Lab: Introduction to Oracle Solaris 11 ZFS File System

Hands-On Labs Of the System Admin and Developer Community of OTN

Oracle Solaris ZFS is a revolutionary file system that changes the way we look at storage allocation for open systems. This session is a hands-on tutorial on the basics of Oracle Solaris ZFS. It describes how devices are used in storage pools and considers performance and availability. It also looks at the various types of Oracle Solaris ZFS datasets that can be created and when to use each type. Participants will learn about file system snapshots, cloning data, allocation limits and recovering from common errors.

In the following exercises, we will create some zpools and explore different types of virtual devices (vdevs). We will also create two different types of ZFS datasets, file systems and volumes. We will customize some properties, snapshot and clone them, and finally perform some upgrades. In the advanced section, we will look at how some of the other Oracle Solaris services, like NFS (Network File System) and FMA (Fault Management Architecture) are tied into ZFS.

These exercises are meant to explore some of the possibilities. Armed with the manual pages and a group of willing assistants, you are encouraged to explore any other features of ZFS.

Lab activities

Activity Estimated Time Exercises
Lab Overview 5 min N/A
Working with Pools 15 min Yes
Working with File Systems 20 min Yes
Error handling and recovery 10 min Yes

Lab Overview

In this lab will be be using a VirtualBox guest for all of the exercises. We will be using a combination of flat files and virtual disks for different parts of the lab. Here is a quick overview of the configuration before we get started.

Device Usage
Disks: c1t0d0 - Solaris root file system (rpool)
  c4t1d0 - 8 GB data disk for ZFS use
  c4t1d0 - 8 GB data disk for ZFS use
Flat files (500MB each) /dev/dsk/disk1

Lab Setup

Lab Installing Oracle Solaris 11 in Oracle VM VirtualBox must be completed before beginning this lab.

We need to add the two 8 GB virtual disks used throughout this lab to our VirtualBox guest.

If the Solaris virtual machine is running, shut it down.

In VirtualBox, select the settings for the OracleSolaris11_11-11 machine and select the Storage category on the left. Then click the Add Controller icon to add a SAS Controller:

Solaris 11 Settings

The click the icon to add a new disk to the SAS Controller:

Add New Disk

Create a new disk:

VirtualBox Question

This will launch the Create New Virtual Disk Wizard:

Create New Virtual Disk

Click Next. We'll use the default Dynamically expanding storage type:

Create New Virtual Disk 1

Click Next. Set the Disk's name to 8GDisk1.vdi. Set its size to 8 GB.

Create New Virtual Disk 2

Click Next.

Create New Virtual Disk 3

Then Create.

Repeat those steps, naming the second disk 8GDisk2.

Start the Solaris VM.

This will be an interactive lab run in a GNOME terminal window. Once logged in, bring up a terminal window and become the root user. The root password is the password you defined when you have imported Oracle Solaris 11 VM appliance into Oracle VM VirtualBox.

oracle@solaris:~$ su -
Password: <root password>
Oracle Corporation   SunOS 5.11  11.0  November 2011

Run format and note the device names as they may very well differ from the examples used in this lab:

# format < /dev/null
Searching for disks...done

       0. c3t0d0 <ATA-VBOX HARDDISK-1.0 cyl 8351 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
       1. c4t0d0 <VBOX-HARDDISK-1.0-8.00GB>
       2. c4t1d0 <VBOX-HARDDISK-1.0-8.00GB>
Specify disk (enter its number):

You're now ready to begin the lab exercises!

Exercise 1: Working with Pools

In the ZFS file sytems, storage devices are grouped into pools, called zpools. These pools provide all of the storage allocations that are used by the file systems and volumes that will be allocated from the pool. Let's begin by creating a simple zpool, called datapool.

First we need some storage devices. We will create 4 files and use them for our first pool.

# mkfile 500m /dev/dsk/disk1
# mkfile 500m /dev/dsk/disk2
# mkfile 500m /dev/dsk/disk3
# mkfile 500m /dev/dsk/disk4

Creating and destroying pools

Now let's create our first pool.

# zpool create datapool raidz disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4

That's all there is to it. We can use zpool status to see what our first pool looks like.

# zpool status datapool

  pool: datapool
 state: ONLINE
 scan: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        datapool    ONLINE       0     0     0
          raidz1-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk1   ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk2   ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk3   ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk4   ONLINE       0     0     0

What we can see from this output that our new pool called datapool has a single ZFS virtual device (vdev) called raidz1-0. That vdev is comprised of our four disk files that we created in the previous step.

This type of vdev provides single device parity protection, meaning that if one device develops an error, no data is lost because it can be reconstructed using the remaining disk devices. This organization is commonly called a 3+1, 3 data disks plus one parity.

ZFS provides additional types of availability: raidz2 (2 device protection), raidz3 (3 device protection), mirroring and none. We will look at some of these in later exercises.

Before continuing, let's take a look at the currently mounted file systems.

NOTE: In Oracle Solaris 11 zfs list command shows how much space ZFS filesystems consume. In case you need to see how much space is available on non-ZFS filesystem, such as mounted over the network via NFS or another protocol, traditional df(1) command exists in Oracle Solaris 11 and can be used. System administrators familiar with df(1) can continue to use df(1), while using zfs list for ZFS filesystems is encouraged.

