JDK 11.0.3 Release Notes

Java Development Kit 11 Release Notes

Java™ SE Development Kit 11.0.3 (JDK 11.0.3)

April 16, 2019

The full version string for this update release is 11.0.3+12 (where "+" means "build"). The version number is 11.0.3.

IANA Data 2018g

JDK 11.0.3 contains IANA time zone data version 2018g. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.

Security Baselines

The security baselines for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at the time of the release of JDK 11.0.3 are specified in the following table:

JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline (Full Version String)
11 11.0.3+12
10 10.0.99
9 9.0.99
8 1.8.0_211-b12
7 1.7.0_221-b08
6 1.6.0_221

Oracle JDK Expiration Date

The JDK expires whenever a new release with security vulnerability fixes becomes available. Critical patch updates, which contain security vulnerability fixes, are announced one year in advance on Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins. This JDK (version 11.0.3) will expire with the release of the next critical patch update scheduled for July 16, 2019.

New Features


Square Character Support for Japanese New Era
The code point, U+32FF, is reserved by the Unicode Consortium to represent the Japanese square character for the new era that begins from May, 2019. Relevant methods in the Character class return the same properties as the existing Japanese era characters (e.g., U+337E for "Meizi"). For details about the code point, see http://blog.unicode.org/2018/09/new-japanese-era.html.

See JDK-8211398

Known Issues


Java Access Bridge Installation Workaround
There is a risk of breaking Java Access Bridge functionality when installing Java on a Windows system that has both a previously installed version of Java and an instance of JAWS running. After rebooting, the system can be left without the WindowsAccessBridge-64.dll in either the system directory (C:\Windows\System32) for 64bit Java products or the system directory used by WOW64 (C:\Windows\SysWoW64) for 32bit Java products.

To prevent breaking Java Access Bridge functionality, use one of the following workarounds:

  • Stop JAWS before running the Java installer.
  • Uninstall the existing JRE(s) before installing the new version of Java.
  • Uninstall the existing JRE(s) after the new version of Java is installed and the machine is rebooted.

The goal of the workarounds is to avoid the scenario of uninstalling existing JRE(s) from Java installer when JAWS is running.

JDK-8223293 (not public)



Added GlobalSign R6 Root Certificate
The following root certificate has been added to the cacerts truststore:

  • GlobalSign
    • globalsignrootcar6

      DN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6

JDK-8216577 (not public)


Distrust TLS Server Certificates Anchored by Symantec Root CAs
The JDK will stop trusting TLS Server certificates issued by Symantec, in line with similar plans recently announced by Google, Mozilla, Apple, and Microsoft. The list of affected certificates includes certificates branded as GeoTrust, Thawte, and VeriSign, which were managed by Symantec.

TLS Server certificates issued on or before April 16, 2019 will continue to be trusted until they expire. Certificates issued after that date will be rejected. See the DigiCert support page for information on how to replace your Symantec certificates with a DigiCert certificate (DigiCert took over validation and issuance for all Symantec Website Security SSL/TLS certificates on December 1, 2017).

An exception to this policy is that TLS Server certificates issued through two subordinate Certificate Authorities managed by Apple, and identified below, will continue to be trusted as long as they are issued on or before December 31, 2019.

The restrictions are enforced in the JDK implementation (the SunJSSE Provider) of the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) API. A TLS session will not be negotiated if the server's certificate chain is anchored by any of the Certificate Authorities in the table below.

An application will receive an Exception with a message indicating the trust anchor is not trusted, ex:

"TLS Server certificate issued after 2019-04-16 and anchored by a distrusted legacy Symantec root CA:
 CN=GeoTrust Global CA, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US"

If necessary, and at your own risk, you can work around the restrictions by removing "SYMANTEC_TLS" from the jdk.security.caDistrustPolicies security property in the java.security configuration file.

