Simplify how you pay your workforce with a highly configurable solution, fully unified with Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) for efficient, compliant payroll processing across the globe—no matter your industry, company size, or worker types.
Learn how Oracle AI agents help streamline the management of compensation and benefits.
Learn how Oracle Activity Centers help payroll teams quickly identify and resolve errors to ensure employees are paid accurately and on time.
See why Oracle was named a Leader in all seven report categories in the Ventana Research Buyers Guide 2023 for global payroll.
On yılı aşkın süredir dünyanın dört bir yanındaki kuruluşların güvendiği birleşik HCM ve ERP bulut çözümünün bir parçası olarak birden fazla teslimat yöntemi kullanan ve 60 ülkede yerel olarak kullanılabilen bir çözümden yararlanın.
Bordroya yalnızca Oracle'ın sunabileceği, küreselliğe öncelik veren bir yaklaşım benimseyin; genişletilebilirliği kolaylaştırın ve güncellemeleri güvenli hale getirin. Oracle Bordro çözümleri, kuruluşların küresel en iyi uygulamalarla benzersiz ticari gereksinimlerini karşılamaları için yerel ödeme kurallarını yönetmelerini sağlar.
Ne kadar karmaşık olursa olsun; küresel, ulusal ve yerel bordro yasaları ve vergi düzenlemelerinin yanı sıra sendika gereklilikleri ve sözleşme temelli anlaşmalara uymanıza yardımcı olan bir platformla uyumluluk riskini en aza indirin.
Dünya çapında aylık 16 milyondan fazla çalışana ödeme yapma konusunda kanıtlanmış bir geçmişe sahip bir çözümle, işletmedeki değişikliklerle birlikte gelen talepleri karşılamak için yüksek hacimli bordroları hızlı, doğru ve güvenilir bir şekilde işleyin.
Çalışan ödemelerini tamamen birleşik bir çözümle yönetin, güvenlik riskini en aza indirin, manuel girişleri azaltarak veri bütünlüğünü sağlayın ve bordro işleme verimliliğini artırmak için yapay zekadan yararlanın. Yerleşik otomasyondan yararlanarak bordro doğruluğunu artırabilir ve bordro yöneticinizin stratejik bordro fırsatlarına odaklanmasını sağlayabilirsiniz.
Çalışanların maaş gününü beklemek yerine ihtiyaç duyduklarında kazandıkları ücretlere erişmelerini sağlayan bir ödeme seçeneği ile finansal esneklik sağlayın.
160'tan fazla ülkede çalışanlara doğru ve güvenli bir şekilde ödeme yapmak için stratejik bölgesel ve küresel bordro iş ortaklarımızla önceden oluşturulmuş entegrasyonlardan yararlanın.
Bordro faaliyetleri ve bordro makbuzları gibi ilgili bilgilere erişim de dahil olmak üzere üçüncü taraf bordro işlemleri için ortak bir kullanıcı deneyimi sağlayın.
Doğrudan bordro sistemine aktarılan geçerli tarihli işlemleri, ülkeye özgü insan kaynakları verilerini ve konfigüre edilebilir alanları etkinleştirin.
Bordro süreçlerini desteklemek ve çalışan deneyimlerini geliştirmek için hizmet sağlayıcı iş ortaklarımızın çözümlerini Oracle Cloud HCM ile entegre edin.
Oracle'ın 1.000'den fazla Çalışanı Bulunan İşletmeler için Bulut HCM Ürün Grupları dalındaki 2023 Magic Quadrant™ raporunda neden lider ilan edildiğini ve yedi yıldır Eksiksiz Vizyon alanında en sağa yerleştirildiğini öğrenin.*
Oracle Payroll (part of Oracle Cloud HCM) is a fully unified solution with your HR process that enables compliant and configurable payroll across the globe—no matter your industry, company size, or worker type.