# zfs list
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
datapool                  97.2K  1.41G  44.9K  /datapool
rpool                     7.91G  54.6G    39K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT                6.36G  54.6G    31K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/solaris        6.36G  54.6G  5.80G  /
rpool/ROOT/solaris/var     467M  54.6G   226M  /var
rpool/dump                 516M  54.6G   500M  -
rpool/export              6.52M  54.6G    33K  /export
rpool/export/home         6.42M  54.6G  6.39M  /export/home
rpool/export/home/oracle    31K  54.6G    31K  /export/home/oracle
rpool/export/ips          63.5K  54.6G    32K  /export/ips
rpool/export/ips/example  31.5K  54.6G  31.5K  /export/ips/example
rpool/swap                1.03G  54.6G  1.00G  -

Notice that when we created the pool, ZFS also created the first file system and also mounted it. The default mountpoint is derived by the name of the pool, but can be changed if necessary. With ZFS there's no need to create a file system, make a directory to mount the file system. It is also unnecessary to add entries to /etc/vfstab. All of this is done when the pool is created, making ZFS much easier to use than traditional file systems.

Before looking at some other types of vdevs, let's destroy the datapool, and see what happens.

# zpool destroy datapool

# zfs list
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                     7.91G  54.6G    39K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT                6.36G  54.6G    31K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/solaris        6.36G  54.6G  5.80G  /
rpool/ROOT/solaris/var     467M  54.6G   226M  /var
rpool/dump                 516M  54.6G   500M  -
rpool/export              6.52M  54.6G    33K  /export
rpool/export/home         6.42M  54.6G  6.39M  /export/home
rpool/export/home/oracle    31K  54.6G    31K  /export/home/oracle
rpool/export/ips          63.5K  54.6G    32K  /export/ips
rpool/export/ips/example  31.5K  54.6G  31.5K  /export/ips/example
rpool/swap                1.03G  54.6G  1.00G  -

All file systems in the pool have been unmounted and the pool has been destroyed. The devices in the vdev have also been marked as free so they can be used again.

Let's now create a simple pool using a 2 way mirror instead of raidz.

# zpool create datapool mirror disk1 disk2

# zpool status datapool
  pool: datapool
 state: ONLINE
 scan: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        datapool    ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk1   ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk2   ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Now the vdev name has changed to mirror-0 to indicate that data redundancy is provided by mirroring (redundant copies of the data) instead of parity as it was in our first example.

What happens if you try to use a disk device that is already being used by another pool? Let's take a look.

# zpool create datapool2 mirror disk1 disk2
invalid vdev specification
use '-f' to override the following errors:
/dev/dsk/disk1 is part of active pool 'datapool'

The usage error indicates that /dev/dsk/disk1 has been identified as being part of an existing pool called datapool. The -f flag to the zpool create command can override the failsafe in case datapool is no longer being used, but use that option with caution.

Adding capacity to a pool

Since we have two additional disk devices (disk3 and disk4), let's see how easy it is to grow a ZFS pool.

# zpool list datapool
datapool   492M  89.5K   492M     0%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

# zpool add datapool mirror disk3 disk4

# zpool status datapool
  pool: datapool
 state: ONLINE
 scan: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        datapool    ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk1   ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk2   ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-1  ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk3   ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk4   ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

See that a second vdev (mirror-1) has been added to the pool. Let's look at the zpool listing now.

# zpool list datapool
datapool   984M  92.5K   984M     0%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

Our pool has grown from 500MB to 1GB.

# zfs list datapool
datapool   91K   952M    31K  /datapool

Notice that you don't have to grow file systems when the pool capacity increases. File systems can use whatever space is available in the pool, subject to quota limitations, which we will see in a later exercise.

Importing and exporting pools

ZFS zpools can also be exported, allowing all of the data and associated configuration information to be moved from one system to another. For this example, let's use two of our SAS disks (c4t0d0 and c4t1d0).

# zpool create pool2 mirror c4t0d0 c4t1d0

# zpool status pool2
pool: pool2
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    pool2       ONLINE       0     0     0
      mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
        c4t0d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
        c4t1d0  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

As before, we have created a simple mirrored pool of two disks. In this case, the disk devices are real disks, not files. In this case we've told ZFS to use the entire disk (no slice number was included). If the disk was not labeled, ZFS will write a default label.

Now let's export pool2 so that another system can use it.

# zpool list
datapool   984M  92.5K   984M     0%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
pool2     7.94G  83.5K  7.94G     0%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
rpool     19.9G  6.18G  13.7G    31%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

# zpool export pool2

# zpool list
datapool   984M  92.5K   984M     0%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
rpool     19.9G  6.19G  13.7G    31%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

Let's import the pool, demonstrating another easy to use feature of ZFS.

# zpool import pool2

# zpool list
datapool   984M  92.5K   984M     0%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
pool2     7.94G   132K  7.94G     0%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
rpool     19.9G  6.19G  13.7G    31%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

Notice that we didn't have to tell ZFS where the disks were located. All we told ZFS was the name of the pool. ZFS looked through all of the available disk devices and reassembled the pool, even if the device names had been changed.

