
Access to or possession of a license key, code, file, etc. which unlocks or enables a software product is not a grant of entitlement . Your license agreement with Oracle provides the terms governing your use of Oracle’s products. Please ensure you are using the products in accordance with your license agreement.

Tangosol Coherence License Key Files

Tangosol Coherence products that preceded Oracle Coherence Version 3.3 require a license key file for installation and use. License Key files that do not technically enforce the license restrictions and restrict use of these pre-Coherence 3.3 Tangosol versions of Coherence are provided for download below.

Tangosol Coherence Release 3.1 or Earlier

  1. Click here to download the Tangosol Coherence Release 3.1 or earlier license key file [.zip 2kb]
  2. Replace the license key file (tangosol-license.xml), that is found in the lib/tangosol.jar with the license key file found in the downloaded .zip file.
  3. When you start up Coherence from command line after this license key file is installed, you should see:

* Tangosol Coherence(tm): Enterprise Edition is licensed by Tangosol, Inc.
* License details are available at: http://www.tangosol.com/license.jsp
* Licensed to Oracle customer for production use
* with the following restrictions:
* Site Restriction    :   only for execution on Licensed CPUs in accordance
* with signed Agreement and Schedule(s)
* Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Tangosol, Inc.

Tangosol Coherence Release 3.2

  1. Click here to download the Tangosol Coherence Release 3.2 license key file [.zip 2kb]
  2. Extract the license key file (tangosol-license.xml)from the downloaded .zip file
  3. Follow the directions in the Coherence 3.2 user guide including the Production Checklist section
  4. When you start up Coherence from command line after this license key file is installed, you should see:

* Tangosol Coherence is licensed by Tangosol, Inc.
* Licensed for production use to Oracle customer in accordance with the
* terms of the Oracle License and Service Agreement or other signed
* Agreement and applicable signed Schedules:
*   Tangosol Coherence: DataGrid Edition
*     50A806DC00000112F329ADAFF9289658  Unlimited use at site "Licensed CPUs
*                                        in accordance with signed Agreement
*                                        and Schedule(s)"
*   Tangosol Coherence: Application Edition
*     40A806DC00000112F329ADAFF9289657 Unlimited use at site "Licensed CPUs
*                                        in accordance with signed Agreement
*                                        and Schedule(s)"
*   Tangosol Coherence: Compute Client
*    20A806DC00000112F329AD9FF9289655 Unlimited use at site "Licensed CPUs
*                                        in accordance with signed Agreement
*                                        and Schedule(s)"
*   Tangosol Coherence: Data Client
*     00A806DC00000112F329AD51F9289653 Unlimited use at site "Licensed CPUs
*                                        in accordance with signed Agreement
*                                        and Schedule(s)"
*   Tangosol Coherence: Real-Time Client
*     10A806DC00000112F329AD90F9289654 Unlimited use at site "Licensed CPUs
*                                        in accordance with signed Agreement
*                                        and Schedule(s)"
*   Tangosol Coherence: Caching Edition
*     30A806DC00000112F329AD9FF9289656 Unlimited use at site "Licensed CPUs
*                                        in accordance with signed Agreement
*                                        and Schedule(s)"
* Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Tangosol, Inc.