Most Popular Services
運算 VM 完全可擴展的多租用戶虛擬運算環境, 以毫不妥協的效能、控制及內建復原能力來執行應用程式.
Base Database Service - Virtual Machine Base Database Service - Virtual Machine allows you to create and manage full-featured Oracle Database systems in the cloud. It can be provisioned on virtual machines with block storage to provide high performance and cost-efficient pricing.
物件儲存 物件儲存可讓客戶以資料的原生格式儲存任何類型的資料. 可用於合併多種資料來源以進行分析、備份或存檔, 因此特別適用於建置需具備擴展性與彈性的應用程式. 如果不需要經常存取, 可選擇採用「不常存取儲存」和「封存儲存」作為符合成本效益的替代方案.
區塊磁碟區儲存 Oracle Cloud 區塊磁碟區提供可靠、高效能的區塊儲存, 且專為搭配各種虛擬機器和裸機執行處理使用所設計. 它的內建備援功能讓區塊磁碟區可在整個虛擬機器的生命週期內維持持久與耐用, 而且每個運算執行處理皆可擴展至 1 PB 的大小.
Autonomous Database Oracle Autonomous Database 是一種雲端資料庫服務, 可將營運資料倉儲、保護資料及開發資料導向應用程式的複雜性幾乎完全消除.
Exadata Database Service Oracle Exadata 是執行 Oracle Database 最快速的平台, 可讓企業加速其關鍵任務應用程式, 而且採用新平台無需任何程式碼變更, 讓企業省去昂貴的品質保證與驗證週期.
MySQL 資料庫服務 MySQL 資料庫服務可讓組織使用全球最受歡迎的開源資料庫, 快速且安全地部署現代化的雲端原生應用程式. MySQL 分析引擎是一項完全受管理且具高擴展性的記憶體內資料庫服務, 可為 SQL 分析處理提供符合成本效益的解決方案.
APEX 應用程式開發 Oracle APEX Application Development (APEX 服務) 可讓您快速建置和部署低程式碼應用程式, 無須學習複雜的網頁技術. 它可為您的應用程式資料提供在 Oracle Cloud 執行之完全受管理的 APEX 執行處理, 以及專用自治式資料庫.
檔案儲存 Oracle Cloud 檔案儲存是一種完全受管理的網路檔案系統 (NFS), 客戶可以在 Oracle Cloud 來回搬移檔案, 且最多可自動擴展至 8 EB 的容量. 檔案儲存可完全免除預先佈建容量的需要.
Other Services
API 管理 「API 閘道」是高可用性且完全受管理的閘道, 可讓開發人員為其他服務建立受管控的 HTTP/S 介面, 這些服務包括 Oracle Functions、Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes 和 OCI. Apiary 是功能強大的 API 設計堆疊, 可讓開發人員一同工作, 快速設計、製作原型、編寫文件及測試 API.
Access Governance Oracle Access Governance 藉由提供誰能夠存取什麼的詳細資訊, 提供對企業規範的可見性, 能夠讓複查者透過智慧型存取權複查活動適當調整使用者權限. 此服務可提供對身分識別與存取安全提示相關潛在安全違規的洞察分析.
Application Performance Monitoring 「應用程式效能監控 (APM) 服務」可讓使用者監控以微服務為基礎的應用程式及舊型多層應用程式的效能.
Autonomous Linux Oracle Autonomous Linux reduces the complexity and overhead of common operating system management tasks by providing automatic daily updates, including zero-downtime Ksplice updates for critical libraries and packages. It also monitors instances for critical events, such as a kernel crashes, and collects messages and logs needed to debug and provide a root cause analysis of the event.
Bastion 在不使用跳板主機的情況下, 對專用資源提供有限且有時效的安全存取. 包括免費服務
Big Data Service 大數據服務提供受管理的 Hadoop 叢集供 OCI 客戶使用. 受管理的 Hadoop 讓客戶能加速在雲端採用開源分析.
Blockchain Platform 使用「標準」作為開發與測試區塊鏈應用程式的區塊鏈平台入門版本. 使用「企業」版的區塊鏈平台可建立受管理的認許制區塊鏈網路, 提供業務夥伴之間安全、即時的資料共用與信任交易.
Cache with Redis OCI Cache with Redis is a comprehensive, managed in-memory caching solution built on the foundation of open source Redis. This fully managed service accelerates data reads and writes, significantly enhancing application response times and database performance to provide an improved customer experience.
