Oracle REST Data Services Release Notes 20.2.0.r1781804
Date: July 8, 2020
- Documentation for this release is provided on the OTN web site. Click
to view the documentation.
- Documentation on using SODA for REST is provided on OTN
Getting Started
- A tutorial on getting started with developing RESTful Services is included in the
product documentation
, in the book titled 'Oracle® REST Data Services Quick Start Guide'.
- You can discuss issues on the
- Be sure to use clear subject lines to initiate a thread. Provide a complete and clear description of the issue, including
steps to reproduce the issue.
- Try to avoid using old, unrelated threads for a new issue.
Important Concepts to Keep In Mind
Removal of PDF Generation Support
As previously advised in the ORDS 18.4.0 Release Notes, the Apache FOP based functionality to produce PDF Reports from Oracle Application Express has been removed in this release.
This feature has also been removed from Oracle Application Express 19.2. Customers using older versions of Oracle Application Express are recommended to upgrade to newest version.
SQL Developer Web
SQL Developer Web is an ORDS hosted web application giving Oracle Database users an interface for executing queries and scripts, creating and altering database objects, building data models, accessing Performance Hub, and viewing database activity. Please consult the ORDS documentation library for instructions on how to enable this feature, which is disabled by default. Please access the SQL Developer Web documentation library for an overview of features and capabilities.
For consistent representation of date values in SQL Developer Web, ORDS should be run in the UTC timezone. This can be done as follows
java -Duser.timezone=UTC -jar ords.war standalone
The SDW user interface now uses a number of services from the ORDS Database API. Therefore the Database API must be enabled when using SQL Developer Web.
Performance of REST APIs
Performance of ORDS based REST APIs was significantly improved in ORDS 19.3.0 by changing how ORDS handles proxied database connections. In ORDS 19.2.0
and earlier, for each HTTP request ORDS proxies from ORDS_PUBLIC_USER
to the relevant ORDS enabled schema, performs the relevant database calls and then closes the proxy session.
We term this behavior 'disposing' a connection.
In ORDS 19.3.0 and later ORDS changes its default behavior to keep proxied connections in the pool, ameliorating away the cost of opening and closing the proxy sessions. This
gives a very substantial performance improvement. We term this behavior 'recycling' a connection.
Reverting to Previous behavior
ORDS Administrators may revert to the old behavior of 'disposing' connections by performing the following command:
java -jar ords.war set-property jdbc.cleanup.mode dispose
To switch to recycling connections use:
java -jar ords.war set-property jdbc.cleanup.mode recycle
Managing Connection Re-use
To mitigate against database code that is leaking resources, ORDS has a configuration setting: jdbc.MaxConnectionReuseCount
which controls how many times ORDS will use
a database session before terminating it (and releasing the leaked resources) and replacing it with a new database session. The default value for this setting is 1000. If you are experiencing database resource exhaustion you should:
- Determine the database code that is leaking resources, and fix the database code not to leak.
- If that is not feasible then reduce the value of
in increments until a point is found where the database is no longer experiencing resource exhaustion.
Installer Behavior Using the install
or setup
In ORDS 19.3.0, the installer does not automatically update the ORDS parameter file
(default ords parameter file or user-specified ords parameter file) when you use the following commands:
java -jar ords.war
java -jar ords.war install <OPTIONS> simple
java -jar ords.war install <OPTIONS> advanced
java -jar ords.war setup <OPTIONS>
If you want the same behavior to update the ords parameter file, you will need to use the --saveParameters option.
java -jar ords.war install --parameterFile <PATH TO PARAMS>/ --saveParameters simple
java -jar ords.war install --parameterFile <PATH TO PARAMS>/ --saveParameters advanced
java -jar ords.war setup --parameterFile <PATH TO PARAMS>/ --saveParameters
Supported Java Version
Oracle REST Data Services requires Java 8 or later. Java 7 is no longer supported. Please consult the documentation for the
minimum supported Application Server versions for ORDS.
