The Cloud Is the Only Key to Unlock Your HR Team’s Potential

As technology advances, HR teams are expected to contribute more to their organizations than ever before.

The cloud is essential if HR executives want to meet their three main expectations.

Supporting Business Strategy

With cloud technologies, workflows are streamlined and common activities are automated, giving HR leaders the chance to focus on overall business strategy.

In our customer survey:1

Asset 1


said that the cloud reduced payroll processing time

Teams saw a


decrease in time to hire, due to automated recruitment

Asset 1



said that the
cloud reduced payroll processing time

Teams saw a


decrease in time
to hire, due to automated recruitment

Driving Digital Transformation

The cloud provides on-demand access to emerging technologies and equips workers with the tools they need to succeed.

With Oracle Cloud, we have streamlined HR operations, reduced staff workload by 30%, and cut total HR operating costs by 33%2

—Mohana Priya, Assistant Vice President, HR and RPO Services, Kobaion Consulting India

Nurturing Employee Culture

A cloud-enabled HR team receives real-time feedback and solutions to problems, all made accurate with employee metrics.


of cloud users said it improved training processes

said it improved reporting productivity, with self-service reporting tools


On-premises systems are no longer an option; the cloud is the only way to empower your modern HR team.

To learn more, read our ebook "It's Cloud or Bust."

Find out more

1 “Oracle Value Realization: HCM Cloud Benchmark Report,” Oracle, September 2018,

2 “A Global HR System Built for Business,” Oracle report,