What if we didn't know the name of the pool ? ZFS can help there too.

# zpool export pool2

# zpool import
  pool: pool2
    id: 12978869377007843914
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

   pool2       ONLINE
     mirror-0  ONLINE
       c4t0d0  ONLINE
       c4t1d0  ONLINE

# zpool import pool2

Without an argument, ZFS will look at all of the disks attached to the system and will provide a list of pool names that it can import. If it finds two pools of the same name, the unique identifier can be used to select which pool you want imported.

Pool Properties

There are a lot of pool properties that you might want to customize for your environment. To see a list of these properties, use zpool get

# zpool get all pool2
NAME      PROPERTY       VALUE                 SOURCE
datapool  size           7.94G                 -
datapool  capacity       0%                    -
datapool  altroot        -                     default
datapool  health         ONLINE                -
datapool  guid           18069440062221314300  -
datapool  version        33                    default
datapool  bootfs         -                     default
datapool  delegation     on                    default
datapool  autoreplace    off                   default
datapool  cachefile      -                     default
datapool  failmode       wait                  default
datapool  listsnapshots  off                   default
datapool  autoexpand     off                   default
datapool  dedupditto     0                     default
datapool  dedupratio     1.00x                 -
datapool  free           7.94G                 -
datapool  allocated      216K                  -
datapool  readonly       off

These properties are all described in the zpool(1M) man page. Type man zpool to get more information. To set a pool property, use zpool set. Note that not all properties can be changed (ex. version, free, allocated).

# zpool set listsnapshots=on pool2

# zpool get listsnapshots pool2
pool2  listsnapshots  on         local

Upgrading Pools

Before ending this exercise, let's take a look at one more zpool property: version. In this case the zpool version number is 31. To find out what features this provides, use zpool upgrade -v.

# zpool upgrade -v
This system is currently running ZFS pool version 33.

The following versions are supported:

---  --------------------------------------------------------
 1   Initial ZFS version
 2   Ditto blocks (replicated metadata)
 3   Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z
 4   zpool history
 5   Compression using the gzip algorithm
 6   bootfs pool property
 7   Separate intent log devices
 8   Delegated administration
 9   refquota and refreservation properties
 10  Cache devices
 11  Improved scrub performance
 12  Snapshot properties
 13  snapused property
 14  passthrough-x aclinherit
 15  user/group space accounting
 16  stmf property support
 17  Triple-parity RAID-Z
 18  Snapshot user holds
 19  Log device removal
 20  Compression using zle (zero-length encoding)
 21  Deduplication
 22  Received properties
 23  Slim ZIL
 24  System attributes
 25  Improved scrub stats
 26  Improved snapshot deletion performance
 27  Improved snapshot creation performance
 28  Multiple vdev replacements
 29  RAID-Z/mirror hybrid allocator
 30  Encryption
 31  Improved 'zfs list' performance
 32  One MB blocksize
 33  Improved share support

For more information on a particular version, including supported releases,
see the ZFS Administration Guide.

When you patch or upgrade Oracle Solaris, a new version of the zpool may be available. It is simple to upgrade an existing pool, adding the new functionality. In order to do that, let's create a pool using an older version number (yes, you can do that too), and then upgrade the pool.

# zpool destroy pool2

# zpool create -o version=17 pool2 mirror c4t0d0 c4t1d0

# zpool upgrade pool2
This system is currently running ZFS pool version 33.

Successfully upgraded 'pool2' from version 17 to version 33

And that's it - nothing more complicated than zpool upgrade. Now you can use features provided in the newer zpool version, like log device removal (19), snapshot user holds (18), etc.

One word of warning - this pool can no longer be imported on a system running a zpool version lower than 33.

We're done working with zpools. There are many more things you can do. If you want to explore, see the man page for zpool (man zpool) and ask a lab assistant if you need help.

Let's now clean up before proceeding.

# zpool destroy pool2
# zpool destroy datapool

Exercise 2: Working with Datasets (File Systems, Volumes)

Now that we understand how to manage ZFS zpools, the next topic are the file systems. We will use the term datasets because a zpool can provide many different types of access, not just through traditional file systems.

As we saw in the earlier exercise, a default dataset (file system) is automatically created when creating a zpool. Unlike other file system and volume managers, ZFS provides hierarchical datasets (peer, parents, children), allowing a single pool to provide many storage choices.

ZFS datasets are created, destroyed and managed using the zfs(1M) command. If you want to learn more, read the associated manual page by typing man zfs.

To begin working with datasets, let's create a simple pool, again called datapool and 4 additional datasets called bob joe fred and pat.

# zpool create datapool mirror c4t0d0 c4t1d0
# zfs create datapool/bob
# zfs create datapool/joe
# zfs create datapool/fred
# zfs create datapool/pat

We can use zfs list to get basic information about all of our ZFS datasets.

# zfs list -r datapool
datapool        238K  7.81G    35K  /datapool
datapool/bob     31K  7.81G    31K  /datapool/bob
datapool/fred    31K  7.81G    31K  /datapool/fred
datapool/joe     31K  7.81G    31K  /datapool/joe
datapool/pat     31K  7.81G    31K  /datapool/pa

By using zfs list -r datapool, we are listing all of the datasets in the pool named datapool. As in the earlier exercise, all of these datasets (file systems) have been automatically mounted.

