Oracle’s partnership with Red Hat gives you options for running your enterprise workloads. Oracle and Red Hat are jointly enabling and supporting a growing selection of Red Hat products on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Our goal is to give customers choices when migrating applications to the cloud.
90 percent of the Fortune 500 rely on Red Hat or Oracle solutions. Many of these companies use Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) as their operating system. Organizations can standardize their cloud operations with RHEL on OCI, giving them a common platform that extends from on-premises to OCI’s distributed cloud.
OCI offers high performing, mission-critical cloud services. Customers can migrate existing workloads already running on RHEL to RHEL on OCI.
Customers with current RHEL support contracts can migrate their licenses to OCI and continue to receive support from Red Hat.
Validated configurations of OCI flexible virtual machines can run customer-managed Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Customers can install and manage the full OpenShift Container Platform on flexible compute, sized to the workload in 1-core increments. This enables existing OpenShift workloads to run on OCI’s distributed cloud.
Oracle provides Container Storage Interface (CSI) and Container Storage Module (CSM) operators to enable Red Hat OpenShift to add OCI Compute and Storage resources dynamically.
Certified configurations of OCI flexible virtual machines can run RHEL. Flexible virtual machines can be sized to the workload in 1-core increments to match performance and budgetary needs.
For organizations that need dedicated performance, a low-latency interconnect, and access to GPUs, certified configurations of OCI bare metal instances can run RHEL and provide isolation and control with dedicated physical servers. They support applications that require high core counts, large amounts of memory, and high bandwidth connectivity.
Read the blog about Red Hat Enterprise Linux on OCI bare metal instances
Customers today use Red Hat Enterprise Linux image builder to customize RHEL installation images to meet their corporate and security policies.
The command line, local utility now supports and can build images that are supported on OCI. This enables customers to continue meeting their corporate and security needs when deploying to OCI.
Read the blog about custom Red Hat Enterprise Linux images for OCI
The strategic partnership between Oracle and Red Hat includes a joint support with transparent collaboration. Customers can contact both Red Hat and Oracle support to help resolve potential issues.
Oracle 所提供的 Free Tier 包含無時間限制使用 20 多項服務 (如 Autonomous Database、Arm Compute 和 Storage) 以及 300 美元的免費額度,可試用其他雲端服務。取得詳細資料,並立即註冊您的免費帳戶。
透過教學課程和實作實驗室來體驗廣泛的 OCI 服務。無論您是開發人員、管理員還是分析人員,我們都可以協助您瞭解 OCI 的運作方式。許多實驗室是在 Oracle Cloud 免費層或 Oracle 提供的免費實驗室環境上執行。
此研討會中的實驗室涵蓋 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 核心服務介紹,包括虛擬雲端網路 (VCN) 以及運算和儲存服務。
立即開始 OCI 核心服務實驗在此研討會中,您將會瞭解使用 Oracle Autonomous Database 的步驟。
立即開始 Autonomous Database 快速入門實驗本實驗將引導您將試算表上傳到 Oracle Database 表中,然後根據此新表格建立應用模組。
立即開始此實驗在本實驗中,您將會在 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 中的兩個運算執行處理上部署 Web 伺服器,並使用負載平衡器以高可用性模式 (High Availability) 進行設定。
立即開始 HA 應用程式實驗瞭解架構師與其他客戶如何部署各種工作負載,從企業應用程式至 HPC,以及從微服務到資料湖。透過「Built & Deployed」影片系列,瞭解最佳實務,聽聽其他客戶架構師的分享,您也可使用我們的「按一下即可部署」功能來部署許多工作負載,或者從我們的 GitHub 存放區自行部署。
透過廣泛的即時和隨選活動,從 OCI 獲得更多成果。
深入瞭解 OCI 活動歡迎參加 Oracle 針對雲端基礎架構和應用系統推出的新全球客戶與合作夥伴會議。
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