Certificates 輕鬆建立、部署和管理 OCI 中的 Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) 憑證. 包括免費服務
Cloud Infrastructure Kubernetes Engine (OKE) Managed Kubernetes service for operating containerized applications at scale while reducing the time, cost, and operational burden of managing the complexities of Kubernetes infrastructure.
Cloud Success Assurance Service Responsive Oracle cloud ecosystem support, including enhanced escalation management and a named single point of contact for technical issues
Cloud Success Protection Service Personalized, proactive Oracle cloud ecosystem support, including a named single point of contact for technical issues, rapid response and resolution for critical escalations, innovation guidance, and access to Oracle experts
Compute BM 完全可擴展的多租用戶裸機運算環境, 應用程式可在具可預測、高效能和內建復原能力的情況下執行.
Compute Cloud@Customer Oracle Compute Cloud@Customer is a fully managed, rack-scale edge infrastructure that extends OCI to run application tiers on-premises in a simple subscription-based model. Customers continue to use OCI Identity and Governance services to manage access/policies on Compute Cloud@Customer, while retaining full control over their workloads and data, to meet data-sovereignty and regulatory requirements.
Compute GPU 專為硬體加速工作負載所設計. GPU 資源配置包括 Intel 或 AMD CPU 以及 NVIDIA 圖形處理器.
DNS Management The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed internet system that maps human-readable names (such as Oracle.com) to IP addresses and serves as the first link in the customers’ digital supply chain.
Data Integration 一種雲端原生、無伺服器的 ETL 服務, 可在 OCI 生態系統內整合、轉換與搬移資料.
Database with PostgreSQL OCI Database with PostgreSQL is a fully managed service that offers PostgreSQL database, that utilizes the OCI Database Optimized Storage. The service provides easy cluster creation, automated HA, patching, security updates, and backups.
Dedicated Virtual Machine Host Dedicated virtual machine hosts let you run Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute virtual machine (VM) instances on dedicated servers that are a single tenant and not shared with other customers.
DevOps Complete continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform for developers to simplify and automate their software development lifecycle and collaboratively develop, build, and deploy software.
Exadata 資料庫 - 客戶私有雲 Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer 是將最重要的 Oracle Database 搬移至雲端的最簡單方式. 它在內部部署的資料中心防火牆之後提供高效能的 Exadata 雲端服務功能, 以達到符合嚴格的資料自主性與安全需求.
FastConnect Allows customers to connect directly to their OCI virtual cloud network via dedicated, private, high-bandwidth connections. Then, based on the amount of data, customers simply choose an appropriate port speed and pay a consistent, low price each month.
Fleet Application Management OCI Fleet Application Management simplifies software patching and patch compliance management at scale. Users can manage patching and patch compliance of their software stack for Oracle technologies and other 3rd-party software applications deployed in OCI. Fleet Application Management enables customers to patch their applications with an automated discovery of the software inventory, detection of patch compliance data, validation, and deployment of missing patches. Users can schedule touchless deployments of required patches or execute other IT automation tasks using pre-built customizable runbooks or integrate their existing automation processes.
GoldenGate 即時將異質資料搬移至雲端 — 安全且不會造成重要關鍵生產系統停機. 最新的雲端資料可使用即時生產環境資料在雲端進行全域分析、測試與開發.
Load Balancer OCI Flexible Load Balancing enables customers to distribute web requests across a fleet of servers or automatically route traffic across fault domains, availability domains, or regions – yielding high availability and fault tolerance for any application or data source.
Logging OCI Logging service is a highly scalable and fully managed single pane of glass for all the logs in your tenancy. It provides access to logs from both OCI and non-OCI resources for critical diagnostic information that describes how resources are performing and being accessed.
Migrations 客戶可使用移轉將虛擬機器移轉至 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 運算執行處理, 協助客戶免除手動移轉作業, 進而減少資產尋找和移轉規劃與執行的錯誤.
Monitoring 「監督」可讓使用者運用立即可用的狀況與效能度量, 獲得雲端基礎架構與工作負載的洞察分析. 使用者可使用臨界值來設定警示, 偵測與回應基礎架構和應用程式異常.
MySQL HeatWave - Free Tier A fully managed database service for efficient data warehousing, transaction processing, machine learning, generative AI, and vector processing on real-time data stored in object storage and inside MySQL database.
