Oracle Data Modeler 24.3 Release Notes


October 2024


Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler is a free data modeling and design tool used to increase developer productivity by providing the means to develop logical, multi-dimensional, user defined data types, relational and physical data models. The tool provides full forward engineering, including engineering from Logical ERD models to Relational models and the reverse, importing from the Data Dictionary and DDL script generation. The Data Modeler imports from and exports to a variety of sources and targets, provides a variety of formatting options and validates the models through a predefined set of design rules.

Bugs Fixed

Here is the list of key bugs fixed for this release.



Platform Support and System Requirements

Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler runs on the following operating systems:

- Microsoft Windows
- Linux
- Mac OSX
- Mac ARM64


The following requirements must be met to install and run correctly:

- About 320 MB on Hard Disk
- 512 MB at a minimum, 1 GB RAM is recommended

- We provide the download with and without JDK 17. If you download the files without the JDK, you'll be prompted on startup for the path for the JDK.
- For the Linux install, download the .rpm file. For the Mac install, download the macosx.tar.gz file.


Before You Start

Before Installing

If you have worked with the production release of SQL Developer Data Modeler 2.0, then you can save and reuse the default settings you made in the Tools > General Options menu, such as the Default Design Directory and Formatting Options. After installing SQL Developer Data Modeler, you can use the Import/Export function in the Tools > Preferences > Data Modeler menu to export/import the settings.xml file.



  • Download and unzip the files into a new and empty directory. Do not unzip over any existing installations, should you have them.
  • For downloaded files that do not include a JDK. When prompted, direct the install to your JDK directory. If JDK is already installed and is the default, you will not be prompted. In this case edit the datamodeler.conf file in the \datamodeler\datamodeler\bin directory and add SetJavaHome. (e.g. SetJavaHome /usr/lib/jdk17)
  • 64-Bit Support: SQL Developer Data Modeler is supported on 64-bit platforms, ensure you use the 64-bit executable available in the zip file. If you use the 64-bit Data Modeler executable, you will need to use a 64-bit JDK.



Data Modeler needs to be restarted if "Use Versioning functionality" setting in preferences is changed.

Note: Since version 4.2, Data Modeler doesn't maintain SVN properties thus it's not backward compatible with versions before 4.2 in regards to versioning functionality. It's recommended to use the same version of Data Modeler on all workstations when versioning functionality is used.

Change in Persistence

Multi-line properties like comments, notes, scripts, PL/SQL code are presented with CDATA section in XML elements. Changed is the way domains are saved and now they are in line with the way other objects are saved - as result there are some changes in formatting of related XML files.

Mozila Rhino

"Mozila Rhino" script engine is not distributed with JVM any more. It's replaced with "Oracle Nashorn" scripting engine. Engine need to be changed in existing scripts. Other JavaScript engines (like "Google V8") also can be used - here is an explanation how to get "Mozila Rhino" engine (js.jar and js-engine.jar) -

Predefined RDBMS

Predefined RDBMS sites are no longer distributed in file defaultRDBMSSites.xml and will be removed from existing versions of that file.

Using Save As

If you want to open models built in SQL Developer Data Modeler 2.0 and 3.0, you must use "Save As" before you start making changes in the SQL Developer Data Modeler 24.3.

SQL Developer Data Modeler 24.3 can open designs created with 3.1.x version and save them in their original location however further maintenance of such design in Data Modeler 3.1.x version is not recommended due possible lost of information.

"Note" object is no longer represented by separate file in the file system - those files will be deleted upon saving of design.


PDF Generation is no longer supported in SQL Developer or SQL Developer Data Modeler. We recommend using the image or HTML exports, using the Reporting Repository for generating your own reports, or relying on a PDF printer driver.

Using the Reporting Repository

You can export your designs to a reporting repository. Read the online help or the FAQ for more information. There is a brief Oracle by Example tutorial that walks you through creating and accessing the reporting repository and running the reports. Search for "Data Modeler" in the Oracle Learning Library for all tutorials.


Standard reports can be generated in HTML format only. Custom reports can be generated in HTML, XLS and XLSX formats. PDF and RTF generations are no longer supported.

Oracle Designer Import

SQL Developer Data Modeler connects to and imports directly from the Oracle Designer repository.

The following is a list of supported imports from Oracle Designer

  • Domains, object (structured) types, collection types
  • Entities, relationships, arcs, entity inheritance hierarchies
  • Tables, views, foreign keys, arcs
  • Triggers for tables and views
  • Snapshots, clusters, synonyms, sequences
  • Each diagram that contains tables is transformed into a subview in the Relational model
  • Each diagram that contains entities is transformed into a subview in the Logical model
  • Each diagram that contains object (structured) types is transformed into a subview in the Data Types model
  • SQL Developer Data Modeler does not import tablespaces, stored procedures, packages, functions and data flow diagrams from the Oracle Designer Repository. (Support for these are planned for a future release) As these structures are supported in the product, users can import these definitions into SQL Developer Data Modeler by connecting directly to the Oracle Data Dictionary.
  • User defined extensions are imported as user defined properties


  • SQL Developer Data Modeler does not include a default domains file.
  • To create new domain definitions, select Tools > Domains Administration and click Add to create and add your own domains. These domains are added to the default file, defaultdomains.xml and can be used for all your projects.