Changes in 20.2.0
The following changes and enhancements have been made since 19.4.6:
Issues Fixed in 20.2.0
- BUG:31510845 - Uptake JDBC Patch 31223382 - NullPointerException from javanet while closing proxy
- BUG:31510845 - Uptake JDBC Patch 31035916 - Label callback to set schema not replayed
- BUG:31510845 - Uptake UCP Patch 31214119 - UCP throws IllegalArgumentException: Non existent or Unknown service name after switchover
- BUG:31510845 - Uptake UCP Patch 29470059 - OutOfMemoryError occurs when using UCP with DRCP
- BUG:31513427 - Uptake long javascript library 4.0.1
- BUG:31345898 - Uptake babel-polyfill 7.8.7
- BUG:31282991 - Uptake jQuery 3.5.0
- BUG:31245974 - Uptake Guava 29.0
- BUG:31245974 - Uptake Jackson Annotations, Core, Databind, Dataformat-XML and JacksonJr 2.10.3
- BUG:31245974 - Uptake Javassist 3.27
- BUG:31492479 - Installer: Cannot revoke EXECUTE on SYS.DBMS_LOB from ORDS_PUBLIC_USER error executing upg_ords_object_grants.sql
- BUG:31222429 - PL/SQL Gateway should trim leading and trailing whitespace in header values
- BUG:31380524 - PL/SQL Gateway may duplicate some HTTP headers
- BUG:31139876 - PL/SQL Gateway order of parameters in flexibale parameter passing is incorrect
- BUG:30954351 - SDW Pivot columns not rendered in correct order on grid
- BUG:30907038 - POST on autorest table with composite key returns HTTP 404 response
- BUG:30563861 - Database alert log shows failed queries on apex_release view when APEX not installed
- BUG:30780668 - Uptake Jetty 9.4.26
- BUG:30738801 - Uptake Guava 28.2
- BUG:30738787 - Uptake Jackson Annotations and Jackson Databind 2.10.2
- BUG:30956765 - Uptake SODA 1.1.3
- BUG:30453563 - Install does not abort on Insufficient Privileges error
- BUG:30563957 - Autorest generated Swagger V2 metadata inconsistencies in property name case
- BUG:30680803 - SDW Data load should initiate statistics gathering
- BUG:30783704 - SDW Navigator only shows the first 500 schemas in the database
- BUG:30896527 - SDW Tour panels overlap on top of dialgs
New Features in 20.2.0
SQL Developer Web
- New landing page - Users are now given a collection of common tasks they may want to start in the form of 'Cards.' In addition, navigation has pivoted from a top menu to a slide out control on the left hand side.
- When connected to Oracle Autonomous Shared (Data Warehouse or Transation Processing) the SQL Worksheet will offer a drop down control that allows the user to choose which service they want to execute their queries and scripts on.
Instance Viewer - available in the Monitoring section, this shows current activity in your instance, and allows you to drill-down into detail pages, including things like Top SQL.
- Data Loading - Support for XML, AVRO, and JSON are now included. Documents are 'flattened' to new relational tables. Nested fields are imported as text columns and stored as JSON.
REST Enabled SQL
- GET requests now returns Database Product and Version information
- Install/Upgrade of ORDS in Database Application Container is now supported
- Open Service Broker implementation - The Open Service Broker API allows for the provision of backing services that cloud native applications can use in a standardised manner. There are 3 initial endpoints:
- /openservicebroker/v2/catalog (GET) - get the catalog of services
- /openservicebroker/v2/service_instances/{instance_id} (DELETE) - deprovision a service
- /openservicebroker/v2/service_instances/{instance_id} (PUT) - provision a service
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Broker is an open source implementation of Open service broker API Spec for OCI services. Customers can use this implementation to install Open Service Broker in Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes or in other Kubernetes clusters. The initial implementation of an Open Service Broker interface in ORDS will be limited to creating users in an existing database.
- APEX Administration REST services
- Five new reporting endpoints offer information on an APEX instance overview, application statistics, instance statistics, application statistics, and a listing of all workspaces.
- RESTful Data Services derived from SQL Developer Reports
- All of the SQL Developer reports have been ported as new RESTful Service endpoints (GET).