MySQL HeatWave on AWS 在 AWS 上利用簡易的單一 MySQL 資料庫優勢, 進行異動處理、即時分析和機器學習.
Notifications OCI 通知是高可用性、低延遲的發布/訂閱 (pub/sub) 服務, 可將警示和訊息傳送至 Oracle Functions、電子郵件及訊息傳遞合作夥伴 (包括 Slack 和 PagerDuty).
OCI Data Flow OCI Data Flow service offers fully managed Apache Spark as a service. Data Engineers, Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists and Data Analysts can drive advanced and accelerated outcomes from their petabyte scale ETL, AI, ML and analytics workloads leveraging the distributed processing power of open-source Apache Spark, with zero administration overhead on OCI Data Flow.
OCI Document Understanding Extract text, tables, and other key data from document files through APIs and command line interface tools
OCI Generative AI The OCI Generative AI service is a fully managed service that provides a set of state-of-the-art, customizable large language models (LLMs) that cover a wide range of use cases for text generation and text embeddings.
OCI Generative AI Agents OCI Generative AI Agents is a fully managed service designed to empower developers to create sophisticated agents that handle complex tasks by leveraging large language models (LLMs) with tools and knowledge bases.
OCI Identity and Access Management OCI Identity and Access Management (OCI IAM) is a native service of OCI that provides enterprise-class Identity and Access Management features such as strong, adaptive authentication, user Lifecycle Management (LCM), and Single Sign-On (SSO) to enterprise applications.
OCI Streaming With Apache Kafka OCI Streaming with Apache Kafka is a fully managed Kafka service allowing you to build real-time, distributed data streaming pipelines, which can, collect, process, store and move millions of events per minute in a cost-efficient manner with 100% compatibility with open-source Apache Kafka.
OCI Vision 套用電腦視覺 AI 技術, 以分析影像內容. 讓 API 呼叫能輕鬆地將預先訓練的模型整合至應用程式, 或自訂訓練模型.
OCI 串流處理 Real-time, serverless, Apache Kafka-compatible event streaming that enables reliable, scalable ingesting and consuming of high-volume data streams. Pay-as-you-go with zero-cost data movement between cloud services.
OCI 語言 可執行大規模的複雜文字分析. 運用預先訓練的模型, 在應用程式中建置情感分析、關鍵詞彙擷取、文字分類等功能.
OCI 語音 使用自動語音辨識 (ASR) 將語音轉換成文字. 為多種語言的音訊或視訊檔案提供高度準確的轉譯.
OCI 資料標註 建置加上標籤的資料集, 以更為準確的方式訓練 AI 和機器學習模型. 組合資料、建立及瀏覽資料集, 以及在資料記錄套用標籤.
OS Management Hub Oracle OS Management Hub manages and monitors OS updates and patches for Oracle Linux and Windows instances. Users have a centralized solution to organize and manage their fleet of systems, and schedule package installation and critical security updates, including zero-downtime updates with Ksplice. In addition, the service offers reporting, lifecycle management features, and application discovery.
Operations Insight 「作業洞察分析」可讓管理員使用以機器學習為基礎的歷史資料和 SQL 資料分析, 發現效能問題、預測使用量及規劃容量. 組織可使用這些功能制定資料導向決策, 讓資源使用最佳化、主動避免停機情形, 以及改進效能.
Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase Essbase 是多維資料庫管理系統, 提供建置分析應用程式的多維資料庫平台. 能夠與 Oracle Analytics Cloud 無縫整合.
Oracle Analytics Cloud - 企業 Oracle Analytics Cloud 企業版提供專業版的所有功能, 以及複雜資料模型設計的額外功能, 支援企業資料安全和業務定義, 包括封閉測試環境和狀況模型設計 (開發/測試和生產環境).
Oracle Analytics Cloud - 專業版 Oracle Analytics Cloud 可在單一且統一的平台上提供業界最全方位的雲端分析功能, 包括從自助服務視覺化和功能強大的即時資料準備, 到企業報表、進階分析及可提供主動式洞察分析的自我學習分析等所有功能.
Oracle Backend for Microservices and AI Build your application using Data and AI engineering with the converged Oracle Database. Simplify DevOps & DataOps for Spring Boot and other frameworks such as Helidon development on OCI, Azure, on-premises deployments with Kubernetes.