The restrictions are imposed on the following Symantec Root certificates included in the JDK:

Root Certificates distrusted after 2019-04-16

Distinguished Name SHA-256 Fingerprint
CN=GeoTrust Global CA, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US

FF:85:6A:2D:25:1D:CD:88:D3:66:56:F4:50:12:67:98:CF:AB:AA: DE:40:79:9C:72:2D:E4:D2:B5:DB:36:A7:3A

CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US

37:D5:10:06:C5:12:EA:AB:62:64:21:F1:EC:8C:92:01:3F:C5:F8: 2A:E9:8E:E5:33:EB:46:19:B8:DE:B4:D0:6C

CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2, OU=(c) 2007 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US

5E:DB:7A:C4:3B:82:A0:6A:87:61:E8:D7:BE:49:79:EB:F2:61:1F: 7D:D7:9B:F9:1C:1C:6B:56:6A:21:9E:D7:66

CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3, OU=(c) 2008 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US

B4:78:B8:12:25:0D:F8:78:63:5C:2A:A7:EC:7D:15:5E:AA:62:5E: E8:29:16:E2:CD:29:43:61:88:6C:D1:FB:D4

CN=GeoTrust Universal CA, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US

A0:45:9B:9F:63:B2:25:59:F5:FA:5D:4C:6D:B3:F9:F7:2F:F1:93: 42:03:35:78:F0:73:BF:1D:1B:46:CB:B9:12

CN=thawte Primary Root CA, OU="(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=Certification Services Division, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US

8D:72:2F:81:A9:C1:13:C0:79:1D:F1:36:A2:96:6D:B2:6C:95:0A: 97:1D:B4:6B:41:99:F4:EA:54:B7:8B:FB:9F

CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G2, OU="(c) 2007 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only", O="thawte, Inc.", C=US

A4:31:0D:50:AF:18:A6:44:71:90:37:2A:86:AF:AF:8B:95:1F:FB: 43:1D:83:7F:1E:56:88:B4:59:71:ED:15:57

CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G3, OU="(c) 2008 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=Certification Services Division, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US

4B:03:F4:58:07:AD:70:F2:1B:FC:2C:AE:71:C9:FD:E4:60:4C: 06:4C:F5:FF:B6:86:BA:E5:DB:AA:D7:FD:D3:4C

EMAILADDRESS=premium-server@thawte.com, CN=Thawte Premium Server CA, OU=Certification Services Division, O=Thawte Consulting cc, L=Cape Town, ST=Western Cape, C=ZA

3F:9F:27:D5:83:20:4B:9E:09:C8:A3:D2:06:6C:4B:57:D3:A2:47: 9C:36:93:65:08:80:50:56:98:10:5D:BC:E9

OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU="(c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

3A:43:E2:20:FE:7F:3E:A9:65:3D:1E:21:74:2E:AC:2B:75:C2:0F: D8:98:03:05:BC:50:2C:AF:8C:2D:9B:41:A1

OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

A4:B6:B3:99:6F:C2:F3:06:B3:FD:86:81:BD:63:41:3D:8C:50:09: CC:4F:A3:29:C2:CC:F0:E2:FA:1B:14:03:05

OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU="(c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

83:CE:3C:12:29:68:8A:59:3D:48:5F:81:97:3C:0F:91:95:43:1E: DA:37:CC:5E:36:43:0E:79:C7:A8:88:63:8B

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3, OU="(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

EB:04:CF:5E:B1:F3:9A:FA:76:2F:2B:B1:20:F2:96:CB:A5:20:C1: B9:7D:B1:58:95:65:B8:1C:B9:A1:7B:72:44

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4, OU="(c) 2007 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

69:DD:D7:EA:90:BB:57:C9:3E:13:5D:C8:5E:A6:FC:D5:48:0B:60: 32:39:BD:C4:54:FC:75:8B:2A:26:CF:7F:79

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5, OU="(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

9A:CF:AB:7E:43:C8:D8:80:D0:6B:26:2A:94:DE:EE:E4:B4:65:99: 89:C3:D0:CA:F1:9B:AF:64:05:E4:1A:B7:DF

CN=VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority, OU="(c) 2008 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US

