You are the Director of Ecommerce for Supremo Coffee. It is your team’s responsibility to update your website and promotional activities with the products customers are asking for.
You are tasked to grow revenue through your digital channels by personalizing experiences for each customer to make every interaction matter.
You’ve recently adapted your business model and are now selling direct-to-consumer through your ecommerce website. To get your customer site up and running, you leverage your existing B2B site.

Get the B2C site up and running in just a few clicks.
Click “New Site”

Enter a few details to get started.
Click “Create”

Easily build consumer-facing experiences by taking advantage of re-usable components including pages, layouts, and content.
Why Oracle?
Multisite capabilities give you the power to launch new sites, brands, and products quickly, all from a single instance.
Create different versions of your site by audience type. Select your audience segment and add personalization capabilities to help you better engage with that audience.
Curate search results that promote individual product lines based on customer preferences, revenue goals, promotional activity, or inventory levels.

Your customer
Your customer, Sofia, is looking to elevate her at-home coffee experience since she’s spending more time working from home.
Sofia wants to find the best home espresso machine that meets her budget.
Sofia’s search takes her to Supremo Coffee’s website. She has seen her local coffee shop using the brand, and she is thrilled to see several Supremo espresso machines available for purchase.
Click “search result”
On the website, Sofia is greeted with content tailored just for her. The latest, high-end espresso machines are featured. She selects one that promises to bring the café experience home.
Click “Add to Cart”

Sofia gets a recommendation for an Internet of Things (IoT) service subscription that will help her maintain the machine and notify her if an issue is detected. She adds it to her cart.
Click “Add to Cart”
Why Oracle?
Built-in AI identifies additional product and service recommendations that you can use to drive recurring revenue.
Reviewing her cart, Sofia receives a real-time, personalized recommendation for a milk frother, which she decides to buy as well.
Click “Add to Cart”
After checking her cupboard, Sofia realizes she already has an old milk frother that works for now. She decides to save the item for later.
Click “Add to wishlist”
The frother is removed from Sofia’s cart and saved to her wishlist for future purchase.
Satisfied that she’s getting everything she needs within her budget, Sofia completes her order.
Click “Proceed to Checkout”
Why Oracle?
Engage, convert, and retain customers with personalized experiences and intelligent content built natively into your ecommerce platform.
Her confirmation screen features content about the IoT service subscription, as well as informational blogs and how-to videos on homemade espresso drink recipes, bean varieties, and more. She's invited to join Supremo Coffee’s loyalty program that will reward her for purchases made online and in cafés.
Whenever she wants to, Sofia can visit the account page to easily access her relevant Supremo Coffee account and subscription information.
Click “Account”
Why Oracle?
Transform your business with a unified view of your customer across all business applications to improve satisfaction and retention.
Here, Sofia finds warranty information for her machine , IoT alerts, loyalty points and rewards, order tracking information, and featured content to make her at-home coffee experience extraordinary.

Nice work!
Thanks to your hard work, Supremo Coffee was able to deliver a personalized, digital experience and reach its revenue goals.
Now that you’re an Oracle Commerce expert, discover what else Oracle can do for your business.