System. Use lcms2 instead.


    libee library has been removed from Oracle Solaris.


    libConfuse library has been removed from Oracle Solaris.

    libcroco library

    The libcroco library has been removed from Oracle Solaris. Those who still need libcroco can download and build the source from gnome.org.


    The MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics) library.

    libmusicbrainz library

    The libmusicbrainz library.


    Implements the rsync remote-delta algorithm. This library is used only by rdiff-backup .

    libsass and sassc

    The libsass library and the sassc wrapper.

    libtorrent and rtorrent

    libtorrent library and rtorrent client has been removed from Oracle Solaris.


    The libvisual library and libvisual-plugins packages has been removed from Oracle Solaris.

    libXevie library

    The libXevie library has been removed from Oracle Solaris. Those who still need libXevie can download and build the source from X.Org.

    libXklavier library

    The libXklavier library.

    libXp library

    Those who still need libXp can download and build the source from X.Org.

    libXxf86misc library

    The libXxf86misc library has been removed from Oracle Solaris. Those who still need libXxf86misc can download and build the source from X.Org.


    Libzapojit is a GLib/GObject wrapper for the SkyDrive and Hotmail REST APIs.


    Mailman software manages electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists.


    MCollective is deprecated by the Puppet community. For suggestions of alternative software, see the deprecation note on puppet.com.


    Migrate to Apache HTTP module mod_proxy_fcgi instead.

    MySQL 5.5
    MySQL 5.6
    MySQL 5.7

    Version 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 of the MySQL database. Migrate to a newer version of MySQL as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    Users should attach files directly in their email client instead.

    Node.js 8
    Node.js 10
    Node.js 12
    Node.js 14
    Node.js 16
    Node.js 18

    Versions 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 of the Node.js JavaScript runtime. Migrate to a newer version as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    OCaml programming language.

    Ilmbase libraries

    OpenEXR image file format and supporting Ilmbase libraries.

    OpenSSL 1.1

    Version 1.1 of OpenSSL library. Migrate to version OpenSSL 3.0 as provided with Oracle Solaris 11.4.42 and later.

    Perl 5.22
    Perl 5.26
    Perl 5.32
    Perl 5.36

    Versions 5.22, 5.26, 5.32 and 5.36 of Perl, including all components in packages that have a -522, -526, -532, or -536 suffix in their package name. Migrate to a newer version as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    Perl Modules Tools (pmtools)

    Perl Modules Tools (pmtools) is a suite of small tools that help manage and inspect Perl modules, Perl Plain Old Documentation files, and Perl programs.

    PHP 8.0
    PHP 7.4
    PHP 7.3
    PHP 7.1
    PHP 5.6

    Versions 8.0, 7.4, 7.3, 7.1 and 5.6 of the PHP scripting language. Migrate to PHP 8.1 or a newer version of PHP as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    pidgin, pidgin-otr, libotr, and pidgin-gnome-keyring.

    Puppet master

    The WEBrick/Ruby-based Puppet master is deprecated by the Puppet community and hence removed from Oracle Solaris.


    Python 2 binding to GTK 2. Use pygobject bindings to GTK 3 instead.

    Python 2.7

    Version 2.7 of the Python interpreter and modules. Migrate to Python 3.9 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    Python 3.4
    Python 3.5
    Python 3.7

    Versions 3.4, 3.5, and 3.7 of the Python interpreter and modules. Migrate to Python 3.11 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    Python atomicwrites

    Python atomicwrites library. Migrate to standard os.replace and os.rename libraries.

    Python bindings

    The following Python bindings have been removed:

    libxsl-27           net-snmp-27

    Python Boto

    Python Boto library.

    Python components

    All versions of the following Python components. Users can still install these programs directly by using the pip command, which is shipped with each Python runtime.

    aioeventlet         os-client-config
        amqp                oslo.concurrency
        anyjson             oslo.messaging
        appdirs             oslo.middleware
        cachetools          oslo.service
        ceilometerclient    osprofiler
        cheetah             pathlib
        cliff               pika
        contextlib2         pika-pool
        d2to1               positional
        decorator           posix_ipc
        django-appconf      pycadf
        eventlet            pydns
        filechunkio         pyrabbit
        futures             pyscss
        futurist            pysmi
        greenlet            pysnmp
        httplib2            pytest-capturelog
        iniparse            pytest-codecheckers
        ipython             python-editor
        jsonpatch           python-mimeparse
        jsonpath-rw         quantumclient
        jsonpointer         rcssmin
        keystoneauth1       repoze.lru
        keystoneclient      requestsexceptions
        keystonemiddleware  retrying
        kombu               rjsmin
        lesscpy             routes
        librabbitmq         scp
        logutils            simplegeneric
        m2crypto            singledispatch
        markdown            swift
        networkx            swiftclient
        neutronclient       tempita
        nose-cover3         trollius
        openstack-common    unicodecsv
        openstacksdk        warlock

    Python components

    All versions of the following Python components. Users can still install these programs directly by using the pip command, which is shipped with each Python runtime.

    cov-core            requests-aws
        cssutils            testresources
        ipaddr              testscenarios
        ldtp                traceback2
        linecache2          twisted-web2

    Python components

    All versions of the following Python components. Users can still install these programs directly by using the pip command, which is shipped with each Python runtime.

    dogpile.cache       pyflakes
        dogpile.core        pymemcache
        formencode          pytest-cov
        ldappool            setuptools-git
        logilab-common      sqlalchemy
        paste               tox
        paste.deploy        waitress
        pycountry           webtest

    Python extras

    Python extras library.

    Python memcached

    Python memcached library. Migrate to pymemcached library.

    Python py

    Python py.

    Python toml

    Python toml library. Migrate to tomlkit, toml, or standard tomllib (starting with Python 3.11).


    Python library for making CIM operations over HTTP using the WBEM CIM-XML protocol.


    Back up one directory to another, possibly over a network. Instead, use the rsync command.


    Data logging and graphing tool. Use Oracle Solaris System Web Interface instead. See Using Oracle Solaris 11.4 StatsStore and System Web Interface for more information.

    Ruby 2.1
    Ruby 2.3
    Ruby 2.5
    Ruby 2.6

    Versions 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6 of the Ruby interpreter and modules. Migrate to a newer version of Ruby as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    Snort and DAQ

    Snort and DAQ will has been removed from Oracle Solaris. Users can use Suricata for similar functionality.

    SpiderMonkey 60
    SpiderMonkey 38

    SpiderMonkey version 60 (libmozjs-60) and SpiderMonkey version 38 (libmozjs-38). Migrate to SpiderMonkey version 78 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    Stomp Library

    Stomp Library for Ruby. Users who want to continue to use this in Oracle Solaris should install this as a 'ruby gem':

    # gem install stomp


    Daemon that centralizes the logging of all communication within the Telepathy framework.

    vino and vinagre

    The GNOME vino and vinagre packages have been removed from Oracle Solaris. Users can use the TigerVNC server and client packages for VNC support instead.

    WPA supplicant

    Wireless networking WPA supplicant is the wpad(8) daemon that provides WiFi Protected Access (WPA) 1 and 2 functionality as defined by IEEE 802.11i.

    wxWidgets 3.0

    Migrate to wxWidgets 3.2 version as provided with Oracle Solaris 11.4.57 and later.


    Screen saver collection and screen lock framework. Migrate to GNOME Screen Shield. Users can also manually run xlock , or build xscreensaver sources from https://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/ .


    Migrate to the Netwide Assembler (NASM) as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    yelp, devhelp, and webkitgtk4

    yelp, devhelp, and webkitgtk4 packages have been removed from Oracle Solaris. Use online documentation at http://help.gnome.org instead for detailed documentation.

    Zenmap & Ndiff

    Zenmap is the official Nmap Security Scanner GUI and the Ndiff tool aids in the comparison of Nmap scans.

  • NVIDIA Cg Toolkit

    The NVIDIA Cg toolkit is no longer bundled with the NVIDIA graphics driver. You should use OpenGL GLSL for future development. For more information, see Cg Toolkit.

  • Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

    Oracle Solaris Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) packages are no longer available.

  • RAD Python Client for Python 2.7 and 3.5

    Use RAD Python Client for Python 3.7, delivered by package system/management/rad/client/rad-python-37.

  • UUCP Protocol

    The Unix-to-Unix Copy (UUCP) protocol and its related commands and daemons. The uuencode and uudecode commands are retained.

End of Features (EOF) for Oracle Solaris 11.4

Open all Close all

    This section lists features that are no longer available in Oracle Solaris 11.4. If these features are installed on an existing system, upgrading to Oracle Solaris 11.4 removes these features from that system. In some cases, downrev versions of software can be kept installed, as described in Trapped by Older Software.

  • Commands and Utilities

    The following commands and utilities are no longer available.


    Used to manually map out defective disk blocks. Disk firmware handles this task automatically now.


    Used to check the conformance of an application to the Oracle Solaris Application Binary Interface (ABI). Instead, you can use the Preflight Application Checker tool for Oracle Solaris.


