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Bugs Fixed
- Oracle SQLcl launches CMD window
New Features
Before You Start
JDK Support
- Oracle SQL Developer 20.4.1 release requires Oracle Java 8 or 11, with a minimum version of 1.8 update 171. Go here to download the latest version.
- If SQL Developer cannot find a local JDK, you will be prompted to enter the location path for the JDK. Note that the prompt wants only the folder, not the java.exe. For example C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_152.
- The Data Miner and SVN client features require Java 8
- Saving your connection passwords requires at least Oracle JDK 8u152 (for access to JCE jars)
Platform Support
- Oracle SQL Developer 20.4.1 is available for Windows 7,8,10 and Windows Server 2008/2012, Linux or Mac OS X. (See full Certification)
- If using a OCI “Thick” connection type, a 21c Oracle Client will be required
Installing or Upgrading
- All new releases of SQL Developer require a full installation. Download and unzip the file into an empty folder. Ensure the "Use folder names" checkbox is checked when unzipping the file.
Support & Feedback
Many of the features in SQL Developer are provided by other Oracle Database teams. Please use their respective Oracle Community Forums to provide feedback.
- For all TimesTen related queries, please use the TimesTen forum
- For all OLAP related queries, please use the OLAP forum
- For all Machine Learning related queries, please use the Machine Learning forum
- For all Data Modeler related queries, please use the Data Modeler forum
- For all Database Migration related queries, please use the Migrations forum