Java Developer: EJB 3.0

Enterprise JavaBeans(EJB)の次期バージョンEJB 3.0は、これまでの問題点を改善すべく簡易化され、永続性管理機能が大きく強化されます。J2EE 5.0の中核をなすテクノロジーとして注目を集めつつある EJB 3.0 は、Oracle Application Server 10g Release3でいち早く体験できます。 テクノロジーの一歩先を覗いてみてください。

Getting Started
Technical Article: Introduction to EJBs - What are EJBs and When to Use Them
Learn about the different types of EJBs, what they offer you, and when to use them.

Book Chapter: "What's What in EJB 3" - A sample chapter from EJB3 In Action, co-authored by Debu Panda.

Book Chapter: "EJB 3 Session Beans" - A sample chapter from Beginning EJB 3 Application Development: From Novice to Professional. by Raghu Kodali and Jonathan R. Wetherbee.

Tutorial: Introduction to EJB 3.0 using JDeveloper 10g and OC4J

Tutorial: Developing Your First Session EJB zip

Tutorial - Developing Your First Entity EJB zip

Technical Articles

HowTos & Tutorials

General EJB 3.0 and Java EE 5.0

Adventure Builder Rebuilt Using EJB 3.0 and Web Services Metadata ( zip) Develop a Stateless Session EJB using EJB 3.0 ( zip)
Develop a Stateful Session EJB using EJB 3.0 ( zip) Develop EJB 3.0 Interceptors ( zip)
Develop a Stateless Session EJB Web Service using EJB 3.0 ( zip) Develop a Message Driven Bean using EJB 3.0 ( zip)
Develop a Stateless Session EJB using EJB 3.0 with descriptors ( zip) EJB 3 in Action Code Samples ( zip)
Use Dependency injection in the web container ( zip) Tutorial for Java EE Developers ( EJB3 and JSF

EJB 3.0 Java Persistence API

Develop a Stateless Session EJB Web Service using EJB 3.0 ( zip) Develop a Message Driven Bean using EJB 3.0 ( zip)
JPA in JSF Web Application ( zip)

Interoperability and Backward Compatibility

Make EJB 2.x Interoperable with EJB 3.0 ( zip) Develop EJB 3.0 to Supports Backward Compatibility with EJB 2.x Clients ( zip)

Spring, EJB3 and JPA

Springを利用したEJB, JPAの使用方法 ( zip) Access EJB3 Sessions from Spring POJOs ( zip)


EJB 3.0 Session Bean Development using Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.3 EJB 3.0 JPA Entity Development using Oracle JDeveloper

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