Oracle.Web Nuget Package Version 12.2.1100 README
Release Notes: Oracle Providers for ASP.NET
May 2017
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2017
This document provides information that supplements the Oracle Providers for ASP.NET documentation.
You have downloaded Oracle Providers for ASP.NET from Oracle, the license agreement to which is available at
*New Features
*Installation and Configuration Steps
*Installation Changes
*Documentation Corrections and Additions
*Tips, Limitations, and Known Issues
New Features
Installation and Configuration Steps
The downloads are NuGet packages that can be installed with the NuGet Package Manager. These instructions apply
to install Oracle Providers for ASP.NET.
1. Un-GAC and un-configure any existing Oracle ASP.NET provider versions you have installed.
2. In Visual Studio, open NuGet Package Manager from an existing Visual Studio project.
3. Install the NuGet package from an OTN-downloaded local package source or from
From Local Package Source
A. Click on the Settings button in the lower left of the dialog box.
B. Click the "+" button to add a package source. In the Source field, enter in the directory location where the
NuGet package(s) were downloaded to. Click the Update button, then the Ok button.
C. On the left side, under the Online root node, select the package source you just created. The ODP.NET NuGet
packages will appear.
A. In the Search box in the upper right, search for the package with id, "Oracle.Web". Verify that the package
uses this unique ID to ensure it is the offical Oracle Providers for ASP.NET download.
B. Select the package you wish to install.
4. Click on the Install button to select the desired NuGet package(s) to include with the project. Accept the
license agreement and Visual Studio will continue the setup.
5. Open the web.config file to configure the ODP.NET connection string and local naming parameters
(i.e. tnsnames.ora). Below is an example of configuring the local naming parameters:
After following these instructions, ODP.NET is now configured and ready to use.
NOTE: ODP.NET, Managed Driver comes with two platform specific assemblies:
i. Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll (for Distributed Transaction Support)
ii. Oracle.ManagedDataAccessIOP.dll (for Kerberos Support)
The Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll assembly is ONLY needed if you are using Distributed Trasactions and the
.NET Framework being used is 4.5.1 or lower. If you are using .NET Framework 4.5.2 or higher, this assembly does
not need to be referenced by your application.
The Oracle.ManagedDataAccessIOP.dll assembly is ONLY needed if you are using Kerberos. Kerberos users will need
to download MIT Kerberos for Windows 4.0.1 or higher from
to utilize ODP.NET, Managed Driver's support of Kerberos.
These asssemblies are located under
depending on the platform.
If these assemblies are required by your application, your Visual Studio project requires additional changes.
Use the following steps for your application to use the 64-bit version of Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll:
1. Right click on the Visual Studio project.
2. Select Add -> New Folder
3. Name the folder x64.
4. Right click on the newly created x64 folder
5. Select Add -> Existing Item
6. Browse to packages\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.\bin\x64 under your project solution directory.
7. Choose Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll
8. Click the 'Add' button
9. Left click the newly added Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll in the x64 folder
10. In the properties window, set 'Copy To Output Directory' to 'Copy Always'.
For x86 targeted applications, name the folder x86 and add assemblies from the
packages\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.\bin\x86 folder.
Use the same steps for adding Oracle.ManagedDataAccessIOP.dll.
To make your application platform independent even if it depends on Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll and/or
Oracle.ManagedDataAccessIOP.dll, create both x64 and x86 folders with the necessary assemblies added to them.
Installation Changes
The following web.config entries are added by including Oracle Providers for ASP.NET NuGet package to your
1) Configuration Settings
The following entry is added to the web.config to configure the ASP.NET providers:
2) Connection String
The following entry is added to allow a connection string to be set for Oracle Providers for ASP.NET. The
connectionString attribute should be set with the "User Id", "Password", and "Data Source" for the database
server that the ASP.NET providers will be storing their data.
The following entry is added to enable the classes that are derived from DbContext to be associated with a connection
string instead to associating the derived class with a connection string programmatically by passing it via its
constructor. The name of "OracleDbContext" should be changed to the class name of your class that derives from DbContext.
In addition, the connectionString attribute should be modified properly to set the "User Id", "Password", and
"Data Source" appropriately with valid values.
Documentation Corrections and Additions
Tips, Limitations, and Known Issues