Oracle Cloud VMware 解決方案 Oracle Cloud VMware 解決方案可提供客戶受管理、安裝在客戶租用戶中, 以原生 VMware 為基礎的雲端環境. 使用熟悉的 VMware 工具提供您完整的控制功能. 能夠將 VMware 型工作負載搬移或擴展至雲端, 而無需重新架構應用程式或更新作業.
Oracle Database Autonomous Recovery Service Oracle Database Autonomous Recovery Service 可讓您使用 Recovery Manager (RMAN) 整合將 Database Cloud Service 執行處理上的 Oracle Database 備份傳送至 OCI
Oracle Digital Assistant Oracle Digital Assistant 是一種 AI 服務, 提供預先建立的技巧與樣板, 可透過文字、交談以及語音介面, 為商業應用程式與客戶建立對話體驗.
Oracle Functions Oracle Cloud Functions 是一款無伺服器平台, 可讓開發人員建立、執行與擴展應用程式, 無須管理任何基礎架構. Functions 會與 OCI、平台服務和 SaaS 應用程式整合.
Oracle Integration Cloud Oracle Integration Cloud 提供一個組合, 其中包括預先建立的 SaaS 和內部部署應用程式連線、立即可執行的處理自動化樣板, 以及適用於 Web 和行動應用程式開發的直觀視覺化應用程式產生器.
Oracle Java Management Service Java Management Service (JMS) is a reporting and management tool, monitoring Java SE usage in on-premise and cloud environments, providing insights into application behavior, compliance, and performance.
Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud - On-Demand Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud offers low latency, flexible, scalable, high performance, and reliable data stores for document, key-value, and table data models. It scales write and read units dynamically and bills based on the actual capacities consumed by a user application. Developers focus on application development and data store requirements.
Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud - Provisioned Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud offers low latency, flexible, scalable, high performance, and reliable data stores for document, key-value, and table data models. It scales write and read units programmatically and bills based on the capacities reserved. Developers focus on application development and data store requirements.
Oracle Queue Service OCI Queue is a serverless asynchronous messaging service. OCI Queue allows applications to be decoupled, independently scaled, and buffer spikes in demand.
Oracle Tuxedo Oracle Tuxedo service include a set of images for quickly creating OCI compute instances with Tuxedo environments installed. Each Tuxedo image includes a different set of add-on products.
Oracle Visual Builder Cloud 使用低程式碼開發環境建置 Web 和行動式 SaaS 擴充和訂製應用程式的入門環境
Oracle WebLogic Management Service Use Oracle WebLogic Management Service to perform lifecycle and management operations, including patching of WebLogic domains, and starting, stopping, restarting and other operations to WebLogic Servers running on compute instances.
Roving Edge Infrastructure Oracle Roving Edge Infrastructure 可加速資料中心以外的雲端工作負載部署.
Search with OpenSearch OCI Search Service with OpenSearch 是 Oracle 第二代雲端服務套件中完全受管理的索引式搜尋產品. OCI Search Service with OpenSearch 可為任何數目的日誌分析與應用程式搜尋使用案例提供領先業界的彈性. 這項產品可讓客戶以毫秒為單位的回應時間, 快速儲存、搜尋及分析大量資料.
Secret Management Customers centrally manage and control secret credentials such as passwords that protects their application access
Secure Desktops OCI Secure Desktops allows a customer to define a pool of Windows or Linux desktops, each based on a particular shape and image. It provisions those desktops to end users on demand.
Stack Monitoring Stack Monitoring provides essential monitoring and alarm management for applications and its infrastructure (including hosts, databases and app servers), and GPU-compute infrastructure and its workloads. It enables monitoring by exception across the fleet, with ML-based anomaly detection to highlight performance issues. Using topology, users can manage all alarms in an app stack or fleet using Monitoring Templates or use Maintenance Windows to mute all relevant alarms during patching
Virtual Cloud Networks OCI Virtual Cloud Networks (VCNs) provide customizable and private cloud networks in OCI. Like a traditional data center network, VCN provides customers with complete control over their cloud networking environment.
Web 應用程式防火牆 (WAF) 使用威脅情報及持續強制執行規則, 保護應用程式不受惡意和非必要的網際網路與內部流量攻擊.
WebCenter For OCI The Oracle WebCenter On OCI product family consists of WebCenter Content, Imaging, Enterprise Capture, Sites, Portal & Forms Recognition. Used individually or together as needed these applications provide a comprehensive platform for ingesting, converting , OCR processing, storing & records managing documents and files of all types.