Oracle Payroll for Bahrain
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for Bahrain is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in Bahrain to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Support for social insurance calculations for Bahrainis in the government and private sectors per Social Insurance Organization (SIO) regulations
– Support for social insurance calculations for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens working in Bahrain
– Support for different payment methods, including electronic funds transfer (EFT) and international payments
Oracle Payroll for Canada
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for Canada is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in Canada to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Salary processing, including allowances, perquisites, and bonuses as well as statutory and voluntary deductions
– Data capture and calculation of statutory deductions, including federal, provincial, and territorial income tax, the Canada Pension Plan, the Quebec Pension Plan, employment insurance, the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan, and sales tax on applicable taxable benefits
– Payroll interface presented in the user’s choice of official Canadian languages
Oracle Payroll for China
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for China is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in China to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Support for regular tax, annual bonus tax, and severance payments tax calculations for tax residents
– Support for public housing fund employee and employer contribution calculations
– Support for employee and employer contribution calculations for basic pension, basic medical, supplementary medical, unemployment, maternity, and work-related injury insurances
– Support for enterprise annuity employee and employer contribution calculations
Oracle Payroll for France
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for France is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in France to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
Oracle Payroll for India
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for India is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in India to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Support for all statutory deductions, including income tax, professional tax, Provident Fund, Employee State Insurance, Labour Welfare Fund, and National Pension Scheme deductions
– Support for processing bonuses, allowances, perquisites, and termination payments
– Support for investment declarations and submission of proofs through employee self-service
– Support for income tax comparison and the IT computation sheet
– Support for statutory reports, including PF ECR, ESI MC, periodic professional tax reports, and Form 24Q
Oracle Payroll for Ireland
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for Ireland is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in Ireland to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
Oracle Payroll for Kuwait
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for Kuwait is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in Kuwait to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Support for social insurance calculations for Kuwaitis in the government, private, and oil sectors per Public Institution for Social Security (PIFSS) regulations
– Support for social insurance calculations for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens working in Kuwait
– Support for different payment methods, including electronic funds transfer (EFT) and international payments
Oracle Payroll for Mexico
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for Mexico is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in Mexico to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Data capture and calculation of statutory deductions, including Impuesto Sobre la Renta (ISR) federal income tax, state employer tax, and social security quotas
– Support for statutory reporting such as Comprobantes Fiscal Digital por Internet (CFDI), Sistema Único de Autodeterminación (SUA), and social security affiliation
– INFONAVIT housing loan deductions processing and associated insurance
– Annual tax adjustment and Participación de los Trabajadores en las Utilidades de la Empresa (PTU) processing
– Flexibility to address multiple industries and business/fiscal practices
Oracle Payroll for Oman
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for Oman is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in Oman to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Support for social insurance calculations for Omanis in the government and private sectors per Public Authority for Social Insurance (PASI) and Civil Service Employees Pension Fund (CSEPF) regulations
– Support for social insurance calculations for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens working in Oman
– Support for different payment methods, including electronic funds transfer (EFT) and international payments
Oracle Payroll for Qatar
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for Qatar is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in Qatar to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Support for social insurance calculations for Qataris in the government and private sectors per General Retirement and Social Insurance Authority (GRSIA) regulations
– Support for social insurance calculations for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens working in Qatar
– Support for different payment methods, including electronic funds transfer (EFT) and international payments
– Support for the Wage Protection System
Oracle Payroll for Saudi Arabia
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for Saudi Arabia is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in Saudi Arabia to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Support for social insurance calculations for Saudis per General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) regulations
– Support for social insurance calculations for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens working in Saudi Arabia
– Support for different payment methods, including electronic funds transfer (EFT) and international payments
– Support for Wage Protection System
Oracle Payroll for the United Arab Emirates
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for the United Arab Emirates is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in the United Arab Emirates to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Support for social insurance calculations for Emiratis in the government and private sectors per General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA), Abu Dhabi Pension Fund (ADPF), and Social Security System (SSS) regulations
– Support for social insurance calculations for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens working in the UAE
– Support for different payment methods, including electronic funds transfer (EFT) and international payments
– Support for Wage Protection System
Oracle Payroll for the United Kingdom
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for the United Kingdom is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in the United Kingdom to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Support for statutory deductions comprising National Insurance, court order, student loan, and postgraduate loan deductions
– Support for recording data and calculation of statutory payments, including statutory sick pay (SSP), statutory adoption pay (SAP), statutory maternity pay (SMP), statutory paternity pay (SPP), shared parental leave and pay (ShPP), and statutory parental bereavement pay (SPBP)
– Support for statutory reporting to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) via Real Time Information online submissions such as Full Payment Submission (FPS), including earlier year amendments
– Support for P60, P45, and P11D legislative forms, both paper and online
Oracle Payroll for the United States
Oracle Payroll, an integral part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management, is a fully unified solution that enables you to maintain compliance and configure your payroll across the globe, regardless of your industry, company size, or worker types.