If this was a traditional file system, you might think there was 39.05 GB (7.81 GB x 5) available for datapool and its 4 datasets, but the 8GB in the pool is shared across all of the datasets. Let's see how that works.

# mkfile 1024m /datapool/bob/bigfile

# zfs list -r datapool
datapool       1.00G  6.81G    35K  /datapool
datapool/bob   1.00G  6.81G  1.00G  /datapool/bob
datapool/fred    31K  6.81G    31K  /datapool/fred
datapool/joe     31K  6.81G    31K  /datapool/joe
datapool/pat     31K  6.81G    31K  /datapool/pat

Notice that in the USED column, datapool/bob shows 1GB in use. The other datasets show just the metadata overhead (21k), but their available space has been reduced to 6.81GB. That's because that is the amount of free space available to them after datapool/bob had consumed the 1GB.

Hierarchical Datasets

A dataset can have children, just as a directory can have subdirectories. For datapool/fred, let's create a dataset for documents, and then underneath that, additional datasets for pictures, video and audio.

# zfs create datapool/fred/documents
# zfs create datapool/fred/documents/pictures
# zfs create datapool/fred/documents/video
# zfs create datapool/fred/documents/audio

# zfs list -r datapool
NAME                               USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
datapool                          1.00G  6.81G    35K  /datapool
datapool/bob                      1.00G  6.81G  1.00G  /datapool/bob
datapool/fred                      159K  6.81G    32K  /datapool/fred
datapool/fred/documents            127K  6.81G    34K  /datapool/fred/documents
datapool/fred/documents/audio       31K  6.81G    31K  /datapool/fred/documents/audio
datapool/fred/documents/pictures    31K  6.81G    31K  /datapool/fred/documents/pictures
datapool/fred/documents/video       31K  6.81G    31K  /datapool/fred/documents/video
datapool/joe                        31K  6.81G    31K  /datapool/joe
datapool/pat                        31K  6.81G    31K  /datapool/pat

ZFS Dataset Properties

A common question is when do you create a subdirectory and when would you use a dataset? The simple answer is if you would want to change any of the ZFS dataset properties between a parent and child, you would create a new dataset. Since properties are applied to a dataset, all directories in that dataset have the same properties. If you want to change one, like quota, you have to create a child dataset.

Let's take a look at some of the ZFS dataset properties.

# zfs get all datapool
NAME      PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
datapool  type                  filesystem             -
datapool  creation              Tue Nov 22  3:28 2011  -
datapool  used                  1.00G                  -
datapool  available             6.81G                  -
datapool  referenced            35K                    -
datapool  compressratio         1.00x                  -
datapool  mounted               yes                    -
datapool  quota                 none                   default
datapool  reservation           none                   default
datapool  recordsize            128K                   default
datapool  mountpoint            /datapool              default
datapool  sharenfs              off                    default
datapool  checksum              on                     default
datapool  compression           off                    default
datapool  atime                 on                     default
datapool  devices               on                     default
datapool  exec                  on                     default
datapool  setuid                on                     default
datapool  readonly              off                    default
datapool  zoned                 off                    default
datapool  snapdir               hidden                 default
datapool  aclmode               discard                default
datapool  aclinherit            restricted             default
datapool  canmount              on                     default
datapool  xattr                 on                     default
datapool  copies                1                      default
datapool  version               5                      -
datapool  utf8only              off                    -
datapool  normalization         none                   -
datapool  casesensitivity       mixed                  -
datapool  vscan                 off                    default
datapool  nbmand                off                    default
datapool  sharesmb              off                    default
datapool  refquota              none                   default
datapool  refreservation        none                   default
datapool  primarycache          all                    default
datapool  secondarycache        all                    default
datapool  usedbysnapshots       0                      -
datapool  usedbydataset         35K                    -
datapool  usedbychildren        1.00G                  -
datapool  usedbyrefreservation  0                      -
datapool  logbias               latency                default
datapool  dedup                 off                    default
datapool  mlslabel              none                   -
datapool  sync                  standard               default
datapool  encryption            off                    -
datapool  keysource             none                   default
datapool  keystatus             none                   -
datapool  rekeydate             -                      default
datapool  rstchown              on                     default
datapool  shadow                none                   -

That's a lot of properties. Each of these is described in the {{ zfs(1M) }} manual page (man zfs).

Let's look at a few examples.

Quotas and Reservations

ZFS dataset quotas are used to limit the amount of space consumed by a dataset and all of its children. Reservations are used to guarantee that a dataset can consume a specified amount of storage by removing that amount from the free space that the other datasets can use.

To set quotas and reservations, use the zfs set command.

