Brew MP

Oracle Java Wireless Client for the Brew Mobile Platform

Oracle Java Wireless Client is Oracle's Java ME implementation. Oracle Java Wireless Client for the Brew Mobile Platform (Brew MP) is a turnkey solution that gives Qualcomm-based devices the ability to run Java ME applications through a pre-integrated solution agnostic to the underlying chipset family. This solution results in reduced porting times and hence reduced time-to-market for the device manufacturers.

Oracle Java Wireless Client for Brew MP provides a high-performance, multi- tasking Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on top of an open mobile platform. The highlights of this pre-integrated stack include:

In addition to the specific functionality for Brew MP, Oracle Java Wireless Client offers the following as a robust and solid Java ME implementation and a mobile application development environment:

Brew MP-Specific Solution

Support for leading operator extensions

In addition to Java ME standards, Oracle Java Wireless Client software includes support for leading operator extensions. Most of the operator extensions include a combination of the following elements:

  • Clarification for the standard Java ME JSR
  • Operator-specific APIs
  • Application Management System requirements
  • Carrier UI guidelines
  • Operator-specific testing requirements

In most cases, the implementation and testing of the operator is an operation that takes significant time and engineering effort. The fact that Oracle already has multiple operator extensions ready for Brew MP reduces the overall investment for commercializing devices for these operators.

Support for Qualcomm chipsets

Oracle Java Wireless Client supports a range of Qualcomm MSM/QSC chipsets including 60XX, 61XX, 62XX, 65XX, 68XX, and 7XXX.

Tight integration with native Brew MP

Oracle Java Wireless Client software offers a variety of unique features designed and integrated specifically for Brew MP. These result in robust integration of the Java ME runtime with the native platform and improve the overall execution of Java ME applications. These unique features are implemented in a variety of modules, starting from the Java Application Managment System (AMS) that is customized to enhance application installation and management.

Oracle Java Wireless Client software is tightly integrated with the Brew MP Application Manager to provide seamless management of Java applications as well as Brew applications. Oracle Java Wireless Client software is also integrated with Brew MP Windows Manager, which enables Brew MP TaskTray to switch between running Java and native applications. Additionally, the Brew MP home canvas provides access to running Java applications and enables IT to create application shortcuts quickly.

General Functionality

Superior performance

Oracle Java Wireless Client software provides a multitasking Java runtime environment. It offers superior JVM and graphics performance as a result of a combination of JVM acceleration technologies such as Java HotSpot and ARM Jazelle. Oracle's multitasking VM implementation is designed to allow multiple Java applications to run within a single operating system task. This implementation contains mechanisms for managing the application life cycle (starting, stopping, and switching between applications) as well as mechanisms for managing competition among multiple applications for limited shared resources such as memory and network sockets.

Brew MP

Advanced JSR implementation

Oracle Java Wireless Client software offers optimized implementation for both - Java Technology for the Wireless Industry (JTWI, JSR-185) and for Mobile Service Architecture (MSA, JSR-248), which are the leading Java ME standards required by the majority of mobile operators.


Oracle's product offerings include a variety of customization and configuration tools, enabling device manufacturers to fine-tune the solution to their target devices without modifying the binary JVM image. The functionality of these tools includes but is not limited to configuration of string locale, customization of Java UI look and feel, setting of virtual machine parameters (heap size, screen size, and so on).