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What is a Review Group? [Match Review only]

A review group is a group of all the related records from the input data sets used in a match processor, as defined by the active Match Rules. The simplest example is a group of two records which have a single relationship:

If multiple records match, the review group will contain more than two records. In this case, more than one relationship was used to form the group:

In the above example, all of the three records are related to each other using an automatic match rule with a Match decision. Each review group will include any records that have a relationship to any other members of the review group, so a network of relationships may be viewed in one screen.  For instance, in the above example, if a record were added to the data set which only had a relationship with record R3 this would be included in the above review group when the match processor is rerun.

If all the relationships are resolved with a Match decision, all these related records are considered to be part of a single match group. If merging records together, for example as part of a Deduplication or Consolidation match process, a single merged record will be created for each match group.

In this case, you could then click on the Review Merged Output button on the top-right of the screen to review the single merge record created for the match group currently displayed.

Oracle ® Enterprise Data Quality Help version 9.0
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