Java for LEGO® Mindstorms® EV3
LEGO® Mindstorms® EV3 can run the ARMv5 port of Java SE Embedded with just a few simple steps. This page will help point you to all the resources you need to get started!
- See a video of Java SE Embedded on LEGO® Mindstorms® EV3.
- Guide on how to run Java on Lego EV3 via leJOS wiki (not affiliated with LEGO® or Oracle).
- More information about Java on LEGO® Mindstorms® can be found at the leJOS community site (not affiliated with LEGO® or Oracle).
- The leJOS community is working on enabling LeJOS on MINDSTORMS EV3. Oracle is making our Java implementation available here to support their efforts. For now, please consult the leJOS forums for status and updates.
- If you're feeling adventurous after reading up some of the above links, Download either the Java SE Embedded 8 update 6 ARMv5 port or Java SE Embedded 7 Update 71 ARMv5 port (see below).
- Java SE Embedded 8 update 6 enables developers to create customized JREs using the JRECreate tool. Starting with Java SE Embedded 8, individual JRE downloads for embedded platforms are no longer provided. To get started, download the bundle below and follow instructions to create a JRE that suits your application's needs.
After downloading Java SE Embedded version 8 it is possible to create a compact2 profile suitable for LEGO® Mindstorms® EV3 with the following command line:
- bin/ --profile compact2 --dest compact2-client --vm client
- 1 gcc options used include: -msoft-float
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