# zfs set quota=2g datapool/fred
# zfs set reservation=1.5G datapool/fred
# zfs list -r datapool
NAME                               USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
datapool                          2.50G  5.31G    35K  /datapool
datapool/bob                      1.00G  5.31G  1.00G  /datapool/bob
datapool/fred                      159K  2.00G    32K  /datapool/fred
datapool/fred/documents            127K  2.00G    34K  /datapool/fred/documents
datapool/fred/documents/audio       31K  2.00G    31K  /datapool/fred/documents/audio
datapool/fred/documents/pictures    31K  2.00G    31K  /datapool/fred/documents/pictures
datapool/fred/documents/video       31K  2.00G    31K  /datapool/fred/documents/video
datapool/joe                        31K  5.31G    31K  /datapool/joe
datapool/pat                        31K  5.31G    31K  /datapool/pat

The first thing to notice is that the available space for datapool/fred and all of its children is now 2GB, which was the quota we set with the command above. Also notice that the quota is inherited by all of the children.

The reservation is a bit harder to see.

Original pool size 7.81GB
In use by datapool/bob 1.0GB
Reservation by datapool/fred 1.5GB

So, datapool/joe should see 7.81GB - 1.0GB - 1.5GB = 5.31GB available.

Changing the mountpoint

With a traditional file system in operating systems, other than Oracle Solaris 11, changing a mountpoint would require:

  • Unmounting the file system
  • Making a new directory
  • Editing /etc/vfstab
  • Mounting the new file system

With ZFS it can be done with a single command. In the next example, let's move datapool/fred to a directory just called /fred.

# zfs set mountpoint=/fred datapool/fred

# zfs list -r datapool
NAME                               USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
datapool                          2.50G  5.31G    35K  /datapool
datapool/bob                      1.00G  5.31G  1.00G  /datapool/bob
datapool/fred                      159K  2.00G    32K  /fred
datapool/fred/documents            127K  2.00G    34K  /fred/documents
datapool/fred/documents/audio       31K  2.00G    31K  /fred/documents/audio
datapool/fred/documents/pictures    31K  2.00G    31K  /fred/documents/pictures
datapool/fred/documents/video       31K  2.00G    31K  /fred/documents/video
datapool/joe                        31K  5.31G    31K  /datapool/joe
datapool/pat                        31K  5.31G    31K  /datapool/pat

Notice that not only did it change datapool/fred, but also all of its children. In one single command. No unmounting, making directories. Just change the mountpoint.

All of these properties are preserved across exporting and importing of zpools.

# zpool export datapool
# zpool import datapool

# zfs list -r datapool
NAME                               USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
datapool                          2.50G  5.31G    34K  /datapool
datapool/bob                      1.00G  5.31G  1.00G  /datapool/bob
datapool/fred                      159K  2.00G    32K  /fred
datapool/fred/documents            127K  2.00G    34K  /fred/documents
datapool/fred/documents/audio       31K  2.00G    31K  /fred/documents/audio
datapool/fred/documents/pictures    31K  2.00G    31K  /fred/documents/pictures
datapool/fred/documents/video       31K  2.00G    31K  /fred/documents/video
datapool/joe                        31K  5.31G    31K  /datapool/joe
datapool/pat                        31K  5.31G    31K  /datapool/pat

Everything comes back exactly where you left it, before the export.

ZFS Volumes (zvols)

So far we have only looked at one type of dataset: the file system. Now let's take a look at zvols and what they do.

Volumes provide a block level (raw and cooked) interface into the zpool. Instead of creating a file system where you place files and directories, a single object is created and then accessed as if it were a real disk device. This would be used for things like raw database files, virtual machine disk images and legacy file systems. Oracle Solaris also uses this for the swap and dump devices when installed into a zpool.

# zfs list -r rpool
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                     7.91G  54.6G    39K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT                6.36G  54.6G    31K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/solaris        6.36G  54.6G  5.80G  /
rpool/ROOT/solaris/var     467M  54.6G   226M  /var
rpool/dump                 516M  54.6G   500M  -
rpool/export              6.49M  54.6G    33K  /export
rpool/export/home         6.39M  54.6G  6.39M  /export/home
rpool/export/ips          63.5K  54.6G    32K  /export/ips
rpool/export/ips/example  31.5K  54.6G  31.5K  /export/ips/example
rpool/swap                1.03G  54.6G  1.00G  -

In this example, rpool/dump is the dump device for Solaris and it 516MB. rpool/swap is the swap device and it is 1GB. As you can see, you can mix files and devices within the same pool.

Use zfs create -V to create a volume. Unlike a file system dataset, you must specific the size of the device when you create it, but you can change it later if needed. It's just another dataset property.

# zfs create -V 2g datapool/vol1

This creates two device nodes: /dev/zvol/dsk/datapool/vol1 (cooked) and /dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/vol1 (raw). These can be used like any other raw or cooked device. We can even put a UFS file system on it.

# newfs /dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/vol1
newfs: construct a new file system /dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/vol1: (y/n)? y
Warning: 2082 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated
/dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/vol1: 4194270 sectors in 683 cylinders of 48 tracks, 128 sectors
   2048.0MB in 43 cyl groups (16 c/g, 48.00MB/g, 11648 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
 32, 98464, 196896, 295328, 393760, 492192, 590624, 689056, 787488, 885920,
 3248288, 3346720, 3445152, 3543584, 3642016, 3740448, 3838880, 3937312,
 4035744, 4134176

Expanding a volume is just a matter of setting the dataset property volsize to a new value. Be careful when lowering the value as this will truncate the volume and you could lose data. In this next example, let's grow our volume from 2GB to 4GB. Since there is a UFS file system on it, we'll use growfs to make the file system use the new space.