    Used to convert FORTRAN carriage-control output to printable form.


    Used to scan "big" files (up to 1 megabyte) on systems without enough memory to handle directly. Instead, you can use the ed command.


    Used to switch display configuration when a laptop-specific hotkey is pressed. Instead, use the xrandr command or GNOME Display Settings application to change display configuration.

    dpost, eqnchar , mansun

    The roff family of commands has been replaced with the groff system. In the groff system, the dpost command is no longer used. Instead, you can use the grops command. The eqnchar file is no longer required, so there is no replacement. The mansun macro is no longer used. Instead, you can use the man macro.


    Displays the codeset table for the current locale. Instead, use the /usr/pub/utf-8 text file to display the printable characters on UTF-8 locales. On EUC locales, save the output from the dumpcs command on a prior Oracle Solaris update and use it for future reference.


    Used to print or set the customer data for Field-Replaceable Units (FRUs). You can still run this command from the Service Processor.


    Used to convert the name of a file, or the contents of a plain text file, from a legacy character encoding to UTF-8 encoding. Instead, you can use the fsexamc command.


    Used to display discretionary file information. Instead, you can use the -v or -V options to the ls command to list the Access Control Lists (ACLs).


    Used to obtain an RFC 952 host table from an RFC 953 server. Instead, use DNS.


    Used to convert an RFC 952 host table into host, network, and gateway files. Instead, use DNS.


    The Sun DHCP daemon (in.dhcpd ) is no longer available. If you require a DHCP server, use the ISC DHCP server. To install the ISC DHCP server, install the service/network/dhcp/isc-dhcp package.


    Network router discovery daemon. The in.rdisc daemon is obsolete as of Oracle Solaris 9 Update 1. Instead, you can use the in.routed daemon that delivers the underlying RFC 1259 router discovery functionality.


    Used to install legacy GRUB on a disk partition or a floppy diskette.

    ITU Construction Utilities

    The ITU utilities enable you to boot Oracle Solaris with updates during installation.

    The following commands are no longer available:


    To provide similar functionality by using the Image Packaging System (IPS), see Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System in Oracle® Solaris 11.4 and Creating a Custom Oracle® Solaris 11.4 Image.


    Used to convert Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart rules , profile, and syscfg configuration files to a format compatible with Oracle Solaris 11 Automated Installer (AI).


    The following machid family of commands is no longer available:


    These commands return a true value (exit code of 0) if you are using an instruction set that the command name indicates. Instead, use the uname command. For more information, see the uname (1) man page.


    Used to provide SunOS 4.x compatibility for the Oracle Solaris mailbox format.


    Used to generate an encryption key. Instead, you can use the pwhash command to generate password hashes, which gives you access to newer and more secure hash algorithms.


    mp is a command-line print filter that accepts text as input and prints PostScript as output. Instead, you can use the paps print filter.


    Used to enable or disable network services. The default security posture in Oracle Solaris 11 is equivalent to or stronger than running the netservices limited command. Administrators concerned with the security posture of the system should use the Compliance Framework. You can use the svcadm command to enable or disable individual services, or create an SMF profile appropriate for your site.


    Used to determine which variant instruction set is optimal to use. Instead, use the isainfo command to query the capabilities of the current instruction set architecture.


    The packagemanager GUI command and its associated pm-updatemanager command are no longer available. Instead, use the pkg command, which provides all the package management capabilities.

    pack , unpack , and pcat

    Compression utilities. Use gunzip or gzcat to decompress existing files that were compressed with pack .


    Used to gather FRUID data from the system or domain. You can still run prtfru from the Service Processor.


    Used to modify the Access Control List (ACL) for a file or files. Instead, you can use the chmod -A command to set POSIX or NFS ACLs.


    Used to search localized message files created by the mkmsgs utility. Instead, use the message file format created by the msgfmt utility.


    The SunSSH implementation of the secure shell server and clients is no longer available. Instead, you can use the OpenSSH implementation of these commands, which is included in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and later.


    Used in SunOS 4.x to reduce the overhead of getting symbols from vmunix . Instead, see the ksyms (4D) man page for information about accessing the kernel symbols.

    /usr/ucb commands

    The following commands in the /usr/ucb directory are no longer available. Other /usr/ucb commands are still available in Oracle Solaris 11.4 by installing the package compatibility/ucb , but might be removed in a future update. Instead, migrate to the equivalent commands in /usr/bin , /usr/xpg7/bin , or /usr/gnu/bin .

        e, ex
        vi, view


    The legacy /usr/sunos/bin/vi editor is no longer available. Instead, you can use the vim editor, which is installed as /usr/bin/vi . The following links to /usr/sunos/bin/vi are also removed:


    The POSIX versions of vi and ex present in the /usr/xpg4 and the /usr/xpg6 directories will not be removed. The following links are not required for POSIX compliance and have been removed:

  • Command Assistant GNOME Panel Applet

    The Command Assistant applet is no longer available. The Command Assistant applet provides quick access to Oracle Solaris documentation such as man pages and administration guides. Instead, you can use the man -K command to search locally installed man pages, or do a web-based Oracle Technology Network (OTN) search. For example, to search for operating systems, use http://docs.oracle.com/apps/search/search.jsp?&category=operatingsystems.

  • Command Options

    The following options to the listed commands and utilities are no longer available:

    • -m option in the zoneadm clone command

      The -m option is no longer available in the zoneadm clone command. After the removal of the -m option, when cloning a zone, the zoneadm clone command displays the following default behavior:

      • If the cloned zone and the source zone are present in the same zpool, ZFS snapshot and clone operations are used.
      • If the cloned zone and the source zone are present in different zpools, ZFS send and receive operations are used.
    • -s option in the zoneadm clone command

      The -s option is no longer available in the zoneadm clone command. Instead, you can create a master zone that can be cloned on demand. This master zone will always have a boot environment that is in sync with the current global zone boot environment. The disk space consumption with this approach is approximately the same as that with the zoneadm clone -s command.

    • -R option in the zoneadm mark command

      In Oracle Solaris 11.4, you cannot change the state of a zone in an alternate root environment by using zoneadm mark command.

    • -x option in the prtconf command

      The -x option in the prtconf command is no longer available. Since Oracle Solaris 10 and later only boot 64-bit kernels on SPARC systems, a runtime check on an already booted system to determine whether the PROM is able to run a 64-bit kernel is no longer useful. Instead, run /bin/true .

  • Common Desktop Environment (CDE) application support

    The CDE Calendar Server (rpc.cmsd ) and related utilities are no longer available. If you still need to support workstations running CDE on Oracle Solaris 10 or older versions, use an Oracle Solaris 11.3 or older server to host calendar services for those workstations.

    The CDE runtime environment is no longer available, including all of the following components:

    • dtksh interpreter
    • DtHelp , DtSvc , DtTerm , and DtWidget libraries
    • Programs from pkg:/cde/cde-runtime , pkg:/cde/cde-utilities , and pkg:/cde/help-viewer

    Applications that require any of these components must be ported to GNOME interfaces in order to run on Oracle Solaris 11.4 or later updates.

  • compat Name Service Switch

    The compat name service switch is no longer available. Instead, you can use the pam_list (7) PAM module.

  • CPCv1

    CPU Performance Counter API version 1 (CPCv1) in the libcpc library is no longer available and will not be supported. Instead, you can use CPU Performance Counter API version 2 (CPCv2) that is available in the libcpc library. See the cpc (3CPC) man page for more information.

  • Cryptographic Protocols, Algorithms, and Key Lengths

    The following cryptographic protocols, algorithms, and key lengths are not generally available in Oracle Solaris 11.4 or later. Certain implementations might still be present in limited circumstances where required for interoperability or compatibility. See also additional notes below on specific algorithms.

    • SSLv2
    • SSLv3
    • MD2
    • MD4
    • RC2
    • RC4
    • Single-DES
    • Diffie-Hellman (DH) keys smaller than 1024 bits
    • RSA keys smaller than 1024 bits

    You should upgrade your applications to use modern ciphers, hashes, and longer key lengths. The recommended key length is 2048 bits.

  • Data Encryption Standard (DES)

    Support for the single-DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm is no longer available in the following:

    • Solaris Kernel Cryptographic Framework
    • encrypt command

    The encrypt command is no longer able to encrypt files using single-DES. However, the decrypt command is still able to decrypt files that were previously encrypted by using single-DES.

    The pkcs11_softtoken PKCS#11 provider only supports decryption for the CKM_DES_ECB, CKM_DES_CBC, and CKM_DES_CBC_PAD mechanisms and will only support verify (not sign) for CKM_DES_MAC and CKM_DES_MAC_GENERAL.

    For future encryption and decryption needs, use the newer, more secure algorithms supported by encrypt or decrypt , such as AES. This will not impact the availability of 3DES.

  • Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4)

    Support for Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4), also known as ARCFOUR, is not available in the following:

    • Solaris Kernel Cryptographic Framework
    • encrypt command

    The encrypt command is no longer able to encrypt files using RC4. However, the decrypt command is still able to decrypt files that were previously encrypted by using RC4.

    The pkcs11_softtoken PKCS#11 provider will support decryption only for the CKM_RC4 mechanism.

    For future encryption and decryption needs, use the newer, more secure algorithms supported by encrypt or decrypt , such as AES.

  • Desktop Input Components

    The following input method engines and components are no longer available:

    • The Internet-Intranet Input Method Framework (IIIMF) and its language engines, including ATOK and Wnn Japanese language engines. Instead, you can use the Intelligent Input Bus (IBus) framework, and install language engines from third party sources for it.
    • The IBus input method engines:
      • ibus-anthy and the anthy libraries used in the Japanese input method
      • ibus-pinyin and the ibus-sunpinyin libraries used in the Chinese input method
      • ibus/chewing - IBus front-end of the Chewing Chinese input method
      • ibus/hangul - Korean input method engine
      • ibus-m17n - Multilingual input method engine
      • ibus/sayura - Sinhala Transe input method engine
      • ibus/table - Input method engine framework for table-based input methods

      As a replacement, you can install language engines from third party sources.

      For infrequent use, the Unicode input method of GNOME (Ctrl-Shift-u nnnn) or selection from gnome-character-map (1) can be used.

    • ibus-xkbc engine. In the new Desktop configuration, you can select the keyboard layout and input method engines from the same configuration list instead of using the ibus-xkbc engine.
    • Virtual keyboard. Instead, use Caribou.
    • imf-selector configuration tool. In the new Desktop configuration, you can use the Gnome Control Center to configure the Input Method Framework (IMF).
  • device.match Property for Kernel Zones

    The device.match property as described in the solaris-kz (5) man page in earlier updates is no longer available. Instead, you can use the device.storage property.

  • Directory Cache and Alternative Objects

    Support for the directory cache and the alternative objects generated by the crle command is no longer available. Changes in the crle command are as follows:

    • The -f , -g , -i , -I, and -G options are not available.

    • The -a and -A options have the following behavior:

      • You can redirect only files and not directories.

        Example of a valid command:

        $ crle -o /newdir -a /olddir/libold.so.1

        Example of an invalid command:

        $ crle -o /newdir -a /olddir

      • You must specify the -o option before using the -a or -A option.

    • The -l or the -s option when used with the -t AOUT option will fail with an error.

    • The RTLD_REL_ flags that are defined in the file for the dldump() function are not supported. Any call to the dldump() function with the RTLD_REL_ flags will fail with an error.

    Note: Applications that use the alternative objects generated by the crle command will not run on Oracle Solaris 11.4 or later. Instead, you must use the original objects in the applications.

  • Drivers

    The following drivers and their associated man pages are no longer available. Unless an alternative is listed, any devices supported by these drivers will no longer work with Oracle Solaris 11.4 and later, and any software relying on these drivers or devices might no longer work with Oracle Solaris 11.4 and later.

    AGP Bus

    Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) drivers. With the obsolescence of the AGP Bus, frame buffer hardware that uses the AGP bus no longer functions. PCI-based frame buffers continues to function and can be used in place of the AGP hardware.


    Input device driver for Acecad Flair graphics tablets


    Adaptec Ultra320 SCSI host bus adapter driver


    ADMtek Ethernet NIC driver


    AMD-8111 Ethernet NIC driver

    arcmsr (4D)

    Areca SAS/SATA RAID HBA driver


    Atheros/Attansic Ethernet NIC driver


    Atheros AR52xx 802.11b/g wireless NIC driver


    IEEE 1394 audio/video driver


    Broadcom HT1000 SATA controller driver


    Broadcom BCM4401 Ethernet NIC driver


    Blade support chip interface driver


    Blade support chip interface driver


    Chelsio Ethernet NIC driver


    Broadcom Crypto Accelerator device driver. For hardware-based cryptography acceleration, you can use any of the SPARC T4 or later, SPARC M5 or later, or SPARC S7 systems, or Intel CPUs with AES-NI support. If you need a hardware based keystore, you can use the Crypto Accelerator 6000 board.


    IEEE 1394-based digital camera (IIDC) driver


    Davicom DM9102A Ethernet NIC driver


    DEC 21040, 21041, and 21140 Ethernet NIC driver


    Sun XVR-50, XVR-100, and XVR-300 framebuffer driver


    3Com Etherlink XL Ethernet NIC driver


    eri Ethernet NIC driver


    SunSwift parallel SCSI HBA driver


    FIPE (FBDIMM Idle Power Enhancement) driver. This feature enabled small power savings on the Intel FBDIMM2 5000P and 7300P Memory Controller Hub (MCH), and only removes this enhancement. The MCH will continue to function properly.


    LSI 53C family of parallel SCSI HBAs driver


    IEEE 1394 OpenHCI host controller driver


    hme Ethernet NIC driver


    Sun Blade Ethernet NIC driver


    Used to control and exchange data with consumer audio/video devices using protocols specified in "IEC 61883 Consumer Electronic Audio/Video Equipment - Digital Interface."


    Support for devices and drivers described in ieee1394 (7D). Instead, you can use USB devices that provide similar functionality.


    ISP2100 family fibre channel Host Bus Adapter driver


    Intel 82557, 82558, and 82559 Ethernet NIC driver


    Intel Pro Wireless 802.11b IPW2100B NIC driver


    ISP SCSI Host Bus Adapter driver


    Intel Pro Wireless 802.11a/b/g IPW2200B/G IPW2915A/B/G NIC driver


    Marvell 88SX SATA controller driver


    Marvell 88W8363 IEEE802.11b/g wireless NIC driver


    Macronix 98715 family Ethernet NIC driver


    Myricom Myri10GE 10Gb PCI Express NIC driver


    Nvidia ck804/mcp55 SATA controller driver


    Cisco Aironet 802.11b wireless NIC driver


    PCMCIA ATA card device driver


    Intel i82365SL PC Card interface controller


    PCMCIA nexus driver


    AMD PCnet Ethernet NIC driver


    PCMCIA serial card device driver


    Lucent/PrismII 802.11b wireless NIC driver


    qfe Ethernet NIC driver

    QLogic 1Gb/2Gb PCIX

    The qlc driver no longer supports the QLogic 1Gb/2Gb PCIX firmware. Therefore, support for the ISP2200, ISP2300, ISP2312, and ISP2422 QLogic cards is no longer available.


    Ralink RT2500 802.11b/g wireless NIC driver


    Realtek 8139 Ethernet NIC driver


    Realtek 8180L 802.11b wireless NIC driver


    Ralink RT2561/RT2561S/RT2661 IEEE802.11b/g wireless NIC driver


    Ralink RT2700/2800 IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n wireless NIC driver


    Configuration files for SBus device drivers


    SCSI to 1394 bridge driver


    Intel SAS2.0 storage controller unit driver


    SOC+ FC-AL FCP Driver


    SiS900 series Ethernet NIC driver


    SiliconImage 3124/3132 SATA controller driver


    Serial Optical Controller for Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (SOC+) device driver

    USA49WLC USB Serial Adapter

    The USA49WLC USB serial adapter. If you want to use a USB serial adapter, use an alternate device from Keyspan, Prolific, Edgeport, or FTDI.


    VIA Rhine Ethernet NIC driver


    Neterion X3100 Ethernet NIC driver


    Intel Pro Wireless 802.11a/b/g 3945 NIC driver


    Neterion Xframe Ethernet NIC driver


    Marvell Yukon 2 Ethernet NIC driver

  • Files and Directories

    The following files and directories are no longer used or provided.


    Instead, you can use the route command to configure persistent routes.


    The /etc/format.dat file was the default data file for the format command. The format command no longer supports the following parameters:

    • -x , -p , and -t options

    • save subcommand

    • FORMAT_PATH environment variable

      Note: Starting with the Oracle Solaris 2.3 release, the format command configures disk drives automatically. Therefore, the /etc/format.dat file is not required. For more information, see the format (8) man page.

  • Fonts
    • Ascender TrueType font set (pkg:/system/font/truetype/fonts-core )

      Ascender TrueType font set typefaces including Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New, Symbol, and other typefaces are no longer included. Instead, use the included Croscore or Liberation fonts, or acquire replacement fonts from a third party.

  • FOSS

    The following Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is no longer included. If an alternative is still included in Oracle Solaris, it has been listed. You can also look for this software from upstream providers or third party packagers such as Unix Packages.


    Simple menu editor for GNOME.

    Apache httpd 2.2

    Version 2.2 of the Apache httpd server. Migrate to httpd 2.4 instead.

    APR 1.3
    APR-util 1.3

    Version 1.3 of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and APR-util. Migrate to version 1.5 instead.


    Used to take backups.


    A tool designed to simplify the creation and maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitive text.

    Automake 1.9.6

    Version 1.9.6 of GNU automake . Migrate to a later version instead.