Changes in 19.4.6
The following changes and enhancements have been made since 19.4:
Issues Fixed in 19.4.6
- BUG 31222530 - Head Request Failing
- BUG:30739384 - Fix 500 Internal Server Error: No Provider Found Error
- BUG 30977063 - OutOfMemoryError For APEX static resources
- BUG 30787873 - ORDS More Resilient to APEX repository issues
- BUG 31078569 - Better error message required when ORDS does not have access to ORDS_METADATA objects
- BUG 30739384 - Content Clone uses JAXP Clone with the same source document - Exception in threads
- BUG 31381258 - PL/SQL Gateway requests can leak Connections
New Features in 19.4.6
- Report errors in user defined resources as status 555
- Implement feature to support alternative runtime user (ORDS_PUBLIC_USER)
Changes in 19.4.0
The following changes and enhancements have been made since 19.3.0:
Issues Fixed in 19.4.0
- BUG:30656342 - Remove Apache FOP Support
- BUG:30589833 - Uptake Javassist 3.26.0-GA
- BUG:30589826 - Uptake Jetty 9.4.24
- BUG:30589815 - Uptake Guava 28.1
- BUG:30589806 - Uptake Apache XML Graphics Commons 2.4
- BUG:30589782 - Uptake Jackson Annotations and Jackson Databind 2.10.1
- BUG:30574360 - StackOverflowError possible when db.invalidpooltimeout property is less than zero
- BUG:30516590 - ORDS Standalone parameter to have Jetty bind to specific addresses
- BUG:30514855 - SDW does not have a help page for Create Synonym dialog
- BUG:30443935 - SDW 'move up' and 'move down' buttons have no effect in create table panel
- BUG:30430085 - Starting ORDS Standalone prompts for APEX static images location even after saying 'NO' to APEX during install
- BUG:30376626 - SDW Worksheet does not display execution time
- BUG:30691478 - UniversalConnectionPoolException is not recovered from
- BUG:28487031 - ORDS metadata catalog does not generate valid Swagger V2 API document
- BUG:26326540 - SDW Worksheet does not prompt for a variable value when one is defined in a script
- BUG:22472978 - Filter query does not support IN for comparison of an attribute with a list of values
New Features in 19.4.0
- BUG:30265178 - SDW: Data load to a new table
- BUG:30419710 - SDW: Activity now includes a logins section
- BUG:30429500 - SDW: Create and REST Enable users
Changes in 19.3.0
The following changes and enhancements have been made since 19.2.0
Issues Fixed in 19.3.0
- BUG:30494480 - CDB-PDB migration reports ORA-00600 error when upgrading the common ORDS_METADATA schema
- BUG:30505126 - CDB-PDB migration reports ORA-20148 error when upgrading releases earlier than 3.0.6
- BUG:30294697 - Make static HTTP resources in ords.war cacheable
- BUG:30288094 - Uptake JDBC Patch 30269428: Add Oracle binary JSON format support to SODA
- BUG:30287115 - Uptake UCP Patch 30076604: Labelling Callback being passed invalid connection
- BUG:30287001 - Uptake JDBC Patch 29010517 - Parameter missing when too many parameters are submitted
- BUG:30238917 - Improve performance of dispatching requests
- BUG:30215276 - Include timestamp and ECID in error page
- BUG:30193380 - Uptake Javassist 3.25.0-GA
- BUG:30193375 - Uptake Jetty 9.4.20
- BUG:30193361 - Uptake Guava 28.0
- BUG:30193344 - Uptake Batik 1.11
- BUG:30193331 - Uptake PDFBox 2.0.16
- BUG:30193314 - Uptake Jackson Databind
- BUG:30095934 - Provide
landing page
- BUG:29844552 - Provide option to keep connection proxied when returned to pool
- BUG:29772200 - Address issue with upgrading ORDS configurations that use TNS connection
- BUG:29693492 - Provide installer option to use TNS connection
- BUG:26809645 - Handle overflow of offset and limit query parameter
- BUG:30072487 - Do not assume non Oracle Database when using db.customURL
- BUG:30062366 - Pools defined with a Custom URL cause 404 response
New Features in 19.3.0
- BUG:30282368 - Incorporate SQL Developer Web into Oracle REST Data Services
Changes in 19.2.0
The following changes and enhancements have been made since 19.1.0:
Issues Fixed in 19.2.0
- BUG:29884541 - Force newline characters in
headers to be replaced by space characters to avoid error on WebLogic
- BUG:29942773 - Force use of
when dispatching APEX Static Resources service
- BUG:24941023 - Handle pound character in URL path values
- BUG:28871609 - Improve Open-API documentation for date time fields
- BUG:29028746 - Dispatch APEX static resources using built in ORDS service
- BUG:29422705 - Enumerate exact set of OWA packages that access is restricted to