23:99:56:11:27:A5:71:25:DE:8C:EF:EA:61:0D:DF:2F:A0:78:B5: C8:06:7F:4E:82:82:90:BF:B8:60:E8:4B:3C

Subordinate Certificates distrusted after 2019-12-31

Distinguished Name SHA-256 Fingerprint
CN=Apple IST CA 2 - G1, OU=Certification Authority, O=Apple Inc., C=US

AC:2B:92:2E:CF:D5:E0:17:11:77:2F:EA:8E:D3:72:DE:9D:1E:22:45:FC:E3:F5:7A: 9C:DB:EC:77:29:6A:42:4B

CN=Apple IST CA 8 - G1, OU=Certification Authority, O=Apple Inc., C=US

A4:FE:7C:7F:15:15:5F:3F:0A:EF:7A:AA:83:CF:6E:06:DE:B9:7C:A3:F9:09:DF:92:0A: C1:49:08:82:D4:88:ED

If you have a TLS Server certificate issued by one of the CAs above, you should have received a message from DigiCert with information about replacing that certificate, free of charge.

You can also use the keytool utility from the JDK to print out details of the certificate chain, as follows:

keytool -v -list -alias <your_server_alias> -keystore <your_keystore_filename>

If any of the certificates in the chain are issued by one of the root CAs in the table above are listed in the output you will need to update the certificate or contact the organization that manages the server if not yours.

See JDK-8207258


New Japanese Era Name Reiwa
An instance representing the new Reiwa era has been added to this update. Unlike other eras, there is no public field for this era. It can be obtained by calling JapaneseEra.of(3) or JapaneseEra.valueOf("Reiwa"). JDK 13 and later will have a new public field to represent this era.

The placeholder name, "NewEra", for the Japanese era that started from May 1st, 2019 has been replaced with the new official name. Applications that relied on the placeholder name (see JDK-8202088) to obtain the new era singleton (JapaneseEra.valueOf("NewEra")) will no longer work.

See JDK-8205432


Support New Japanese Era in java.time.chrono.JapaneseEra
The JapaneseEra class and its of(int), valueOf(String), and values() methods are clarified to accommodate future Japanese era additions, such as how the singleton instances are defined, what the associated integer era values are, etc.

See JDK-8212941

Bug Fixes

This release also contains fixes for security vulnerabilities described in the Oracle Critical Patch Update.

Issues fixed in 11.0.3:

# BugId Component Subcomponent Summary
1 JDK-8207070 client-libs java.awt Webstart app popup on wrong screen in a one-screen setup changing to multi-monitor
2 JDK-8211295 core-libs java.sql DriverManager::getConnection fails to find driver if it's called from JDBC RowSet
3 JDK-8212941 core-libs java.time Support new Japanese era in java.time.chrono.JapaneseEra
4 JDK-8211398 core-libs java.util:i18n Square character support for the Japanese new era
5 JDK-8208275 hotspot compiler C2 crash in Node::add_req(Node*)
6 JDK-8209758 hotspot gc 2 classes with same name G1PrintCollectionSetClosure cause crash when logging is enabled
7 JDK-8211821 hotspot runtime PrintStringTableStatistics crashes JVM
8 JDK-8214827 hotspot runtime Incorrect call ClassLoaders.toFileURL("jrt:/java.compiler")
9 JDK-8215397 hotspot runtime jsig.c missing classpath exception
10 JDK-8213952 security-libs java.security Relax DNSName restriction as per RFC 1123
11 JDK-8213782 security-libs javax.net.ssl NullPointerException in sun.security.ssl.OutputRecord.changeWriteCiphers
12 JDK-8212885 security-libs javax.net.ssl TLS 1.3 resumed session does not retain peer certificate chain
13 JDK-8207258 security-libs javax.net.ssl Distrust TLS server certificates anchored by Symantec Root CAs
14 JDK-8214129 security-libs javax.net.ssl SSL session resumption/SNI with TLS1.2 causes StackOverflowError
15 JDK-8209615 xml javax.xml.stream ParseError in XMLEventReader on a valid input
16 JDK-8210874 xml javax.xml.stream Test for JDK-8209615
17 JDK-8215330 xml jaxp javax.xml.catalog.CatalogResolverImpl: GroupEntry.matchURI fails to match