Comparing Logical Models

To compare two logical models, ensure you have one model open and then select File > Import > Data Modeler Design. You can now select the logical model for the comparison. Once you have made the selection, you are presented with the Compare Merge dialog.

Comparing Relational Models and Generation Alter DDL scripts

  • To compare two relational models, ensure you have one relational model open in the design and then select File > Import > Data Dictionary (or DDL). In the import dialog you get the choice to "Swap Target Model". This drives the point of truth and the resulting merge compare dialog. You can elect either to merge the models or to View DDL to see the DDL to update the data dictionary.
  • The current model can also be compared to another Data Modeler design using Tools > Compare /Merge Models.


All passwords set in the physical model are encrypted when saving a design in the file system.

Delete Rules

The Tools > Preferences >Data Modeler > Model > Relational >Default Foreign Key Delete Rule defines the delete rule when a new FK is created. If you create a model by importing a DDL script, then ensure the option is set as required before the import.

Physical Models

  • Cloning
    When cloning the physical details from one model to another, ensure you have saved the database you want to clone from. Note you can only clone databases of the same release or lower. i.e. to populate a new Oracle Database 11g physical model, you can select a saved Oracle Database 11g or earlier.
  • Column Property
    Column property "Default On Null" is moved from physical model for Oracle Database 12c to relational model.

Adding a Design to a Subversion Repository

You can add your design to a Subversion repository using a few different approaches; either from within SQL Developer Data Modeler, or by using a separate client.

  • You are advised to add your designs to the Subversion repository from within the Data Modeler.
    • Create a new remote directory in the Data Modeler and check that out.
    • Open your design in the Data Modeler and save it to the checked out directory. Design will be added under version control and svn:ignore property will be set for design's directories thus preventing *.local files to appear into SVN repository.

Adding a Design to a Git Repository

  • The easiest way is to use Data modeler for that:
    • Clone the repository to local file system
    • Open design and save it under directory inside working copy - Data Modeler will set .gitignore file to prevent adding *.local files into repository.
    • If you are using another way to add design to working copy then you need to set .gitignore file first - add following line to the file:


      After that design can be added to index and committed to local repository.

IMPORTANT: A design should be fully saved before commit, update and merge operations are done - the same apply for pull and checkout of branch when Git is used. It is recommended to close and reopen the design after update, merge, checkout or pull operations are completed, especially when conflicts are resolved. Do not save design during or after those operations.

For more information on using Subversion with SQL Developer Data Modeler see the Documentation.

Creating User Defined Design Rules and Transformations

SQL Developer Data Modeler allows users to build scripts for user defined design rules and transformations. Object properties are described in "datamodeler/datamodeler/xmlmetadata/doc" directory; use index.html.

The product provides a few samples as illustrations of user defined design rules and transformations. For more information see the Documentation.

Memory Settings

  • Memory settings are moved to product.conf file and it's location (for Windows 7/ 64-bit and Data Modeler 24.3.XXX) is C:\Users\user_name \AppData\Roaming\datamodeler\24.3
  • Memory settings in datamodeler.conf file will go into effect if settings in product.conf are removed.


Supported Import Formats

From Other Modeling Tools

    - Oracle Designer 9i and above
    - CA Erwin Data Modeler 4.x and 7.x
    - Sterling COOL: DBA V2.1, Sterling Bsnteam V7.2 and Cayenne Bsnteam V7.2 formats
    - For Multi-Dimensional Models

Database Imports

Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler imports from:

- Supported Oracle Databases, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, IBM DB2/LUW V10, IBM DB2 for z/OS v11 and JDBC compliant data dictionary.

IMPORTANT: Oracle does not ship the non-Oracle drivers.To access the non-Oracle databases, you need to download and add the drivers required.

To add the required drivers : Go to Tools > Preferences > Data Modeler > Third Party JDBC drivers

Supported Export Formats

    - Script file for supported Oracle Databases, Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2
    - Multi-dimensional support
    - XMLA and Oracle ROLAP and MOLAP (AW)
    - CSV file


SQL Developer Data Modeler is supported through My Oracle Support for all users with an Oracle Database support license.


You can use the documentation in the Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler Help or access the online documentation.

Finding More Information

Visit Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler on OTN for more information. Use the Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler Forum for any discussion or queries.

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