- BUG:29536670 - Uptake Oracle JDBC Driver PSE 29010517 to address loss of data in PL/SQL Gateway calls
- BUG:29550323 - The root cause for this issue was addressed by uptaking 19.3.0 Oracle JDBC Drivers, see BUG:29803162
- BUG:29642673 - Fix problem with output being truncated for multi-byte characters in PL/SQL Gateway responses
- BUG:29693752 - Fix problem with detection of SQL Administrator role on 12+ non container database
- BUG:29809280 - Make installer more resilient to error conditions in customer database
- BUG:29843652 - Improve performance of built in Java based REST endpoints
- BUG:29719737 - Fix problem with detection of APEX when APEX is installed in a CDB using Application Containers
- BUG:29711406 - Fix problem with ICAP integration in some environments
- BUG:29803162 - Uptake Oracle JDBC Drivers 19.3.0
- BUG:29617151 - Uptake Eclipse Jetty 9.4.18
- BUG:29778333 - Uptake PDFBox 2.0.15
- BUG:29872040 - Uptake Jackson 2.9.9
- BUG:29615441 - Uptake Guava 27.1
- BUG:29191117 - Uptake Javassist 3.24.1-GA
New Features in 19.2.0
- BUG:29778399 - Provide script to provision a database user to be able to install ORDS database schema
- BUG:29629522 - Propagate authenticated user to database as
Changes in 19.1.0
The following changes and enhancements have been made since 18.4.0:
Issues Fixed in 19.1.0
- BUG:29544918 - Fix problem with Standalone Mode producing WARN level messages during startup
- BUG:29532796 - Fix problem with WebLogic raising 'Cannot contain CRLF Charcters' (sic) error
- BUG:29524572 - Remove Apache Avalon third party dependency
- BUG:29193867 - Fix problem with invocation of ORDS_ADMIN.DEFINE_SERVICE and ORDS_ADMIN.DEFINE_HANDLER APIs
- BUG:29290410 - Add DOC_SIZE, DAD_CHARSET and CONTENT_TYPE to file upload in document table
- BUG:29303722 - Improve how string arrays are transferred from ORDS to the database on 12C and later
- BUG:29210421 - ORDS corrupting timestamps of ords.war contents when running configdir command
- BUG:29197220 - Dispatch PL/SQL Gateway calls via ORDS_PUBLIC_USER to minimize number of pools required
- BUG:29191117 - Uptake Javassist 3.24.1-GA
- BUG:29191097 - Uptake Eclipse Jetty 9.4.14
- BUG:29191084 - Uptake Google Guava 27.0.1
- BUG:29190987 - Uptake Jackson 2.9.8
- BUG:29190934 - Uptake Apache Commons File Upload 1.4
- BUG:29190890 - Uptake Apache PDFBox 2.0.13
- BUG:29128000 - Connect to database using Wallet Zip archive as found Oracle Database Cloud ATP/ADW environments
- BUG:28570782 - Improve integration with McAfee ICAP Server
- BUG:27639517 - Provide mechanism to enable Plugin servlets function as an administrative database user
New Features in 19.1.0
- ENH:29303772 - Enable ORDS to install in a PDB without requiring SYS user or SYSDBA role
Changes in 18.4.0
The following changes and enhancements have been made since 18.3.0:
Issues Fixed in 18.4.0
- BUG:29053557 - Determine administrative database users based on granted database role
- BUG:29049176 - Show 403 Forbidden status when REST Service fails due to database user lacking privilege to access objects referenced in the SQL statement
- BUG:28520359 - Show Oracle Logo in UI
- BUG:29011184 - Suppress unsupported and undocumented
response header produced by OWA
- BUG:28877175 - Fix resolution of
based mapping that uses --workspace-id
- BUG:28997641 - Gracefully cope with database password rotation
- BUG:28964132 - ORDS installer won't accept passwords more than 28 bytes long
- BUG:28808094 - Uptake Apache Commons Logging 1.2
- BUG:28787846 - Uptake Apache PDFBox 2.0.12
- BUG:28719460 - Uptake Javassist 3.23.1-GA
- BUG:28719440 - Uptake Jetty 9.4.12
- BUG:28719424 - Uptake Jackson 2.9.7
- BUG:28561298 - Address problem with upgrading from ORDS 17.4.1
- BUG:28518849 - Fix problem with OAuth token lifetimes not being calculated correctly
- BUG:28466581 - Fix 500 Error status on open-api-catalog resources
- BUG:27992525 - Fix access to metadata-catalog when no authorization required
- BUG:27933884 - Fix parsing of Resource Handler content to recognize parameters more precisely
- BUG:27808357 - Enhance performance of AutoREST tables/views
New Features in 18.4.0
- ENH:23666046 - Make
setting configurable per database pool
- ENH:28028432 - Echo p_comments value into generated Swagger documentation
Earlier versions
For information on Issues Fixed and New Features introduced for earlier versions please refer to the release notes for those versions.