# zfs set volsize=4g datapool/vol1

# growfs /dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/vol1
Warning: 4130 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated
/dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/vol1: 8388574 sectors in 1366 cylinders of 48 tracks, 128 sectors
   4096.0MB in 86 cyl groups (16 c/g, 48.00MB/g, 11648 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
 32, 98464, 196896, 295328, 393760, 492192, 590624, 689056, 787488, 885920,
 7472672, 7571104, 7669536, 7767968, 7866400, 7964832, 8063264, 8161696,
 8260128, 8358560

Upgrading ZFS datasets

Like zpools, zfs can support any previous version of a dataset, meaning a dataset (and pool) can be created on an older release of Solaris and used on any newer release.

# zfs get version datapool
datapool  version   5        -

# zfs upgrade -v
The following filesystem versions are supported:

---  --------------------------------------------------------
 1   Initial ZFS filesystem version
 2   Enhanced directory entries
 3   Case insensitive and File system unique identifier (FUID)
 4   userquota, groupquota properties
 5   System attributes

For more information on a particular version, including supported releases,
see the ZFS Administration Guide.

Like in our previous zpool example, it is easy to upgrade a zfs dataset.

# zfs create -o version=2 datapool/old

# zfs get version datapool/old
datapool/old  version   2        -

# zfs upgrade datapool/old
1 filesystems upgraded

# zfs get version datapool/old
datapool/old  version   5        -

Snapshots and Clones

ZFS provides the ability to preserve the contents of a dataset through the use of snapshots.

# zfs snapshot datapool/bob@now

The value after the @ denotes the name of the snapshot. Any number of snapshots can be taken.

# zfs snapshot datapool/bob@just-a-bit-later

# zfs snapshot datapool/bob@even-later-still

# zfs list -r -t all datapool/bob
NAME                            USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
NAME                            USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
datapool/bob                   1.00G  1.19G  1.00G  /datapool/bob
datapool/bob@now                   0      -  1.00G  -
datapool/bob@just-a-bit-later      0      -  1.00G  -
datapool/bob@even-later-still      0      -  1.00G  -

Let's delete these snapshots so they don't get in the way of our next example.

# zfs destroy datapool/bob@even-later-still
# zfs destroy datapool/bob@just-a-bit-later
# zfs destroy datapool/bob@now

Now that we can create these point in time snapshots, we can use them to create new datasets. These are called clones. They are datasets, just like any other, but start off with the contents from the snapshot. Even more interesting, these clones only require space for the data that's different than the snapshot. That means that if 5 clones are created from a single snapshot, only 1 copy of the common data is required.

Remember that datapool/bob has a 1GB file in it? Let's snapshot it, and then clone it a few times to see this.

# zfs snapshot datapool/bob@original
# zfs clone datapool/bob@original datapool/newbob
# zfs clone datapool/bob@original datapool/newfred
# zfs clone datapool/bob@original datapool/newpat
# zfs clone datapool/bob@original datapool/newjoe

Let's use zfs list to get a better idea of what's going on.

# zfs list -r  -o space datapool
datapool                          1.19G  6.63G         0     40K              0      6.63G
datapool/bob                      1.19G  1.00G         0   1.00G              0          0
datapool/fred                     2.00G   159K         0     32K              0       127K
datapool/fred/documents           2.00G   127K         0     34K              0        93K
datapool/fred/documents/audio     2.00G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/fred/documents/pictures  2.00G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/fred/documents/video     2.00G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/joe                      1.19G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/newbob                   1.19G    18K         0     18K              0          0
datapool/newfred                  1.19G    18K         0     18K              0          0
datapool/newjoe                   1.19G    18K         0     18K              0          0
datapool/newpat                   1.19G    18K         0     18K              0          0
datapool/old                      1.19G    22K         0     22K              0          0
datapool/pat                      1.19G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/vol1                     5.19G  4.13G         0    125M          4.00G          0

We can see that there's a 1GB file in datapool/bob. Right now, that's the dataset being charged with the copy, although all of the clones can use it.

Now let's delete it in the original file system, and all of the clones, and see what happens.

# rm /datapool/*/bigfile

# zfs list -r  -o space datapool
datapool                          1.19G  6.63G         0     40K              0      6.63G
datapool/bob                      1.19G  1.00G     1.00G     31K              0          0
datapool/fred                     2.00G   159K         0     32K              0       127K
datapool/fred/documents           2.00G   127K         0     34K              0        93K
datapool/fred/documents/audio     2.00G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/fred/documents/pictures  2.00G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/fred/documents/video     2.00G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/joe                      1.19G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/newbob                   1.19G    19K         0     19K              0          0
datapool/newfred                  1.19G    19K         0     19K              0          0
datapool/newjoe                   1.19G    19K         0     19K              0          0
datapool/newpat                   1.19G    19K         0     19K              0          0
datapool/old                      1.19G    22K         0     22K              0          0
datapool/pat                      1.19G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/vol1                     5.19G  4.13G         0    125M          4.00G          0

Notice that the 1GB has not been freed (avail space is still 3.28G), but the USEDSNAP value for datapool/bob has gone from 0 to 1GB, indicating that the snapshot is now holding that 1GB of data. To free that space you will have to delete the snapshot. In this case you would also have to delete any clones that are derived from it.