Oracle Payroll for the United States is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations paying employees in the United States to efficiently process a high-quality, accurate, and timely payroll. Oracle streamlines the payroll process and provides better alignment across HR, finance, and operations.
– Flexible organization models for regulatory and financial reporting, including the ability to configure statutory tax limits by each legal entity or by a group
– Data capture and calculation of multijurisdictional taxes for employees and employers based on delivered federal, state, and local tax rules
– Support for tax withholding elections (Form W-4) through both employee self-service and professional user access at federal and regional levels, including the automatic reset of exemptions at the start of the tax year
– Data capture and calculation of involuntary deductions through delivered statutory rules and customer-defined processing rules. A delivered integration is available for processing support orders using the electronic income withholding orders (e-IWO) process
Oracle International Payroll Core
Oracle International Payroll Core is natively built for the cloud and designed to enable organizations to pay employees in more than 46 countries using our innovative Global-First approach.
Our Global-First approach makes extensibility of Oracle Payroll simple and update safe. This includes at least 80-90% of the functionality needed to process payroll. The additional 10-20% pertains to localizations for Oracle validated countries that can be configured by an approved Oracle International Payroll Core partner. The tools used to configure complex union requirements are the same tools used to configure localizations for validated countries. All local configurations are 100% update safe.
Oracle International Payroll Core is available in the following countries and jurisdictions:
– Africa: Botswana, Cameroon, Central Africa Rep, Chad, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe
– Europe and Middle East: Iceland, Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan
– APAC: Brunei, Fiji, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Macau, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, S Korea, Taiwan
– LATAM: Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, St Kitts, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay
– Jurisdictions: International governmental organizations (IGOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
ADP Global Payroll provides a multicountry international payroll solution that helps your organization save money, reduce risk, and get insights to drive the business forward.
Run payroll with accuracy, confidence, and ease with ADP Workforce Now Payroll. It’s built to enable you to maintain compliance and scale with your business as it grows.
Dayforce helps organizations win in our always-on, fast-changing world. Make every moment count with one HCM software platform that continuously calculates pay, delivers data, and connects your people, from anywhere in the world.
Neeyamo provides global organizations with a payroll solution that helps them meet their compliance requirements and process payroll in more than 160 countries.
Ramco is a next-gen enterprise software player disrupting the market with its multitenant cloud and mobile-based enterprise global payroll software embedded with AI and ML.
Support compliance by delivering required payroll tax reporting that adheres to regulations.
Address unique business needs in your organization. Configure and manage complex rules, payroll flows, and checklists—without having to code.
Seamlessly source information to process payroll with unified time and absence, benefits, compensation, and more.
Discover how a wide variety of our customers use Oracle Payroll their businesses.
See what’s new with Cloud HCM and how we help you make work more human.
Learn what makes Oracle Global Payroll unique and different in the market from an Oracle product expert.
* Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+ Employee Enterprises, Published 24 October 2024. Analysts: Ranadip Chandra, Chris Pang, Ron Hanscome, Sam Grinter, Josie Xing, Hiten Sheth, Travis Wickesberg, Harsh Kundulli, Anand Chouksey, David Bobo, Laura Gardiner, Emi Chiba, Michelle Shapiro.
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