    Avant Window Navigator

    Customizable dock-like navigator.


    Library to convert Pixel format.


    A C compiler, assembler, and linker environment for the production of 8086 executables.


    Editor for experienced web designers.


    CD/DVD burning GUI. Instead, use the cdrw or cdrecord command line tools.


    Parser generator with Java extension.


    GNOME application for taking photos and videos from a webcam.


    ANSI Common Lisp Implementation.


    DLNA/UPnP framework.


    OpenGL compositing window manager. Instead, use gnome-shell .


    Console manager.


    Contact Lookup applet for the GNOME panel.


    Predictive text entry system.


    Tool to decode RAW digital photos.


    Diagram editor.


    Tool to display dialog boxes from shell scripts.

    Dive into Python

    Book on Python programming.


    Blog editor.


    Toolchain to master DVD+RW/+R media.


    XMPP instant messaging server.


    Application for video conferencing.


    ELinks text-based console web browser. Use lynx or links instead.


    Evolution email and calendar client. Use Thunderbird instead.


    Exchange connector for Evolution.


    Webcal support for Evolution.


    Provides a fake root environment.


    Standalone implementation of FastCGI interface for server-side processing of http requests. Use mod_fcgid with Apache httpd instead.


    Java plugin for Firefox.


    IPMI remote console and system management software.


    Speech synthesis engine.

    gcc 3
    gcc 4

    Older versions of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). Migrate to gcc 11 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    Generic graphics library.


    Multi-threaded FTP client.


    GNOME PostScript document viewer. Use evince instead.


    Image editor.


    Gtk-based system monitor.

    GNOME 2 components

    Software that was provided with the GNOME 2 desktop in Oracle Solaris but is not included or required for GNOME 3 is no longer available. Instead, use the GNOME 3 desktop environment.

    GNOME Commander

    File manager GUI. Instead, use Nautilus, the GNOME 3 file manager.

    GNOME Games

    Games for the GNOME desktop.

    GNOME log viewer

    Log viewer GUI.


    GNOME network tools.


    PalmPilot link utilities.


    Non-linear editing elements for Gstreamer.


    Collaborative text editor.


    Document centric set of APIs.

    GParted Partition Editor

    GParted (Gnome Parted), a GUI front end partition editor for the GNU Parted tool. Instead, use the GNU Parted CLI tool, which allows you to create and manipulate partition tables on x86 systems.


    Image browser. Instead, use the GNOME eog image browser.


    Groovy-based web application framework.


    GNOME image organizer.


    Performance measurement tool for the GTK2 toolkit.


    GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions (guile ), is the official extension language for the GNU project.


    Animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron.

    ICU 4.6
    ICU 54.1

    Versions 4.6 and 54.1 of the International Components for Unicode (ICU) library. Migrate to version 59.1 instead.


    Library for manipulating ID3v1, ID3v1.1, and ID3v2 tags.


    Instead, migrate to the idnkit-2.1 library that implements the latest IDNA2008 protocol. The idnkit-2.1 library and its utilities are available starting with Oracle Solaris 11.1.

    iperf 2.0.5

    A tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. Instead, you can use iPerf3.


    Command-line IRC chat client. Instead, you can use other IRC chat clients such as irssi , Pidgin, or Thunderbird.


    Java source interpreter.


    Java bindings to GNOME APIs.


    Java design quality metrics tool.


    Java alternative to DOM and SAX.


    Fast scanner generator for Java.


    Multi-track audio studio application.


    JPackage utilities.


    Library for MusicBrainz DiscIDs.

    libgc (libbgc.so )

    The Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector library for C/C++.

    libgcrypt 1.5

    Version 1.5 of the libgcrypt encryption library. Migrate to libgcrypt 1.8 instead.


    Support for braille transcription services for XML documents.


    Portable sound library for Unix and other systems.


    Library of optimized inner loops.


    Collection of GTK+ widgets that extend the functionality of standard widgets.


    Library for writing single instance applications.


    C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML library.


    Rotates, compresses, removes, and mails system log files.


    Window manager. Instead, use the Mutter (Metacity using Clutter) window manager.

    Midnight Commander

    Terminal-based file manager.

    Mozilla libldap

    The Mozilla LDAP library libldap.so.5 and related tools. Instead, you can use the OpenLDAP library and tools.

    MySQL 5.1

    Version 5.1 of the MySQL database. Migrate to MySQL 5.7 instead. See the MySQL documentation for important information on migrating databases to newer versions of MySQL.


    SCSI media changer control program.

    Myspell dictionaries

    Dictionaries to check spelling for locales outside the core Oracle Solaris language set. If you want to check spelling of words in other languages, you must download and install the dictionaries for those languages.


    Library that aids in the development of network-based applications.

    net-snmp 5.4.1

    Version 5.4 of the Net-SNMP libraries. Migrate to a newer version of net-snmp as provided with Oracle Solaris. Software that requires the net-snmp libraries should be recompiled to use the newer net-snmp libraries.


    Terminal-based dungeon game.


    Standalone converter for the OpenOffice.org swriter (*.sxw ) and scalc (*.sxc ) formats into plain text and HTML.


    Network text editing library.


    OpenMPI, an open source implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI). Instead, you can install OpenMPI from https://www.open-mpi.org.


    Project management tool.


    OpenStack and its dependencies, and the OpenStack Puppet modules.


    Open-source implementation of WS-Management.


    OpenPegasus WBEM services.

    Perl 5.12
    Perl 5.16

    Older versions of the Perl interpreter and modules. Migrate to a newer version of Perl as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    PalmOS link utilities.


    Project management tool for the GNOME desktop.


    Provides delayed execution environment for procedural package scripts.


    Extract class/interface/method definitions from sources.


    Media player.

    Ruby 1.9.3

    Version 1.9 of the Ruby interpreter and modules. Migrate to a newer version of Ruby as provided with Oracle Solaris.


    Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE) is an application programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to any raster image scanner hardware.

    Samba 3.0
    Samba 3.6

    Older versions of the Samba network servers. Migrate to Samba version 4.x instead.


    SBLIM WBEM command line interface.


    Library to create robust multi-platform software. The /usr/bin/slsh shell that uses slang has also been removed.


    A portable library for the programming language scheme. The /usr/bin/slib command has also been removed.


    News reader that uses the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).


    CD ripping tool.


    Dictionary platform written in GTK+2.


    Standard widget toolkit. Use GTK+3 instead.


    Synergy mouse and keyboard sharing software.


    Printer Manager GUI for CUPS. Instead, you can use the CUPS web UI to configure printers.


    CRT screen handling and optimization package.


    OpenSSL extension to TCL.


    Terminal emulator. Instead, use gnome-terminal .


    GTK and console BitTorrent client.


    Front-end for rdesktop and other remote desktop tools.

    VNC web client

    The -httpd option to the Xvnc and vncserver commands and the associated VNC client Java applet. Users should use local VNC viewer software on client devices instead.


    Text-based web browser. Instead, you can use other text-based browsers such as links or lynx .


    Java CIM client library.

    X11 Network Proxies

    The lbxproxy , xfwp , xfindproxy , and proxymngr utilities for proxying the X11 protocol over low-bandwidth connections or through a firewall.


    Mailbox flag for X.


    Scientific calculator for X. Use the GNOME Calculator instead.


    XChat IRC client. Instead, you can use other IRC chat clients such as irssi , Pidgin, or Thunderbird.


    Tool to help manage user directories.


    GTK front-end for handling user directories.


    Display ditroff output. Instead, generate PDF output and use a PDF viewer for sharing formatted documents.


    Simple text editor for X. Use the GNOME Text Editor, gvim , or emacs instead.


    X graphics demo.


    Used to list a window tree. Instead, you can use the -tree option of the xwininfo command to list a window tree.


    Man page display program for the X Window System. Use the GNOME Help Browser or view man pages on https://docs.oracle.com/ instead.


    A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP.


    Graphical scanning front-end for the SANE scanner interface.


    Video mode tuner for Xorg. Use Display preferences in GNOME Settings instead.

  • GSS-API: diffie_hellman_640_0 and diffie_hellman_1024_0

    The GSS-API mechanisms diffie_hellman_640_0 and diffie_hellman_1024_0 are no longer available. Instead, you can use the kerberos_v5 mechanism.

  • GUI Installer

    The following GUI based installation mediums for Oracle Solaris are no longer available.

    • x86 live media
    • x86 live USB media
    • Desktop based installer

    Instead, you can use the x86 text installer or the x86 USB text installer.

    After installation, you can add the Solaris Desktop by installing the solaris-desktop package.

  • ioctl-based /proc Interface

    Support for the old ioctl -based version of the /proc interface is no longer available. If your application code uses the old interface, update the code to use the structured /proc interface that was introduced in Oracle Solaris 2.6 (1997). For more information, see the proc (4) man page.

  • IP Filter

    The IP Filter firewall is no longer available. Instead, you can use the OpenBSD Packet Filter (PF) that is available in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and later in the pkg:/network/firewall package.

