by Veerareddy Papareddy
Published April 2013
This article is a reference document that lists the old CLI commands and the corresponding new commands that can be used to perform the respective equivalent tasks.
A new object-oriented command set was introduced with Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.2 to comply with the Command-line Interface Paradigm (CLIP) guidelines specified by Sun Microsystems. Prior to that, the commands that were used to administer previous versions, such as Oracle Solaris Cluster versions 3.0 and 3.1, were unintuitive, generated confusing error messages, were a few in number, and had several options for a single task.
The new command-line interface (CLI) for Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.2 included a separate command for each cluster object type and had consistent subcommand names and option letters. These new CLI commands were intuitive, easy to remember, and reusable, and they generated consistent error messages.
Easy replication of configurations is one of the biggest benefits of the new CLI commands. Most of the commands support the export
subcommand, which outputs a cluster configuration to XML. In addition, most of the create
subcommands accept the -input
option and use XML files to create objects in the operand
Old CLI commands were removed from the product in Oracle Solaris Cluster version 4.4. Only new CLI commands are available starting with Cluster 4.4. New CLI commands can be used on Oracle Solaris 10 (with Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.2 and 3.3 updates) and on Oracle Solaris 11. You can use both old and new CLI commands to manage clusters in Oracle Solaris Cluster versions 3.2, 3.3, 4.0, and 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3.
The following sections list the old CLI commands and the corresponding new commands that can be used to perform the respective equivalent tasks.
Table 1 lists the old and new CLI commands that are used to view cluster information.
Table 1Task | Old CLI Command | New CLI Command |
View quorum information. | scstat -q |
clquorum status clquorum show
View cluster components. | scstat -pv |
cluster status |
View resource group or resource status. | scstat -g |
clresourcegroup status clresource status
View IP multipathing (IPMP) status. | scstat -i |
clnode status -m |
View status of all nodes. | scstat -n |
clnode status clnode show
View disk device groups. | scstat -D |
cldevicegroup status cldevicegroup show
View transport information. | scstat -W |
clinterconnect status clinterconnect show
View detailed resource group or resource status. | scrgadm -pv |
clresourcegroup show -v clresource show -v |
View cluster configuration information. | scconf -p |
cluster show -v |
View installation information (for example, information that includes print packages and version). | scinstall -pv |
scinstall -pv |
Table 2 lists the old and new CLI commands that are used to configure a cluster.
Table 2
Task | Old CLI Command | New CLI Command |
Perform an integrity check. | sccheck |
cluster check |
Configure a cluster (for example, add nodes and add data services). | scinstall |
scinstall |
Use the cluster configuration utility (for example, quorum, data services and resource groups). | scsetup |
clsetup |
Add a node to a configuration. | scconf -a -T node=<host> |
claccess allow -h <host>[,...] |
Remove a node from a configuration. | scconf -r -T node=<host> |
claccess deny -h <host>[,...] |
Prevent new nodes from entering the cluster. | scconf -a -T node=. |
claccess deny-all |
Put a node in maintenance state. | scconf -c -q node=<node>,maintstate Note: Use the scstat -q command to verify that the node is in maintenance mode. The vote count should be zero for that node. |
clquorum disable -t node <node> Note: Use the clquorum status command to verify that the node is in maintenance mode. The vote count should be zero for that node. |
Remove a node from maintenance state. | scconf -c -q node=<node>,reset Note: Use the scstat -q command to verify that the node is not in maintenance mode. The vote count should be one for that node. |
clquorum reset Note: Use the clquorum status command to verify that the node is not in maintenance mode. The vote count should be one for that node. |
Nodes, disk devices, and quorum servers are referred to as quorum devices. A total quorum refers to all the nodes and devices added together. Table 3 lists the old and new CLI commands that are used to configure quorum devices such as nodes, disk devices, and quorum servers.
