Guidehouse Insights Leaderboard: Customer Engagement and Experience Analytics

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Oracle named the market leader in customer engagement and experience analytics

Guidehouse Insights recognized Oracle as the best of the best in its 2023 Customer Engagement and Experience Analytics Leaderboard report. This publication marks 10 years of our team and technology receiving the #1 ranking in this category, and Guidehouse Insights granted Oracle our highest score ever in this year’s report.

Report findings include

  • “Oracle has the widest breadth of solutions among its profiled competitors. In doing so, Oracle offers full service from customer to network, identifying DER opportunities, inspecting installations, registering devices, enrolling in programs, and verifying performance.”
  • Oracle received top marks in every vendor evaluation category, including product performance, pricing, technology, partners, and vision.
  • Compared to the 2021 report, Guidehouse Insights granted Oracle an overall score on execution—delivering results and innovation for our clients—that extended our lead on one provider by 60% and tripled the size of our lead on another.

Opower is the customer engagement and experience leader.

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