Tarfile Downloads for Oracle Developer Studio 12.5

Current Release - Oracle Developer Studio 12.6

Note: Oracle Developer Studio installed with the Tarfile options does not support product patches and updates.

Provides perpetual no-cost license for production use and the development of commercial applications

Oracle Solaris 11 or Oracle Solaris 10


sum: da55a4ddde999ce01598962a22a9673d8dda 579f2d2073a5b056dcb137dd8e81

Verify checksum:

digest -a sha256 <download_directory>

Unpack distribution:

cd <installation_directory> bzcat <download_directory>
/OracleDeveloperStudio12.5-solaris-sparc-bin.tar.bz2 |
 /bin/tar -xf -
sum: d2850724cee991c19677505692a1f8ddb58a 9286994e62c7d35d83448fe2ff29

Verify checksum:

digest -a sha256 <download_directory>

Unpack distribution:

cd <installation_directory>
	bzcat <download_directory>
	/OracleDeveloperStudio12.5-solaris-x86-bin.tar.bz2 |
	/bin/tar -xf -

Oracle Linux/Red Hat Linux


sum: 0989078e1025cca88ac30324896c820eb9 ea0fa6cc9554867a6c068585d47554

Verify checksum:

sha256sum <download_directory>

Unpack distribution:

cd <installation_directory> bzcat <download_directory>
/OracleDeveloperStudio12.5-linux-x86-bin.tar.bz2 |
 /bin/tar -xf -

Other Downloads