Table 3
Task | Old CLI Command | New CLI Command |
Add a device to the quorum. | scconf -a -q globaldev=d1 Note: If you get the error message unable to scrub device , use scgdevs to add the device to the global device namespace. |
clquorum add d1
Note: If you get the error message |
Remove a device from the quorum. | scconf -r -q globaldev=d1 |
clquorum remove d1 |
Remove the last quorum device, evacuate all nodes, and put the cluster into maintenance mode. | scconf -c -q installmode |
cluster set -p installmode=enabled |
Remove a quorum device (for example, a device named d1 ). |
scconf -r -q globaldev=d1 |
clquorum remove d1 |
Check the status of quorum devices after removing the last quorum device. | scstat-q |
clquorum status |
Put a quorum device in maintenance mode. | scconf -c -q globaldev=d1,maintstate |
clquorum disable d1 |
Remove a quorum device from maintenance mode. | scconf -c -q globaldev=<device>,reset
Note: This will bring all offline quorum devices online. |
clquorum reset
Note: This will bring all offline quorum devices online. |
Reset quorum vote. | scconf -c -q reset
Note: This will bring all offline quorum devices online. |
clquorum reset
Note: This will bring all offline quorum devices online. |
Table 4 lists the old and new CLI commands that are used to administer devices in a cluster.
Table 4
Task | Old CLI Command | New CLI Command |
List all the configured devices, including paths across all nodes. | scdidadm -L |
cldevice list -v |
List all the configured devices, including paths for one node only. | scdidadm -l |
cldevice list -v -n <nodename> |
Reconfigure the device database, creating new instance numbers if required. | scdidadm -r |
cldevice refresh |
List all the configured devices including paths and fencing. | N/A | cldevice show -v |
Rename a device ID (DID) instance. | N/A | cldevice rename -d <destination device> <device> |
Clear DIDs that are no longer used or are nonexistent. | scdidadm -C |
cldevice clear |
Perform the repair procedure for a particular path.
Note: You can perform this task when a disk gets replaced. |
scdidadm -R <ctd device> scdidadm -R <device id>
Note: An example of a controller-target-disk (CTD) device is |
cldevice repair <ctd device or device ID>
Note: An example of a CTD device is |
Configure the global device namespace. | scgdevs |
cldevice populate |
View the status of all disk paths. | scdpm -p all:all
Note: |
cldevice status |
Monitor the device path. | scdpm -m <node:disk path> |
cldevice monitor -n <node> <disk> |
Stop monitoring the device path. | scdpm -u <node:disk path> |
cldevice unmonitor -n <node> <disk> |
Table 5 lists the old and new CLI commands that are used to configure device groups in a cluster.
Table 5
Task | Old CLI Command | New CLI Command |
Add or register a device group. | scconf -a -D type=vxvm,name=appdg,nodelist=<host>:<host>,preferenced=true |
cldevicegroup create -t <devicegroup-type>-n <node> -d <device> <devicegroup> |
Remove a device group. | scconf -r -D name=<device group> |
cldevicegroup remove-node[-t <devicegroup-type> -n <node> <devicegroup> cldevicegroup remove-device -d <device> <devicegroup>
Add a single node. | scconf -a -D type=vxvm,name=appdg,nodelist=<host> |
cldevicegroup add-node -t <devicegroup-type> -n <node> <device group> |
Remove a single node. | scconf -r -D name=<device group>,nodelist=<host> |
cldevicegroup remove-node -t <devicegroup-type> -n <node> <devicegroup> |
Switch device groups. | scswitch -z -D <device group> -h <host> |
cldevicegroup switch --n <host> <disk group> |
Put a device group in maintenance mode. | scswitch -m -D <device group> |
cldevicegroup disable -t <devicegroup-type> <device group> |
Remove a device group from maintenance mode. | scswitch -z -D <device group> -h <host> |
cldevicegroup enable -t <devicegroup-type> <device group> |
Take a device group online. | scswitch -z -D <device group> -h <host> |
cldevicegroup online -t <devicegroup-type> -n <node> <device group> |
Take a device group offline. | scswitch -F -D <device group> |
cldevicegroup offline -t <devicegroup-type> <devicegroup> |
Resync a device group. | scconf -c -D name=appdg,sync |
cldevicegroup sync -t <devicegroup-type> <device group> |
Table 6 lists the old and new CLI commands that are used to enable or disable a transport cable in a cluster.
Table 6
Task | Old CLI Command | New CLI Command |
Enable a transport cable. | scconf -c -m endpoint=<host>:e1000g1,state=enabled |
clinterconnect enable <host>:<interface>,<switch> |
Disable a transport cable. | scconf -c -m endpoint=<host>:e1000g1,state=disabled |
clinterconnect disable <host>:<interface>,<switch> |
Table 7 lists the old and new CLI commands that are used to configure resource groups in a cluster.