    If you upgrade your Oracle Solaris 11.x OS to newer versions, the upgrade process is facilitated by the ipf2pf (pkg:/network/ipf2pf ) package. This package installs tools to assist you in migrating IP Filter configuration to PF.

    Note: Manual intervention will be required to ensure that PF rules implement the desired network policy.

  • IPsec and IKE Algorithms

    Support is no longer available for the following:

    • DES (Data Encryption Standard), Blowfish, and HMAC-MD5 algorithms in IPsec, IKEv1, and IKEv2.
    • Diffie-Hellman Group 1 (768-bit) and Oakley Group 1 (768-bit) in IKEv1 and IKEv2.
    • Creation of RSA or DSA certificates with modulus less than 1024 bits in IKEv1.
    • Creation of RSA or DSA certificates with MD5 signature algorithm in IKEv1.
  • Java SE 7

    The Java SE 7 version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java Development Kit (JDK) is no longer included.

    Oracle recommends that users migrate to Java SE 8, the current long term support release of Java SE, which is available in the Oracle Solaris 11 package repository. You can also download Java SE 8 from java.com .

    Most Java SE applications do not need to be changed to run with the Java SE 8 JRE, and most of the Java SE source code does not need to be changed to build with the Java SE 8 JDK. For known compatibility issues, see Compatibility Guide for JDK 8.

    The Java SE 8 Runtime Environment for Oracle Solaris includes only 64-bit binaries, and no longer includes a 32-bit version. Therefore, support is not available for the following:

    • 32-bit compiled JNI interfaces
    • Running applets in web browsers on Oracle Solaris
    • Starting client applications on Oracle Solaris by using Java WebStart

    You can purchase support for older versions of Java, or for uses of Java in applications not included in Oracle Solaris. For more information see My Oracle Support (MOS) Doc ID 1433709.1 .

  • K&R C

    Support for K&R C is no longer available in the core Oracle Solaris header files. C compilers and preprocessors must support a minimum of ANSI/ISO C89 to build software that includes Oracle Solaris system headers. Strict standards compliance is not required, only compatibility. For the Oracle Developer Studio compilers, this means the -Xs mode is no longer supported, but -Xc , -Xa , -Xt , -xc99 , and any of the -std= * modes are still supported. For the GNU compilers, this ends support for the -traditional option in legacy versions of gcc .

  • Kerberos in Telnet and R Commands

    Support for Kerberos in telnet , in.telnetd , rsh , in.rshd , rlogin , in.rlogind , and rcp is no longer available. Instead, use ssh , scp , sftp , or ftp with GSS to securely login or transfer data over the network.

  • Libraries

    The following libraries are no longer available.


    Java Native Interface to the auditing library.


    The undocumented /usr/lib/libcmd.so library is no longer available. All the functionality is available in the libc library.


    Following the removal of SunOS4 binary compatibility in Oracle Solaris 11, the libmp.so.1 library is no longer needed and has been removed.


    Instead, you can use the OpenLDAP libraries when writing LDAP applications. See the ldap (3oldap) man page.


    The following commands, libraries, and header files associated with the legacy plotting framework libplot (3LIB) are no longer available:


    For the plotting functionality on Oracle Solaris, you can use the gnuplot utility. The gnuplot utility is available in the image/gnuplot package.


    The libresolv.so.1 library, which is multi-thread (MT) unsafe, is no longer available. Instead, use the MT safe libresolv.so.2 library, which has been available in Oracle Solaris since 1997.


    The legacy /usr/lib/libsys.so.1 (3LIB) filter provided a subset of the standard C /usr/lib/libc.so.1 library. Instead, use libc .


    Applications that use Athena Widgets and are required to run on Oracle Solaris 11.4 or later should be rebuilt with the libXaw.so.7 library. For more information, see the libXaw (3lib) man page.


    The Motif 1.2 libraries, including the libXm.so.3 and libMrm.so.3 libraries, are no longer included with Oracle Solaris. Applications that use Motif should be built with the Motif 2.1 libraries libXm.so.4 and libMrm.so.4 that are available since Oracle Solaris 7.


    Used to accelerate multimedia applications.


    The User Direct Access Programming Library (uDAPL) as described in libdat (3lib) and related man pages. Instead, you can use Open Fabrics User Verbs (OFUV). For more information see, the verbs (7) and rdma_cm (7) man pages.

    Web-Based Enterprise Management

    Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) libraries are no longer provided.

  • Locales

    The following locales are no longer provided:

  • Multi-User Desktop Optimization

    The multi-user desktop optimization feature is no longer available. The following packages and interfaces have been removed:

  • Netmask SMF Service

    The svc:/network/netmask:default service that is used to reset the netmask and broadcast address is no longer available.

  • Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA)

    Support for the Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) is no longer available. The NCA increased web server performance by maintaining an in-kernel cache of web pages that are accessed during HTTP requests.

    Instead, use a user-space HTTP cache, such as Squid.

  • NSS support in Key Management Framework

    The Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework (KMF) and the pktool utility no longer support Network (nee Netscape) Security Services (NSS) based keystores. You can manage existing NSS-based keystores by using the Mozilla certutil utility. For key management requirements, you can use OpenSSL or PKCS#11-based keystores. For more information, see the pktool (1) and libkmf (3LIB) man pages.

  • NWAM Network Configuration Profiles and Locations

    Profile-based network configuration by using NWAM Network Configuration Profiles (NCPs) and Locations is no longer available.

  • Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM)

    Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) is no longer bundled with Oracle Solaris. The system/management/ocm IPS package and the svc:/system/ocm SMF service are no longer available.

    To continue to use OCM on Oracle Solaris, follow the instructions in the Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide.

  • Oracle Solaris as a Paravirtualized Guest

    You can no longer run Oracle Solaris as a fully paravirtualized guest in the Xen hypervisor. However, you can run Oracle Solaris as a virtualized guest (often termed "HVM") with paravirtualized IO.

  • Oracle StorageTek Availability Suite

    The Oracle StorageTek Availability Suite, also known as SNDR and II, is a collection of software components that provides block-based snapshot and replication. The block-based snapshot and replication is replaced with file-system-based snapshot and replication that is available in the ZFS file system in Oracle Solaris 10 and later.

    If you require host-based snapshot and replication support, you should migrate your data service solutions to the snapshot and replication support available in the ZFS file system.

  • Package Manager GUI

    The Package Manager GUI and associated packagemanager and pm-updatemanager commands are no longer available. Instead, use the pkg command, which provides all the package management capabilities.

  • Packaging
    • clone-archive revert tag

      The clone-archive revert tag in the pkg command is no longer available. Instead, use the system:clone revert tag. Software that needs to work on both Oracle Solaris 11.4 and prior Oracle Solaris 11 updates should use both of the revert tags in one pkg revert invocation.

    • dev-init revert tag

      The dev-init revert tag in the pkg command is no longer available. Instead, use the system:dev-init revert tag. Software that needs to work on both Oracle Solaris 11.4 and prior Oracle Solaris 11 updates should use both of the revert tags in one pkg revert invocation.

  • pkcs11_kernel

    The pkcs11_kernel , which is a PKCS#11 interface to the Kernel Cryptographic Framework, is no longer available. Instead, you should continue to use libpkcs11 for all of your PKCS#11 requirements.

  • PKCS#11 SSLv3 Mechanisms

    The CKM_SSL3 * mechanisms for PKCS#11 are no longer available. Instead, you can use the CKM_TLS * mechanisms that provide access to the updated and more secure TLS protocol. The CKM_TLS * mechanisms are available in Oracle Solaris 10 and later versions.

  • RAD C Client 32-bit Bindings

    The 32-bit RAD C client bindings are no longer available. Instead, the RAD C client applications must use the 64-bit C client bindings. In addition to C, the RAD client bindings are available in Java, Python, and as RESTful interfaces.

  • Reliable Datagram Service (RDS) version 1

    The Reliable Datagram Service (RDS) version 1 is no longer available. RDS version 1 was used with older database versions supported on Oracle Solaris 10. To continue to run RDS version 1, you can run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS in an Oracle VM Server logical domain (LDom). Otherwise, you should migrate to a newer version of the Oracle Database that supports RDS version 3, which continues to be supported.

  • SBus

    SBus drivers along with support for the SBus hardware are no longer available. See the Drivers section for a list of SBus drivers that have been removed. No platforms that are supported in Oracle Solaris 11.4 contain SBus hardware.

  • sec=dh Security Option for NFS

    The AUTH_DES or AUTH_DH authentication, also known as Secure NFS, is no longer available. The feature is obsolete and is superseded in recommendation and practice by RPCSEC_GSS and the Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API plugin, sec=krb5 . End-user applications that use AUTH_DH are not affected.

    When you upgrade to Oracle Solaris 11.4, mounts that use sec=dh will fail. Existing shares that use sec=dh will fail if it is the only authentication that is used, and sec=dh is ignored if other security options are enabled.

