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Oracle Developer Studio 12.5 IDE Desktop (130 KB) ( md5: 8beebfe9d80ffb860e54e06fe6d4d4470750f7231ff82ab289a826a73fb7bd96)
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digest -a sha256 <download_directory>/
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sha256sum <download_directory>/
Unpack distribution:
cd <installation_directory>; unzip <download_directory>/
which unpacks the contents into the directory: <installation_directory>/devstudio
The Oracle Developer Studio IDE Desktop is a client distribution that works in conjunction with the Oracle Developer Studio compilers and debugger to provide a complete C/C++ application development environment. The IDE Desktop client accesses Oracle Developer Studio compilers and debuggers installed on either Oracle Solaris or Linux systems.
If you do not already have the Oracle Developer Studio compilers and debuggers installed, visit the Downloads tab on the Oracle Developer Studio Oracle Technology site.
Once the Oracle Developer Studio product is installed, complete the Remote Host setup in the IDE Desktop by one of following methods:
New Remote Host Setup Wizard
accessed directly from the IDE Start pageFile->Open Remote File->Manage Hosts
menu itemFind more information on configuring the build hosts and setting up your projects to use a remote build host :
Help->C/C++ Remote Desktop Distribution
menu item gives you complete documentation on IDE Remote capability.