Known Issues
Oracle Database may report 'ORA-01031: insufficient privileges' for queries that involve CURSOR expressions
In a number of cases, ORDS executes queries which include a CURSOR expression. An issue has been found executing these queries for
some schemas in Oracle 18c and Oracle 19c databases. Depending on the roles and privileges involved, the issue does not occur for all
schemas, which can give the impression that the issue is intermittent. Refer to RDBMS bug 29049673 for more information. The issue
is manifest as follows in the exception returned:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
This is a problem with view-merging of nested cursors introduced in Oracle 18.1 database. Please use the following as a workaround:
alter system set "_fix_control"='20648883:OFF';
Oracle Database DATE and TIMESTAMP values
ORDS interprets Oracle Database DATE and TIMESTAMP values (which do not possess a time zone) into the time zone of ORDS.
These values are then represented in the RFC3339 UTC format.
In a future release Oracle Database DATE and TIMESTAMP values will not by default be interpreted into any time zone.
These values will be represented in the ISO 8601 "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss]" format.
Oracle Database TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE values will remain represented in the RFC3339 UTC format.
SQL Developer Web
- DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE values downloaded from the Worksheet Query Result in the JSON format are not presented in the Internet Datetime format.
- The Instance Viewer in SQL Developer Web does not render properly in IE 11. Please use Edge or another browser as a workaround.
JDK Support
- ORDS will run and is supported on JDK 9 however the only supported way to use ORDS on JDK 9 is by running it in standalone
mode, as currently neither Oracle
are certified for use with JDK 9, and ORDS has not yet been certified on Apache Tomcat on JDK 9.
From ORDS 18.1.0 and later you can launch ORDS on JDK 9 by just typing:
java -jar ords.war <command-name>
- The requirement in 17.4 to use the
command line argument has been eliminated
From JDK 11 Nashorn is deprecated and a warning will be displayed. To disable this warning use the following JVM property
TNS Connections
When using a TNS connection type the JDBC driver needs to know the location of the folder containing tnsnames.ora
To configure this when running ORDS in standalone mode do:
java$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin -jar ords.war
points to the folder where Oracle Database/Oracle Instant Client is installed)
If using Tomcat or WebLogic, then the startup script used to start the app
server would need to be modified to pass the$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
argument to the java
command that starts Tomcat/WebLogic
JDBC Array values
ORDS passes array values to the Oracle Database in a number of cases, for example arrays are used to pass the request headers and form fields during PL/SQL Gateway calls.
Oracle JDBC Driver 18.3 and later supports an improved mechanism for passing array values, however this feature is only supported on Oracle Database 12c and later. Thus
ORDS uses existing deprecated and less efficient APIs for passing array values when connecting to 11G databases, and the improved mechanism when connected to 12c and later. Customers
experiencing problems with passing large array sets (for example OutOfMemory exceptions) are encouraged to upgrade from 11G to a newer database version to mitigate
these issues.
Autogenerated REST Endpoints
- AutoRest resources support the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow only.
RESTful Services
- Application Express workspaces do not support first party authentication, and therefore do not support the
interactive sign in form. Accessing
in APEX workspaces will produce a 404 status.
Support For mod_plsql logmeoff
- The mod_plsql logmeoff mechanism is not supported reliably by modern browsers and it is not provided by ORDS.
The only way to end a HTTP Basic Authentication session is to close the Browser.
Starting Standalone Mode when connected to CDB
The typical manner to start ORDS in standalone mode, once ORDS has been configured is:
java -jar ords.war
ORDS will detect that it is fully configured and proceed to launching standalone mode. Since 18.2
schema is not installed in the CDB, which means that when the default pool
is connected to a CDB there is no way for ORDS to automatically verify the version of the ORDS schema installed in the database,
thus ORDS prompts for the SYS AS SYSDBA
password so it can connect to each PDB and verify the ORDS version
installed in each PDB. This means that when connected to a CDB the above command is not sufficient to start standalone
mode automatically. To work around this issue, use the following command to start ORDS (only after the ORDS instance has been configured) in standalone mode automatically:
java -jar ords.war standalone
Support for apex.docTable
- apex.docTable (now depreciated) and owa.docTable should not be used for APEX 4.x and above as APEX provides its own document table.