# zfs destroy datapool/bob@original
cannot destroy 'datapool/bob@original': snapshot has dependent clones
use '-R' to destroy the following datasets:

# zfs destroy -R datapool/bob@original

# zfs list -r  -o space datapool
datapool                          2.19G  5.63G         0     35K              0      5.63G
datapool/bob                      2.19G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/fred                     2.00G   159K         0     32K              0       127K
datapool/fred/documents           2.00G   127K         0     34K              0        93K
datapool/fred/documents/audio     2.00G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/fred/documents/pictures  2.00G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/fred/documents/video     2.00G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/joe                      2.19G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/old                      2.19G    22K         0     22K              0          0
datapool/pat                      2.19G    31K         0     31K              0          0
datapool/vol1                     6.19G  4.13G         0    125M          4.00G          0

Now the 1GB that we deleted has been freed because the last snapshot holding it has been deleted.

One last example and we'll leave snapshots. You can also take a snapshot of a dataset and all of its children. A recursive snapshot is atomic, meaning that it is a consistent point in time picture of the contents of all of the datasets. Use -r for a recursive snapshot.

# zfs snapshot -r datapool/fred@now

# zfs list -r -t all datapool/fred
NAME                                   USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
datapool/fred                          159K  2.00G    32K  /fred
datapool/fred@now                         0      -    32K  -
datapool/fred/documents                127K  2.00G    34K  /fred/documents
datapool/fred/documents@now               0      -    34K  -
datapool/fred/documents/audio           31K  2.00G    31K  /fred/documents/audio
datapool/fred/documents/audio@now         0      -    31K  -
datapool/fred/documents/pictures        31K  2.00G    31K  /fred/documents/pictures
datapool/fred/documents/pictures@now      0      -    31K  -
datapool/fred/documents/video           31K  2.00G    31K  /fred/documents/video
datapool/fred/documents/video@now         0      -    31K  -

They can also be destroyed in a similar manner, using -r.

# zfs destroy -r datapool/fred@now


Compression is an interesting feature to be used with ZFS file systems. ZFS allows both compressed and noncompressed data to coexist. By turning on the compression property, all new blocks written will be compressed while the existing blocks will remain in their original state.

# zfs list datapool/bob
datapool/bob   31K  2.19G    31K  /datapool/bob

# mkfile 1g /datapool/bob/bigfile

# zfs list datapool/bob
datapool/bob  1010M  1.20G  1010M  /datapool/bob

Now let's turn on compression for datapool/bob and copy the original 1GB file. Verify that you now have 2 separate 1GB files when this is done.

# zfs set compression=on datapool/bob

# cp /datapool/bob/bigfile /datapool/bob/bigcompressedfile

# ls -la /datapool/bob
total 2097450
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root           4 Nov 22 04:29 .
drwxr-xr-x   6 root     root           6 Nov 22 04:26 ..
-rw-------   1 root     root     1073741824 Nov 22 04:29 bigcompressedfile
-rw------T   1 root     root     1073741824 Nov 22 04:28 bigfile

# zfs list datapool/bob
datapool/bob  1.00G  1.19G  1.00G  /datapool/bob

There are now 2 different 1GB files in /datapool/bob, but df only says 1GB is used. It turns out that mkfile creates a file filled with zeroes. Those compress extremely well - too well, as they take up no space at all. To make things even more fun, copy the compressed file back on top of the original and they will both be compressed, and you'll get an extra 1GB of free space back in the pool.

# cp /datapool/bob/bigcompressedfile /datapool/bob/bigfile
# zfs list datapool/bob
datapool/bob   31K  2.19G    31K  /datapool/bob

Let's clean up before proceeding.

# zpool destroy datapool

Exercise 3: ZFS Integration with other parts of Solaris

In this section, we will explore a few examples of Solaris services that are integrated with ZFS. The first of these is the NFS server.


Each file system dataset has a property called sharenfs. This can be set to the values that you would typically place in /etc/dfs/dfstab. See the manual page for share_nfs for details on specific settings.

Create a simple pool called datapool with 3 datasets, fred, barney and dino.

# zpool create datapool c4t0d0
# zfs create datapool/fred
# zfs create datapool/barney
# zfs create datapool/dino

Verify that no file systems are shared and that the NFS server is not running.

# share
# svcs nfs/server
STATE          STIME    FMRI
disabled       12:47:45 svc:/network/nfs/server:default

NOTE: Setting NFS properties has been changed in Oracle Solaris 11 comparing to earlier Oracle Solaris versions, see man zfs_share for details.

Now let's set a few properties to enable sharing the filesystem over NFS:

# zfs set share=name=fred,path=/datapool/fred,prot=nfs,ro=* datapool/fred
# zfs set share=name=barney,path=/datapool/barney,prot=nfs,rw=* datapool/barney
# zfs set sharenfs=on datapool/fred
# zfs set sharenfs=on datapool/barney
# share
fred  /datapool/fred         nfs sec=sys,ro
barney   /datapool/barney  nfs   sec=sys,rw
# svcs nfs/server
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online          2:25:12 svc:/network/nfs/server:default

Not only were the file systems shared via NFS, the NFS server is now running.

