Cloud Scale Charging — 雲端原生融合計費系統 (CCS)

無論規模大小,利用由記憶體內網格驅動的融合計費系統 (CCS) 進行計費。確保對任何固定或行動網路、服務、體驗、指標或屬性的高效線上和離線計費。與 TM Forum 開放數位架構 (ODA) 和開放 API 保持一致,並繼續與現有計費系統互通,提供可選的上限與增長演變策略。

Cloud Scale Charging features and benefits

Techco CSPs are using Oracle Cloud Scale Charging. Learn more about the solution’s key capabilities.

Multigeneration offline and online charging system

Consolidate, protect, and grow revenue with a single offline and online charging system. Oracle’s CCS is compatible with any fixed or 2G to 5G mobile network for any service, payment type, and business model and is aligned with 3GPP converged charging standards.

Flexible pricing and offer schemas

Move beyond connectivity with pricing models that incorporate any unit or attribute combined with new 5G pricing levers in any account structure. Enhance customer experience (CX) with advanced data session charging that utilizes flexible quota allocation.

Distributed in-memory charging grid

Powered by industry-leading in-memory data grid technology, low latency charging is accurately processed with complete transactional consistency regardless of pricing or account model complexity.

Active-active mode

If there’s a node, machine, or site failure, avoid disruption to business continuity. Federate the charging grid across a distributed dual-site deployment without dropping sessions or losing revenue or data.

Real-time charging engine for existing billing systems

Perform online charging with real-time usage notifications and wallet queries for all payment types. Increase ROI from existing billing systems by sending prerated call detail records (CDRs) for postpaid bill production.

Large-scale rated event generation

Rated events processed by the charging grid are cached in memory, written to persistent storage for high-availability purposes, and transformed into CDR files for downstream billing consumption.

Cap and grow evolution

Keep third-party billing for existing offerings, and supplement Cloud Scale Charging with Oracle Communications Cloud Scale Billing for 5G, B2B, or B2B2X offerings, with the option to migrate subscribers when activating a 5G plan and phase out legacy systems over time.

Low-code platform aligned with ODA

Cloud Scale Charging delivers a productized platform aligned with ODA that allows IT, network, and business units to work closely together. Low-code configuration and pricing tools for nontechnical business specialists enable rapid innovation.

Alignment with Open APIs

An Open API approach facilitates ease of integration with a modern digital experience and increasingly complex value chains while offsetting any risk of vendor lock-in.

TM Forum SID certified pricing design

TM Forum certified pricing design enables business users to rapidly configure new offers using intuitive, web-based navigation workflows. Productized capabilities further support rapid experimentation with new monetization services.

Integrate with existing product catalogs

Simplify operations and preserve investment in an existing TMF 620 product catalog with an integration framework that can accept state change notifications and provides data model support.

Cloud native

Deploy in a containerized and orchestrated environment to harness cloud infrastructure and DevOps CI/CD tooling. Accelerate innovation, operate more efficiently, and scale as business needs grow.

Harness industry-standard observability

Cloud Scale Charging enables simplified operations and a real-time operational view. The entire solution uses a Kafka notification framework, Prometheus for metrics collection, Grafana for systemwide data dashboards, and the Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana stack for logging.

Flexible deployment models

Comprehensive multiple-site deployment options are engineered to meet disaster recovery and business continuity needs. Deploy on private clouds behind a firewall or public cloud infrastructure.

Verified cloud scale performance

Cloud native performance tests demonstrate low latency, high transaction throughput, and efficient resource utilization while supporting linear scalability.

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Rakuten Mobile 選擇在 Rakuten Symphony Symcloud 上使用 Oracle Policy and Charging,以加速 4G 和 5G 服務。

Cloud Scale Charging 效能

  • 針對 1 億訂閱者的雲端原生單站點和雙站點計費測試

    為了發揮 Oracle 記憶體計費網格在雙站點部署方面的強大功能,系統在兩個資料中心雲端區域之間進行了流量分配與計費更新。效能結果會跨兩個網站每秒測量超過 270,000 筆交易,單一數位毫秒延遲。

    閱讀 Oracle Cloud Scale Charging 1 億用戶效能測試報告 (PDF)

  • 針對五千萬訂閱者進行雲端原生單站點計費測試

    Oracle Cloud Scale Charging 是 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 的雲端原生部署的一部分,並且使用業界實際的收費案例,實現了單一數毫秒的延遲、高交易輸送量、高效率的資源利用率以及近線可擴展性。

    閱讀 Oracle CCS 效能測試報告 (PDF)

「我們需要在整合舊系統及降低成本的同時,實現我們的線上計費功能轉型。Oracle 的融合計費系統為我們提供關鍵的創新預付商業產品的快速變現,同時展示可滿足未來需求的發展之路。這些業務優先事項包括 5G 變現、支持後付訂閱者的線上計費,並利用雲端的優勢,選擇完全雲端原生部署。」

Sedin Kahriman

BH Telecom 總經理

Cloud Scale Charging 要素

01Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller

這個承運商類別的融合收費中介解決方案適用於多個網路類型,包括 5G 和混合式 4G/LTE/5G 網路,以及 nontelco 應用程式。它提供全方位的網路資料收集、聚總及關聯。

閱讀產品資料表 (PDF)

02Oracle Communications Convergent Charging Controller

此高度可擴充的線上收費控制平台適用於 SS7-based 語音和訊息傳遞服務、增強的 IN 服務和憑證管理,可讓 CSP 在單一且符合成本效益的平台上整合傳統壁壘,同時持續支援 5G。

閱讀產品資料表 (PDF)

03Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine

此數位體驗引擎提供與 3GPP 統一的即時融合資料和通訊會話計費及餘額管理。它原生整合到 Oracle 的完整帳單和收入管理功能套件,而且是根據 TM 論壇原則所設計。

閱讀產品資料表 (PDF)


Oracle 協助服務提供者實現 5G 服務即時計費

Oracle 的新融合計費系統配備記憶體內資料網格,提供快速、準確的 5G 交易所需的極致效能、可擴展性和可用性。

Omdia 報告:啟用 5G 的體驗導向貨幣化

投資可支援未來可能實施的任何貨幣化策略及業務模式的融合收費系統。瞭解 5G 融合收費如何實現體驗差異化的服務。

閱讀報告 (PDF)

Oracle 調查:針對 5G 時代收費與貨幣化的 CSP 認知

深入瞭解服務提供商在 5G 投資中的優先事項,包括要推出的進階服務類型、目前的障礙以及主要業務驅動因素。

閱讀 5G 整備報告

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