  • Service Location Protocol Framework

    The Service Location Protocol (SLP) framework is no longer available. The removal includes the daemon and the API. Support for equivalent protocols is available in the CUPS printing system.

  • Service Tags

    Service Tags are no longer available. Service Tags are no longer used by any Oracle software.

  • SGML Support for Man Pages

    The man and the catman commands no longer support the SGML format. Instead, you can use the nroff format for the source files.

  • SMB Client Support for Legacy Interoperability
    • Lan Manager Hash

      The SMB client no longer supports Lan Manager (LM) hash encryption, and therefore the SMB client is no longer able to contact or mount shares from Windows 98 or Windows 95.

    • NETBIOS support

      The SMB client no longer supports the NETBIOS transport (NBT).

  • SMB Printing Support

    The Server Message Block (SMB) protocol no longer supports printing as either a client or a server.

  • SMF Profile Locations

    Support for profiles in the /var/svc/profile/site.xml file is no longer available. Existing files at this path will be automatically transitioned to /etc/svc/profile/site/site_legacy.xml . To deploy site profiles, place them in the /etc/svc/profile/site directory.

  • SPARC: Legacy System Support

    Support for the following legacy systems is no longer available, and you will not be able to upgrade these systems to Oracle Solaris 11.4. Instead, migrate to newer SPARC systems.

    • SPARC Enterprise M3000, M4000, M5000, M8000, and M9000 systems that use SPARC64 VI, VII, or VII+ CPUs
    • Platforms based on UltraSPARC T1 CPUs: Sun Fire T1000 and T2000, Sun SPARC Enterprise T1000 and T2000, Netra CP3060, Netra T2000, and Sun Blade T6300
    • Platforms based on UltraSPARC T2 CPUs: Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220, Sun Blade T6230, Netra CP3260, and Netra T5220
    • Platforms based on UltraSPARC T2+ CPUs: Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140, T5240 and T5440, Sun Blade T6340, Sun Netra T6340, and Netra T5440
    • Platforms based on SPARC T3 CPUs: SPARC T3-1, T3-1B, T3-2, and T3-4, Netra SPARC T3-1, and Netra SPARC T3-1BA
  • SSL Kernel Proxy

    Support for the SSL kernel proxy and the ksslcfg command are no longer available. Instead, you can use stunnel , OpenSSL, or the Oracle Solaris Cryptographic Framework for your cryptographic algorithm and TLS termination point requirements.

  • Sun AMD Opteron Systems

    Support for Oracle Solaris 11.4 and later is not available on the following systems produced by Sun with AMD Opteron CPUs.

    • Sun Java Workstation models: W1100z, W2100z
    • Sun Ultra Workstation models: 20, 20 M2, 40, 40 M2
    • Sun Fire server models: V20z, V40z, X2100, X2100 M2, X2200 M2, X4100, X4100 M2, X4140, X4200, X4200 M2, X4240, X4440, X4540, X4600, X4600 M2, X4640
    • Sun Blade server modules: X6220, X6240, X6440, X8400, X8420, X8440
    • Netra X4200 M2

    You might not be able to upgrade these systems to versions of Oracle Solaris newer than Oracle Solaris 11.3.

    Before upgrading to new versions of Oracle Solaris, see the Oracle Solaris Hardware Compatibility List and the Drivers section of this page to ensure that the hardware is supported.

  • SUN-DES-1 X11 Authentication Method

    The X11 authentication method SUN-DES-1 that is based on Secure RPC's AUTH_DES is no longer available. Local users can instead use the localuser or the localgroup X11 authentication methods that were introduced in Oracle Solaris 10. For more information, see the Xsecurity (7) man page. Remote users should instead use the X11 forwarding that is built into ssh .

  • Sun Ray Server Software support

    Sun Ray Server Software is not supported on Oracle Solaris 11.4 and newer. You must remove the Sun Ray packages before upgrade to Oracle Solaris 11.4 because they depend on Sun DHCP server packages and GNOME desktop features that are no longer available.

  • Time Slider

    The Nautilus File Manager extension for the Time Slider feature to manage ZFS snapshots is no longer included. Instead, use command line access to manage the snapshots and the underlying time-slider and auto-snapshot services.

    Note that in order to configure Time Slider snapshots and backups in Oracle Solaris 11.4, a user must be assigned the Time Slider Management profile in the user_attr (5) database. The profile can be assigned as either a standard profile or an authenticated profile.

  • Trusted Extensions in Oracle Solaris Desktop

    The Trusted Extensions features of the Oracle Solaris Desktop, including support for security labels in both GNOME and the X Window System, is no longer available.

    Support for labeled zones and file and process labels remains.

  • Visual Panels

    Visual Panels, including the vp command, is no longer available. Visual Panels was a suite of GUI tools for system administration tasks, such as configuring firewall and SMF services.

    The following GNOME menu items are removed. Instead, you can use the equivalent CLI commands.

    Items in the System → Administration menu that are no longer available

    Alternative CLI commands

    Apache Web Server

    svccfg , svcadm

    Core Files


    System Firewall

    svccfg , svcadm

    SMF Services

    svccfg , svcadm , svcs

    Date Time


    User Manager

    useradd , usermod , userdel , passwd , roleadd , rolemod , roledel

    Monitored Resources (sysmon icon)


    Note: Interactive replacements for the User Manager are also available. See Managing User Accounts Interactively in Managing User Accounts and User Environments in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

  • WEP and TKIP Protocols

    The WEP and TKIP wireless protocols are no longer available. All wireless drivers are no longer able to encrypt or decrypt by using WEP or TKIP. Instead, the net80211 module supports the CCMP protocol, which is based on a more secure AES algorithm.

  • Zone Archive Formats

    The cpio , pax , tar , and zfs archive formats and directory-based install and attach as described in the zones_solaris (7) man page are no longer available.

    Archive-based zone installation and migration can be accomplished by using Unified Archives and the install -a option of the zoneadm command. For more information see the archiveadm (8) and zones_solaris (7) man pages.

End of Features (EOF) for Oracle Solaris 11.3 SRUs

Open all Close all

    This section lists features that are no longer available in Oracle Solaris 11.3 Support Repository Updates (SRUs).

    For further details about changes delivered in Oracle Solaris 11.3 SRUs, including both planned and delivered End of Feature removals, see the README documents for each SRU, available from My Oracle Support Oracle Solaris 11.3 Support Repository Updates (SRU) Index (Doc ID 2045311.1).

  • Commands and Utilities

    The following commands and utilities are no longer available:


    An interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI) that enables you to maintain Kerberos principals and policies. Instead, use the kadmin command to administer an Oracle Solaris KDC. For more information, see the kadmin (1) man page.

  • FOSS

    The following Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is no longer included. If an alternative is still included in Oracle Solaris, it has been listed. Users might find this software is still available from upstream providers or third party packagers as well.

    Apache Tomcat 6.0

    Version 6.0 of the Apache Tomcat application server. Migrate to Tomcat 8.5 instead.


    An embeddable Java source interpreter with object scripting language features written in Java.


    Groovy-based web application framework.

    GnuTLS 2.8.6

    Version 2.8.6 of the GnuTLS secure communications library. Migrate to version 3.5 or newer as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    Perl 5.8.4

    Version 5.8.4 of the Perl interpreter and modules for it are no longer included. Migrate to a newer version of Perl as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    PHP 5.3

    Version 5.3 of the PHP interpreter and modules for it are no longer included. Migrate to a newer version of PHP as provided with Oracle Solaris.

    Python 2.6

    Version 2.6 of the Python interpreter and modules for it are no longer included. Migrate to Python 2.7 or Python 3.x instead.

    Sound eXchange (sox )

    A cross-platform audio editing software. The audio/sox package that includes the sox command and associated libraries is no longer included in Oracle Solaris.

  • NVIDIA Cg Toolkit

    The NVIDIA Cg toolkit is no longer bundled with the NVIDIA graphics driver. You should use OpenGL GLSL for all future development. For more information, see Cg Toolkit.

End of Features (EOF) for Oracle Solaris 11.3

Open all Close all

    This section lists features that are no longer available in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

  • amt

    The amt utility has been removed. amt is used to run abstract machine test in a Common Criteria security certified system.

  • FOSS

    The following Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) have been removed.

    MySQL 5.1

    MySQL version 5.1 has been removed. Instead, you can use MySQL version 5.5 or 5.6.

    PHP 5.2

    PHP version 5.2 has been removed. Instead, you can use a newer version of PHP.

    Python 2.6

    Python version 2.6 has been removed. Instead, you can use version 2.7 or 3.4 of Python.

    Ruby 1.8.7

    Ruby version 1.8.7 has been removed. Instead, you can use a newer version of Ruby.

  • Java SE 6

    The Java SE 6 version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java Development Kit (JDK) has been removed.

    Oracle recommends users to migrate to Java SE 8, which is available in the Oracle Solaris 11 package repository. You can also download Java SE 8 from java.com .

