This tutorial shows you how to connect Python applications to Oracle Database using the python-oracledb interface. This interface lets you quickly develop applications that execute SQL or PL/SQL statements, allowing you to work with many data types including JSON. Your applications can also use Oracle's document storage SODA calls. Python-oracledb is the new name for Oracle's popular cx_Oracle driver. It conforms to the Python Database API v2.0 Specification with a considerable number of additions and a couple of exclusions.
The steps below show connecting to an on-premise database, but if you would like to use an Oracle Autonomous Database in Oracle Cloud instead (for example from the Always Free service), then see the Developing Python Applications for Oracle Autonomous Database tutorial.
If you do not already have access to an Oracle Database, then download and install Oracle Database XE 21c following these instructions.
More resources:
Alternatively, if you would like to use an Oracle Autonomous Database in Oracle Cloud instead (for example from the Always Free service), then see the Developing Python Applications for Oracle Autonomous Database tutorial.
python -m pip install oracledb
Depending on your Python installation, you may need to execute the python3
command instead.
Adding the pip --user
option may useful when you do not have permission to write to system directories. If you are behind an HTTP proxy, you can also add an option like --proxy=
For further assistance and options see Installing python-oracledb on Windows.
Using your favorite text editor, create a new Python file in a directory of your choice. It should contain the following code. Make sure the indentation is the same as shown:
import getpass
import oracledb
pw = getpass.getpass("Enter password: ")
connection = oracledb.connect(
print("Successfully connected to Oracle Database")
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Create a table
execute immediate 'drop table todoitem';
exception when others then if sqlcode <> -942 then raise; end if;
create table todoitem (
id number generated always as identity,
description varchar2(4000),
creation_ts timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp,
done number(1,0),
primary key (id))""")
# Insert some data
rows = [ ("Task 1", 0 ),
("Task 2", 0 ),
("Task 3", 1 ),
("Task 4", 0 ),
("Task 5", 1 ) ]
cursor.executemany("insert into todoitem (description, done) values(:1, :2)", rows)
print(cursor.rowcount, "Rows Inserted")
# Now query the rows back
for row in cursor.execute('select description, done from todoitem'):
if (row[1]):
print(row[0], "is done")
print(row[0], "is NOT done")
Modify to use your database connection information in the oracledb.connect() call:
In a terminal window, run the app:
After entering the user password, you should see a message that you connected to the database, five rows were inserted, and the task list with each task's completion status returned to the terminal window. Congratulations! You have successfully queried the Oracle Database.
Now you have completed this tutorial, you should continue with the full Python and Oracle Database Tutorial or Getting Started with Python and Oracle Database LiveLabs Tutorial to learn more about using python-oracledb.
More information and resources on using python-oracledb are available here.
If you do not already have access to an Oracle Database and are using macOS on Intel hardware then you can easily install a database using VirtualBox. If you do not have access to a database and you are using macOS on an M series chip, or if you would like to use an Oracle Autonomous Database in Oracle Cloud (for example from the Always Free service), then see the Developing Python Applications for Oracle Autonomous Database tutorial.
To install Oracle Database XE when using macOS on Intel hardware, follow the instructions here. In summary:
At the conclusion, Oracle Database will be running. The confirmation message will display the password for the privileged accounts.
You may already have Python in /usr/bin/python3
. If so, use the full path and binary name in commands below. Otherwise install Python 3.8 or later.
The steps below assume that the executable is called 'python'. In some environments it might be called something like 'python3.8'.
Install python-oracledb:
python -m pip install oracledb
Adding the pip --user
option may useful when you do not have permission to write to system directories. If you are behind an HTTP proxy, you can also add an option like --proxy=
For further assistance and options, see Installing python-oracledb on macOS.
Using your favorite text editor, create a new Python file in a directory of your choice. It should contain the following code. Make sure the indentation is the same as shown:
import getpass
import oracledb
pw = getpass.getpass("Enter password: ")
connection = oracledb.connect(
print("Successfully connected to Oracle Database")
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Create a table
execute immediate 'drop table todoitem';
exception when others then if sqlcode <> -942 then raise; end if;
create table todoitem (
id number generated always as identity,
description varchar2(4000),
creation_ts timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp,
done number(1,0),
primary key (id))""")
# Insert some data
rows = [ ("Task 1", 0 ),
("Task 2", 0 ),
("Task 3", 1 ),
("Task 4", 0 ),
("Task 5", 1 ) ]
cursor.executemany("insert into todoitem (description, done) values(:1, :2)", rows)
print(cursor.rowcount, "Rows Inserted")
# Now query the rows back
for row in cursor.execute('select description, done from todoitem'):
if (row[1]):
print(row[0], "is done")
print(row[0], "is NOT done")
Modify to use your database connection information in the oracledb.connect() call:
In a terminal window, run the app:
After entering the user password, you should see a message that you connected to the database, five rows were inserted, and the task list with each task's completion status returned to the terminal window. Congratulations! You have successfully queried the Oracle Database.
Now you have completed this tutorial, you should continue with the full Python and Oracle Database Tutorial or Getting Started with Python and Oracle Database LiveLabs Tutorial to learn more about using python-oracledb.
More information and resources on using python-oracledb are available here.
Using a recent version of Linux such as Oracle Linux 8 is recommended.
If you do not already have access to an Oracle Database, then download and install Oracle Database XE following these instructions.
More resources: Oracle Database XE Installation Guide for Linux
Alternatively, if you would like to use an Oracle Autonomous Database in Oracle Cloud instead (for example from the Always Free service), then see the Developing Python Applications for Oracle Autonomous Database tutorial.
You may already have Python 3 installed. If not, see Python for Oracle Linux.
The steps below assume that the executable is called 'python3'. If you also have Python 2 installed, make sure to use the newer Python 3 binary.
Install python-oracledb:
python3 -m pip install oracledb
Make sure you use the python3 executable.
Adding the pip --user
option may useful when you do not have permission to write to system directories. If you are behind an HTTP proxy, you can also add an option like --proxy=
For further assistance and options, see Installing python-oracledb on Linux.
Using your favorite text editor, create a new Python file in a directory of your choice. It should contain the following code. Make sure the indentation is the same as shown:
import getpass
import oracledb
pw = getpass.getpass("Enter password: ")
connection = oracledb.connect(
print("Successfully connected to Oracle Database")
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Create a table
execute immediate 'drop table todoitem';
exception when others then if sqlcode <> -942 then raise; end if;
create table todoitem (
id number generated always as identity,
description varchar2(4000),
creation_ts timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp,
done number(1,0),
primary key (id))""")
# Insert some data
rows = [ ("Task 1", 0 ),
("Task 2", 0 ),
("Task 3", 1 ),
("Task 4", 0 ),
("Task 5", 1 ) ]
cursor.executemany("insert into todoitem (description, done) values(:1, :2)", rows)
print(cursor.rowcount, "Rows Inserted")
# Now query the rows back
for row in cursor.execute('select description, done from todoitem'):
if (row[1]):
print(row[0], "is done")
print(row[0], "is NOT done")
Modify to use your database connection information in the oracledb.connect() call:
In a terminal window, run the app using the Python 3 executable:
After entering the user password, you should see a message that you connected to the database, five rows were inserted, and the task list with each task's completion status returned to the terminal window. Congratulations! You have successfully queried the Oracle Database.
Now you have completed this tutorial, you should continue with the full Python and Oracle Database Tutorial or Getting Started with Python and Oracle Database LiveLabs Tutorial to learn more about using python-oracledb.
More information and resources on using python-oracledb are available here.