ZFS 儲存 對於運算與儲存基礎架構, 您可以將「Oracle ZFS Storage - 高可用性」虛擬設備設定為裸機或虛擬機器執行處理, 以支援 Oracle 客戶將工作負載移轉至 OCI, 而且具備在內部部署之間複寫資料的能力.
Zero Trust Packet Routing Zero Trust Packet Routing makes configuring your network security simpler and easier to understand by enabling you to set security attributes on resources and create policies to control communication among those resources within a VCN.
全端災害復原 OCI 原生受管理服務可為 Oracle 應用程式、Oracle 資料庫和虛擬機器提供全端災害復原 (DR) 協調流程管理.
威脅情報 從 Oracle 安全專家、龐大的遙測資料、常見的開源饋送以及包括 CrowdStrike 在內的合作夥伴獲得威脅情報資料
媒體串流 媒體串流是及時視訊封裝服務, 可將您的媒體內容加密以安全地傳遞到所有裝置 (電視、行動裝置、電腦和遊戲主控台). 利用 OCI 擴展性傳遞您的視訊體驗, 無須部署基礎架構
媒體流程 OCI 媒體流程在 OCI 內提供高效率視訊工作流程架構, 讓開發人員能夠建立視訊隨選應用程式
安全區域 設定並強制執行安全原則, 透過豐富的原則庫和嵌入式安全最佳實務保護雲端區間. 包括免費服務
容器執行處理 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 容器執行處理是無伺服器運算服務, 可讓您立即執行容器, 無須管理任何伺服器.
日誌記錄分析 OCI 日誌記錄分析是一款以機器學習為基礎的雲端服務, 可對來自內部部署和多重雲端環境的所有日誌資料進行監督、聚總、編製索引與分析. 可讓使用者搜尋、探索與關聯此資料, 進而更快速地疑難排解與解決問題並衍生洞察分析, 做出更妥善的營運決策.
漏洞掃描 評估並監督雲端主機, 以及修正任何開放連接埠或不安全的套裝程式. 包括免費服務
網路防火牆 OCI 原生完全受管理的下一代防火牆服務, 可保護由 Palo Alto Networks 提供的南北向與東西向流量
自治式 JSON 資料庫 自治式 JSON 資料庫是一款提供「文件資料庫」服務的全自動化資料庫服務. 可讓您將收集的 JSON 文件儲存在資料庫中, 並使用 Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) API 或透過一般 SQL 存取這些文件. 它的功能包括自我驅動、自我保護以及自我修復, 可以根據關鍵任務應用程式的需求即時進行擴展.
資料安全 「資料安全」是您所有 Oracle Database 的統一控制中心, 可協助您瞭解資料機密性、評估資料風險、遮罩機密資料、導入與監督安全控制、評估使用者安全、監督使用者活動, 以及因應資料安全規範需求.
資料庫管理 使用資料庫管理雲端服務, DBA 可獲得內部部署和雲端資料庫的統一主控台, 其中包含監控、效能管理、調整和管理等生命週期資料庫管理功能. 使用進階資料庫機組診斷和調整可對問題進行疑難排解及最佳化效能. 透過即時 SQL 監控以最佳化 SQL 並簡化資料庫組態.
適用於 OCI 的 Oracle Analytics Server 適用於 OCI 的 Oracle Analytics Server 讓客戶只需按幾下滑鼠按鍵, 即可透過市集在雲端部署 Analytics 伺服器.
適用於 OCI 的 Oracle WebLogic Server 適用於 OCI 的 Oracle WebLogic Server 讓客戶只須按幾下滑鼠按鍵, 便可將 Java 應用程式部署到雲端. 這不僅提高了效能, 而且還能以低於內部部署環境的成本管理、擴展及保護全球雲端區域的應用程式.
適用於 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 的 Oracle SOA Suite 先進的服務導向整合可讓您全權控制企業服務匯流排 (ESB)、受管理檔案傳輸 (MFT)、企業對企業功能 (EDI 等) 及分析.
金鑰和加密密碼管理 集中管理與維護對加密金鑰和機密證明資料的管控, 金鑰可保護您的資料, 而證明資料則是用來安全存取資源.
雲端保全 統合的跨 OCI 租用戶安全態勢檢視. 識別、監督和修正各種威脅、問題和不一致. 包括免費服務