Migrate OpenSearch

Confidently migrate OpenSearch to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using a proven end-to-end approach. Existing OpenSearch clusters can be easily migrated to OCI without requiring significant configuration, integration, or disruption to source environments. Access step-by-step resources outlining best practices as well as expert guidance from Oracle engineers and partners.

Migrate OpenSearch in four steps

Migrate OpenSearch details below

Below are steps to consider when planning your OpenSearch migration to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Steps fall into four categories: A) Plan, B) Prepare, C) Execute, D) Validate. What follows is a list of steps, broken down by category.

Category A: Plan (this category is visually represented by the image of a looking glass)

  1. Step 1: Assess current infrastructure.
  2. Step 2: Define migration strategy.
  3. Step 3: Determine resource requirements.

Category B: Prepare (this category is visually represented by the image of a checklist)

  1. Step 4: Evaluate data transfer options.
  2. Step 5: Prepare data for migration.
  3. Step 6: Configure network connectivity.

Category C: Execute (this category is visually represented by the image of an arrow)

  1. Step 7: Take a snapshot of the cluster.
  2. Step 8: Upload snapshot to Object Storage.
  3. Step 9: Restore the snapshot.

Category D: Validate (this category is visually represented by the image of checkmark)

  1. Step 10: Verify data integrity.
  2. Step 11: Test performance and functionality.
  3. Step 12: Conduct user acceptance testing.

Step-by-step migration guides

You can bring existing clusters from your external OpenSearch installations to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This enables you to take advantage of the managed service capabilities provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Search with OpenSearch. Having infinite scalability for both compute and storage allows you to scale cluster resources up or down quickly. In addition, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect and private subnets provide private high-speed access to your cluster that makes it an extension of your data center network. Access step-by-step migration guides below.

Here’s a high-level summary of how to migrate an OpenSearch cluster to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

  • Take a snapshot of the cluster.
  • Upload the snapshot to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.
  • Create the destination cluster and register the repository.
  • Restore the snapshot.

OCI Search with OpenSearch 的優勢

  • 最強大的開源搜尋引擎:OpenSearch 是由 Elasticsearch 和 Kibana 所衍生,並由許多公司 (包括 Oracle 和 AWS) 所貢獻。
  • 完全受管理的服務:我們將一般的維護活動 (包括打補丁、更新、備份及無停機時間調整大小) 自動化,以避免管理搜尋基礎架構的作業負擔。
  • 最佳化效能:透過 OCI 彈性資源配置,您可以建置任何 CPU 與 RAM 的組合,將效能最佳化。
  • 低成本:我們以非常低的管理費用提供具競爭力的訂價。
  • 快速移轉:不論是自我管理還是代管,現有的 OpenSearch 部署都可以快速移轉。從工作備份組態和 (或) 將 API 指向 OpenSearch 端點還原。

Oracle Playbook 系列


OCI Search with OpenSearch 入門


學習的最佳方法是自行嘗試。參加我們的教學課程和實作實驗室,並同步使用 Oracle Cloud 免費層、您自己的 Oracle Cloud 租用戶或 Oracle 提供的免費實驗室環境中的精選解決方案。

探索超過 150 個最佳作法設計

瞭解架構師與其他客戶如何部署各種工作負載,從企業應用程式至 HPC,以及從微服務到資料湖。透過「Built & Deployed」影片系列,瞭解最佳實務,聽聽其他客戶架構師的分享,甚至使用我們的「按一下即可部署」功能來建置許多工作負載,或者從我們的 GitHub 儲存區域自行完成。


有興趣深入瞭解 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 的資訊嗎?讓我們的專家助您一臂之力。

  • 我們的業務代表可以爲您解答以下問題:

    • 如何開始使用 Oracle Cloud?
    • OCI 可以執行哪些類型的工作負載?
    • OCI 提供哪些類型的服務?

試用 20 多項永遠免費雲端服務,並可在 30 天内試用其他服務

Oracle 所提供的 Free Tier 包含無時間限制使用 20 多項服務 (如 Autonomous Database、Arm Compute 和 Storage) 以及 300 美元的免費額度,可試用其他雲端服務。取得詳細資料,並立即註冊您的免費帳戶。

  • Oracle Cloud Free Tier 包含哪些項目?

    • 2 個 Autonomous Database,每個 20 GB
    • AMD 和 Arm 運算 VM
    • 200 GB 總區塊儲存體
    • 10 GB 物件儲存體
    • 每月 10 TB 輸出資料傳輸
    • 10 多項 Always Free 服務
    • 300 美元的免費點數,可在 30 天内試用其他服務