    Most of the Java SE applications need not be changed to run with the Java SE 8 JRE, and most of the Java SE source code need not be changed to build with the Java SE 8 JDK. For known compatibility issues, see the following information.

    You can purchase support for older versions of Java, or for uses of Java in applications not included in Oracle Solaris. For more information see My Oracle Support (MOS) Doc ID 1433709.1 .

  • libmcrypt

    The libmcrypt cryptographic library and the PHP support for libmcrypt have been removed. For the PHP applications, you must use the cryptographic APIs from OpenSSL.

  • libthai and libdatrie

    The libthai and libdatrie libraries that are used by the Thai language engine for Smart Common Input Method (SCIM), have been removed.

End of Features (EOF) for Oracle Solaris 11.2

Open all Close all

    This section lists features that are no longer available in Oracle Solaris 11.2.

  • Automated Installation Support for Oracle Solaris 11 Express

    You cannot install Oracle Solaris 11 Express by using the Automated Install (AI) server.

  • Drivers

    The following drivers and their associated man pages have been removed.


    Xorg driver for NVIDIA video cards.

    Instead, you can use the Xorg vesa driver or the nvidia driver. For recent models, the nvidia driver is available in Oracle Solaris package repository and for older models, you can download the nvidia driver from nvidia.com .


    Xorg driver for Trident video cards.

    Instead, you can use the Xorg vesa driver.

  • slocate

    The slocate command has been removed. The slocate command provides a secure way to index and quickly search files on your system. Instead, you can use the mlocate utility.

  • -s and -i Options in the dladm show-bridge Command

    The -s and -i options that are used to view the statistics information of the bridges have been removed from the dladm show-bridge command. Instead, you can use the dlstat show-bridge command.

  • libbsm

    libbsm(3LIB) was reclassified as a private interface in Oracle Solaris 11. As with all private interfaces, all libbsm documentation is removed from Oracle Solaris 11. There are no public interfaces in libbsm . Public interfaces for generating Oracle Solaris audit records are planned for a future Oracle Solaris 11 update.

End of Features (EOF) for Oracle Solaris 11.1

Open all Close all

    This section lists features that are no longer available in Oracle Solaris 11.1.

  • tavor HCA Driver

    The tavor driver that supports older InfiniBand HCAs (Host Channel Adapters) will not be available and not supported. No functionality for InfiniBand on these HCAs will be supported in the future, including firmware upgrade by using the fwflash utility.

    Note: The tavor driver supports older InfiniBand HCAs such as:

    • Mellanox InfiniHost-based for PCIx (Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended)
    • Mellanox InfiniHost III Ex with onboard memory for PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express)
  • Adobe Flash Player

    Adobe Flash Player is no longer available.

End of Features (EOF) for Oracle Solaris 11 11/11

Open all Close all


    This section lists features that are no longer available in Oracle Solaris 11 11/11.

  • crypt(1)

    The crypt(1) command is not supported. Instead, use the encrypt(1) command to protect your files. The encrypt(1) command provides access to newer and more secure algorithms. Starting from Oracle Solaris 10, the encrypt(1) command is available.

  • des(1)

    The des(1) command is not supported. Instead, use the encrypt(1) command, which provides access to newer and more secure algorithms.

  • pmconfig(1M)

    The pmconfig(1M) utility used for power management has been removed. Instead use the poweradm(1M) command.

    Note: The ability to configure power management settings through the /etc/power.conf file in addition to the pmconfig(1M) command, has been removed. Configuration has been moved into the SMF configuration repository.

  • sysidtool(1M)

    The sysidtool(1M) suite of programs used for configuring the Oracle Solaris OS has been removed. Instead, use the Service Management Facility smf(5) for managing configurations.

  • bsmconv(1M) and bsmunconv(1M)

    The bsmconv and bsmunconv commands used to enable/disable auditing and device allocation, have been removed. To configure auditing functionality on Oracle Solaris 11, use audit(1M). To configure device allocation on Oracle Solaris 11, enable/disable the svc:/system/device/allocate service with no reboot required. For more information, see device_allocate(1M).

  • passmgmt(1)

    The passmgmt command has been removed. Administrators can use the following commands, which provide the same functionality:

  • rstart(1) and rstartd(1)

    The rstart(1) and rstartd(1) commands that allow remote execution have been removed. To start a X Window System program on another machine, use the X11 forwarding feature of the ssh(1) command.

  • smdiskless(1) and smoservice(1M)

    The smdiskless(1) and smoservice(1M) commands to manage diskless client support for a server have been removed.

  • wificonfig(1M)

    The wificonfig(1M) command to administer wireless networking configuration has been removed. Wireless networking configuration can be administered using the dladm(1M) and ipadm(1M) commands.

  • rdist(1)

    The rdist(1) command for remote file distribution has been removed. Instead, use either rsync(1) or scp(1) for remote file transfer.

  • graph(1) and spline(1)

    The graph(1) and spline(1) commands for data graphing have been removed. Developers or administrators wishing to consider other alternatives can look at gnuplot(1) by installing the image/gnuplot package.

  • -x and -C options in the vi(1), ex(1) and ed(1) commands

    The -x and -C options have been removed from the vi(1) , ex(1) and ed(1) commands. Use the encrypt(1) command to access newer and more secure algorithms.

    Note: The vim command also has a -x option, though it is incompatible with the old cryptographic algorithm used in the vi(1) , ex(1) , and ed(1) commands. If you already have files encrypted by using this feature, decrypt them by using an Oracle Solaris 10 machine or an Oracle Solaris 10 Zone.

  • -s and -i options in the dladm show-{link|aggr} subcommands

    The options -s and -i have been removed from the dladm show-link and the dladm show-aggr subcommands. Use the dlstat show-link and dlstat show-aggr subcommands to display the statistics information about links or aggregations.

  • -y and -z options in the sort command

    The -y and -z options have been removed for the /usr/bin/sort command. These two options have been obsolete since Oracle Solaris 8 but are removed from Oracle Solaris 11 and later.

    Note: The /usr/xpg4/bin/sort command still has the -y and -z options for standards compatibility. However, using these options will not have any effect.


  • 32-bit Kernel

    Support for the 32–bit only x86 hardware has been removed. Support for running 32-bit applications and libraries will continue.

  • End of Support for Legacy Hardware

    Support for legacy systems that have included the UltraSPARC I, II, IIe, III, IIIi, III+, IV and IV+ processor architectures (as reported by the Oracle Solaris 'psrinfo -pv' command) has been removed. All Oracle SPARC Enterprise M-Series Servers and Oracle SPARC T-Series Servers will continue to be supported.

    Note: Oracle Solaris 10 will continue to be a supported operating system for these affected platforms as per the current Oracle lifetime support policy.

  • xVM Hypervisor

    xVM hypervisor, the Oracle Solaris Xen-based hypervisor for x86 systems, has been removed. Oracle offers two x86-based hypervisor solutions for Oracle Solaris users: Oracle VM Server for x86 and Oracle VM VirtualBox. See http://www.oracle.com/virtualization.

  • 32-bit x86: X Servers and Graphic Drivers

    32–bit versions of the Xorg, Xephyr, Xvfb, Xdmx, and Xvnc X servers have been removed.

    Any Xorg loadable module (including video drivers, input device drivers, and extensions) that is not provided in a 64-bit version cannot be used in a 64-bit system. When a usable video driver is not found, Xorg will generally fall back to the vesa driver.

    The following 32-bit x86 video drivers are affected:


    Alliance Promotion


    Ark Logic


    Chips & Technologies


    3DLabs/T1 Glint


    Number Nine Imagine 128


    Intel i740




    Rendition Verite




    S3 ViRGE & Trio3D


    S3 Savage


    Silicon Motion


    SiS & XGI




    DEC 21039/TGA


    Tseng Labs

  • Drivers

    The following drivers and their associated man pages have been removed.


    Adaptec SCSI HBA (AIC78xx chip)


    Adaptec SCSI HBA (AIC789x chip)


    HP Hotplug Controller


    Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI HBA (AIC7892, AIC-7899A, AIC-7899B2 chips)


    1st gen Fibre Channel HBA driver (HP/Agilent Tach TL/TS cards)


    SysKonnect PCI FDDI HCA (SK-55xx, SK-58xx series)


    LSI Logic SCSI HBA (SYM53C895A, SYM53C1010-33, SYM53C1010-66)


    Via 82C686 Integrated Audio


    32bit x86 LSI Logic SCSI HBA (53C8xxx)

    Note: Users still using devices driven by ncrs(7d) will need to migrate to using glm(7d) for those devices, or upgrade to more recent hardware.


    SysKonnect/Marvell SK-Net gigabit ethernet devices




    SCSI HBA driver for LSI MegaRAID 320-2x SCSI RAID Controller


    Gigabit-Ethernet driver for GEM based networking hardware


    Gigabit-Ethernet driver for Cassini based networking hardware (Gigaswift)


    QLogic Ultra3 Parallel SCSI HBA driver (ISP12160 chipset)

  • cacheFS

    The cacheFS cache file system designed to speed up network file system file access for networked computers has been removed. Improvements to NFS have meant that there is less of a need for a cache file system.