Table 7
Task | Old CLI Command | New CLI Command |
Add a resource group. | scrgadm -a -g <res_group> -h <host>,<host> |
clresourcegroup create -n <host>,<host> <res_group> |
Remove a resource group. | scrgadm -r -g <res_group> |
clresourcegroup delete <res_group> |
Change a resource group's properties. | scrgadm -c -g <res_group> -y <property=value> |
clresourcegroup set -p <name=value> <res_group> |
List a resource group. | scstat -g |
clresourcegroup status |
View a detailed resource group list. | scrgadm -pv -g <res_group> |
clresourcegroup show -v <res_group> |
Take a resource group online. | scswitch -Z -g <res_group> |
clresourcegroup online <res_group> |
Take a resource group offline. | scswitch -F -g <res_group> |
clresourcegroup offline <res_group> |
Manage a resource group. | scswitch -o -g <res_group> |
clresourcegroup manage <res_group> |
Stop managing a resource group. | scswitch -u -g <res_group> Note: All resources in the group must be disabled. |
clresourcegroup unmanage <res_group> Note: All resources in the group must be disabled. |
Suspend a resource group. | N/A | clresourcegroup suspend <res_group> |
Resume a resource group. | N/A | clresourcegroup resume <res_group> |
Switch a resource group. | scswitch -z -g <res_group> -h <host> |
clresourcegroup switch -n <node> <res_group> |
Quiesce a resource group. | scswitch -Q -g <resource group name> |
clresourcegroup quiesce <resource group name> |
Table 8 lists the old and new CLI commands that are used to configure resources in a cluster.
Table 8
Task | Old CLI Command | New CLI Command |
Add a failover network resource. | scrgadm -a -L -g <res_group> -l <logicalhost> |
clreslogicalhostname create -g <res_group> <logicalhost> |
Add a shared network resource. | scrgadm -a -S -g <res_group> -l <logicalhost> |
clressharedaddress create -g <res_group> <logicalhost> |
Add a failover Apache application and attach the network resource. |
Add a shared Apache application and attach the network resource. |
Create an HAStoragePlus failover resource. |
Remove a resource. | scrgadm -r -j <resource>
Note: You must disable the resource first. |
clresource delete <resource>
Note: You must disable the resource first. |
Change resource properties. | scrgadm -c -j <resource> -y <property=value> |
clresource set -p <property=value> <resource> |
List resources. | scstat -g |
clresourcegroup status clresource status clresourcegroup show clresource show
View a detailed list of resources. |
scrgadm -pv -j <resource> scrgadm -pvv -j <resource>
clresource list -v |
Disable the resource monitor. | scrgadm -n -M -j <resource> |
clresource unmonitor <resource> |
Enable the resource monitor. | scrgadm -e -M -j <resource> |
clresource monitor <resource> |
Disable a resource. | scswitch -n -j <resource> |
clresource disable <resource> |
Enable a resource. | scswitch -e -j <resource> |
clresource enable <resource> |
Clear a failed resource. | scswitch -c -h<host>,<host> -j <resource> -f STOP_FAILED |
clresource clear -f STOP_FAILED <resource> |
Find the network of a resource. | scrgadm -pvv -j <resource> | grep -I network |
scrgadm -pvv -j <resource> | grep -I network |
Remove a resource. | scrgadm -r -j <resource> |
clresource delete <resource> |
Table 9 lists the old and new CLI commands that are used to configure resource types in a cluster.
Table 9
Task | Old CLI Command | New CLI Command |
Add a resource type (for example, SUNW.HAStoragePlus ). |
scrgadm -a -t <resource type> |
clrt register <resource type> |
Delete a resource type. | scrgadm -r -t <resource type> Note: Set the RT_SYSTEM property on the resource type to false . |
clrt unregister <resource_type> Note: Set the RT_SYSTEM property on the resource type to false . |
List a resource type. | scrgadm -pv | grep <resource type name> |
clrt list |
Veerareddy Papareddy (Veera) worked at BEML India as a CAD center engineer and then at Nortel Networks as a system administrator. Veera has now been with Sun Microsystems and Oracle for over 12 years as a quality engineer for the Oracle Solaris Cluster product.
Revision 1.0, 04/02/2013