Now let's export the pool and notice that the NFS shares have gone away, but the NFS server is still running.

# zpool export datapool
# share
# svcs nfs/server
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         13:08:42 svc:/network/nfs/server:default

Notice that when the pool is imported, the NFS shares come back.

# zpool import datapool
# share
fred  /datapool/fred         nfs sec=sys,ro
barney   /datapool/barney  nfs   sec=sys,rw

Let's clean up before proceeding.

# zpool destroy datapool

Error recovery and FMA

This is the most fun part of the ZFS hands on lab. In this part of the lab we are going to create a mirrored pool and place some data in it. We will then force some data corruption by doing some really dangerous things to the underlying storage. Once we've done this, we will watch ZFS correct all of the errors.

# zpool create datapool mirror disk1 disk2 spare disk3
# zpool status datapool
 pool: datapool
 state: ONLINE
 scan: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        datapool    ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk1   ONLINE       0     0     0
            disk2   ONLINE       0     0     0
          disk3     AVAIL

Notice the new vdev type of spare. This is used to designate a set of devices to be used as a spare in case too many errors are reported on a device in a data vdev.

Now let's put some data in the new pool. /usr/share/man is a good source of data. The snyc command simply flushes the file system buffers so the following disk space usage command will be accurate.

# cp -r /usr/share/man /datapool
# sync

# df -h /datapool
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
datapool              460M   73M  388M  16% /datapool

Let's destroy one of the mirror halves, and see what ZFS does about it.

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/dsk/disk1 bs=1024k count=100 conv=notrunc
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 2.23626 s, 46.9 MB/s

# zpool scrub datapool

# zpool status datapool
  pool: datapool
 state: DEGRADED
status: One or more devices is currently being resilvered.  The pool will
   continue to function, possibly in a degraded state.
action: Wait for the resilver to complete.
 scan: resilver in progress since Tue Apr 19 13:18:52 2011
    46.6M scanned out of 72.8M at 4.24M/s, 0h0m to go
    46.5M resilvered, 64.01% done

   datapool     DEGRADED     0     0     0
     mirror-0   DEGRADED     0     0     0
       spare-0  DEGRADED     0     0     0
         disk1  DEGRADED     0     0 14.6K  too many errors
         disk3  ONLINE       0     0     0  (resilvering)
       disk2    ONLINE       0     0     0
     disk3      INUSE     currently in use

errors: No known data errors

Since the data errors were injected silently, we had to tell ZFS to compare all of the replicas. zpool scrub does exactly that. When it finds an error, it generates an FMA error report and then tries to correct the error by rewriting the block, and reading it again. If too many errors are occuring, or the rewrite/reread cycle still fail, a hot spare is requested, if available. Notice that the hot spare is automatically resilvered and the pool is returned to the desired availability.

This can also be seen in the FMA error and fault reports.

# fmstat
module             ev_recv ev_acpt wait  svc_t  %w  %b  open solve  memsz  bufsz
cpumem-retire            0       0  0.0    5.8   0   0     0     0      0      0
disk-transport           0       0  0.0 1954.1   0   0     0     0    32b      0
eft                    431       0  0.0   32.4   0   0     0     0   1.3M      0
ext-event-transport       1       0  0.0   15.8   0   0     0     0    46b      0
fabric-xlate             0       0  0.0    6.1   0   0     0     0      0      0
fmd-self-diagnosis     183       0  0.0    3.8   0   0     0     0      0      0
io-retire                0       0  0.0    6.0   0   0     0     0      0      0
sensor-transport         0       0  0.0  201.8   0   0     0     0    32b      0
ses-log-transport        0       0  0.0  196.3   0   0     0     0    40b      0
software-diagnosis       0       0  0.0    5.8   0   0     0     0   316b      0
software-response        0       0  0.0    6.1   0   0     0     0   316b      0
sysevent-transport       0       0  0.0 3527.4   0   0     0     0      0      0
syslog-msgs              1       0  0.0  220.9   0   0     0     0      0      0
zfs-diagnosis         4881    4843  0.6   11.0   1   0     1     1   184b   140b
zfs-retire              29       0  0.0  433.3   0   0     0     0     8b      0

The zfs-diagnosis module was invoked each time an ZFS error was discovered. Once an unsatisfactory error threshold was reached, the zfs-retire agent was called to record the fault and start the hot sparing process. An error log message was written (syslog-msgs > 0).

Now let's put things back the way they were.

# zpool detach datapool disk1
# zpool replace datapool disk3 disk1

# zpool status datapool
  pool: datapool
 state: ONLINE
 scan: resilvered 72.6M in 0h0m with 0 errors on Tue Apr 19 13:21:42 2011

   datapool    ONLINE       0     0     0
     mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
       disk1   ONLINE       0     0     0
       disk2   ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

# zpool add datapool spare disk3

If you would like some more fun, try corrupting both halves of the mirror, and see what happens.


Congratulations! You have successfully completed the lab Introduction to the Oracle Solaris ZFS File System.

For additional information about the technologies used in this lab, please see the following links: (PDF)

You can contact the lab author directly at:

Thank you for participating!