  • tracing(3TNF)

    Trace Normal Form (TNF) tracing, including prex(1), tnfdump(1) and tnfextra(1) has been removed. Instead, use dtrace(1M) for tracing.

  • libinetcfg Library Interfaces

    The libinetcfg library interfaces have been removed. Developers or administrators can use the libipadm library interfaces instead.

  • On-board Floppy Drive Controller

    On-board floppy drive controller and related interfaces and utilities are not supported on both the x86 and the SPARC hardware platforms. However, these two platforms continue to support the external USB floppy drives.

  • Smartcard Support

    The following smartcard functionality has been removed:

    • The graphical smartcard admin interface sdtsmartcardadmin(1M)
    • The Dallas Semiconductor iButton, the Java Card Smartcard, and the OpenCard Framework (OCF) terminal driver
    • The Cyberflex Smartcard
    • The PAM Smartcard module pam_smartcard(5)
    • The OCF/SCF Smartcard framework
    • The Smartcard Framework (SCF) interfaces
  • Oracle Solaris Containers for Linux Applications

    Oracle Solaris Containers for Linux applications has been removed. Users who want to run Linux applications in a virtual environment should consider either Oracle VM Server for x86 or Oracle VM VirtualBox. See http://www.oracle.com/virtualization/vm-server-for-x86/

  • Locale Creator

    The Locale Creator tool has been removed. Instead, you can customize and create a new locale by using the system locale definition data files available in the source/locale/localedef IPS package.

  • TOR

    TOR, software that helps users and groups to improve privacy and security in online networks, has been removed.

  • Remote Share Memory API (RSM API)

    The Remote Share Memory API (RSM API) has been removed. The reason for removal is that the hardware (SunFire Link and Dolphin SCI) that RSM API was designed to support are no longer supported.

  • SunOS 4 Binaries

    Support for the SunOS 4 binaries has been removed. However, the SunOS 4 binaries can still be executed in an Oracle Solaris 10 Zone.

  • OpenWindows Libraries

    The OpenWindows libraries have been removed. Applications that use OpenWindows toolkits such as XView and OpenLook Intrinsic Toolkit (OLIT) no longer run. However, if required, the applications that use OpenWindows Libraries can be run in Oracle Solaris 10 Zones.

  • libmle

    libmle , the multi-lingual environment library used in several input method framework and language engines, has been removed.

  • ICU 2.1 and 3.2

    The ICU (International Components for Unicode) v2 and v3 libraries have been removed. Developers are encouraged to migrate their software to ICU v4.

  • LP print service

    The LP print service has been removed. CUPS is the replacement print service in Oracle Solaris 11.

  • IP forwarding SMF services

    The following IP forwarding SMF services used for system-wide forwarding management are not supported:


    Use the ipadm(1m) command or the routeadm(1m) command to configure a system-wide forwarding.

  • /etc/hostname.<interface> files

    The /etc/hostname.<interface> files are no longer supported interfaces for storing persistent network configurations. Use the ipadm(1m) and dladm(1m) commands to configure the IP interfaces persistently.

  • NISPlus

    The NIS+ directory service has been removed.

  • Sun OpenGL software for the SPARC platform

    The Sun OpenGL software for the SPARC platform has been removed. Similar functionality can be provided via the Mesa implementation of libGL, or the Nvidia OpenGL provided for the Nvidia graphics devices on the x64 platform.

  • Trusted Extensions - IPv6 CIPSO

    The Commercial Internet Protocol Security Option (CIPSO), defined in FIPS PUB 188, is a standard for IPv4. Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions has a proprietary IPv6 implementation of CIPSO because no CIPSO equivalent standards existed for IPv6 when Solaris Trusted Extensions was shipped. Now IETF has produced a CIPSO equivalent standard for IPv6, namely Common Architecture Label IPv6 Security Option (CALIPSO) or RFC 5570. Oracle might replace its IPv6 CIPSO implementation with support for the IETF CALIPSO standard in the future.

    Note: Support for the current CIPSO IPv4 will not be affected. CIPSO and CALIPSO are used by Trusted Extensions only.

  • SYSV3 SCO Compatibility Environment Variable

    Support for the SYSV3 SCO compatibility environment variable has been removed. The following commands might be affected:

  • Boot Support in SVM

    The functionality to boot from a Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) metadevice has been removed.

  • GNOME On-Screen Keyboard

    The GNOME On-Screen Keyboard (GOK) has been removed as it is no longer maintained in the upstream GNOME community. Replacement functionality might be provided in a future Oracle Solaris 11 update.

  • Power Management Interfaces

    Support for the following power management interfaces has been removed.


    Drivers using these interfaces will fail to load with Oracle Solaris 11. For more information about the proper usage of power management device drivers, see Chapter 12, “Power Management,” in Writing Device Drivers. Drivers complying with the features described in this chapter will function properly if compiled for Oracle Solaris 10.

  • rstchown

    The kernel tunable parameter rstchown has been removed. The rstchown tunable parameter was set in the /etc/system file and was used to restrict the operations of the chown command.

    However, starting with Oracle Solaris 11, you can use any of the following alternatives on the individual file systems to restrict the operations of the chown command.

    • Use the ZFS rstchown file system property.
    • Set the rstchown mount option when mounting a file system.
  • 3510 and 3511 Storage Arrays

    The Sun 3510 and 3511 storage arrays are no longer supported.

  • Solaris Management Console

    The Solaris Management Console (SMC) has been removed. Instead, you can use command-line utilities such as useradd(1M) , roleadd(1M) , profiles(1) , tncfg(1M) , zfs(1M) , share(1M) and ipadm(1M) .

  • Hamster

    Hamster has been removed. Hamster is a time tracking applet.

  • ASET

    The Automated Security Enhancement Tool (ASET) functionality provided by aset(5) in /usr/aset is removed. However, from Oracle Solaris 10 and later, an advanced version of the checksum functionality of ASET is provided by bart(1) .

  • Codeina

    Codeina, a utility to assist users to install media codec plugins to play certain media formats, has been removed. Users can continue to get media codec plugins directly from the Fluendo website at http://www.fluendo.com .

  • Apache httpd 1.3

    Apache httpd version 1.3 has been removed. You must migrate to Apache httpd version 2.2 which provides the same functionality.

  • MySQL 5.0

    MySQL 5.0 database has been removed from the Oracle Solaris 11 software package repository in line with existing lifecycle policies for the database. Users must migrate to version 5.1 for equivalent functionality.

  • PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 has been removed from the Oracle Solaris 11 software package repository. Users can continue to get this object-relational database management system directly from the PostgreSQL website at http://www.postgresql.org/


  • SCIM

    Support for the Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) has been removed. Instead, use the iBus input method.

  • Short Form Locales

    The following table lists locales that have been removed. The table also lists the corresponding locales that provide the same locale data and that must be used instead.

    Locale to Be Obsoleted Replacement Locale


















































































































































    lv_LV.ISO8859-1 3




























































    sr_ME.UTF-8 or sr_RS.UTF-8


    sr_ME.UTF-8 or sr_RS.UTF-8


    sr_ME.ISO8859-5 or sr_RS.ISO8859-5


    sr_ME.ISO8859-5 or sr_RS.ISO8859-5


    sr_ME.ISO8859-5 or sr_RS.ISO8859-5



























  • Asian SunOS4.x BCP

    Support for the Asian SunOS4.x BCP has been removed. However, it can still be used in an Oracle Solaris 10 Zone.

  • Legacy Asian Print Filters

    The following legacy Asian print filters are no longer supported:


    Note: For text to PS conversion, use the mp filter.

  • Legacy Asian Libraries

    The Asian legacy libraries (libkle , libcle , and libhle ) including their xctype macros are no longer supported. Instead, use the standard function iconv(3C) or wctype(3C) .

    Note: The libraries can still be used in an Oracle Solaris 10 Zone.

  • Legacy Asian Commands

    The following Asian legacy commands are no longer supported:

    • EUC capable mailx(1) , talk(1) , in.comsat(1m) and install_comsat(1m) in the /usr/SUNWale/bin directory
    • Legacy utilities - jaio.h(7i) , jtty(1) , kanji(1) , evftobdf(1) , runb5(1) and mkcodetab(1)
    • Legacy code set converters:
      • ja locale
        euctoibmj , ibmjtoeuc , euctojis , jistoeuc , euctosj , sjtoeuc , jistosj , sjtojis
      • ko locale
        wansungtojohap , johaptowansung , comptonb , nbtocomp , comptopack , packtocomp
      • zh locale
        cgbtoeuc , euctocgb , cnstoeuc , euctocns
      • zh_TW locale
        big5toeuc , euctobig5 , cnsconv

    Note: Use the iconv command instead of the legacy code set converters. The commands can still be used in an Oracle Solaris 10 Zone.