You are here: EDQ Director User Interface > Canvas


The Canvas is where processes are opened, and therefore where data quality processes are designed using OEDQ.

Many processes may be open on the Canvas at any one time, as below:

You may close an individual process by selecting Right-click, Close, or by clicking on the Close process icon in the top-right of the canvas:

The Canvas has its own toolbar for Canvas-specific actions:

Run - runs the selected process using its current execution preferences

Run Preferences - sets up the execution preferences for the selected process

Attribute Search - performs a search for the origin processor of an attribute

Clear Attribute Search - clears the attribute search

Group - groups the selected processors

Ungroup - ungroups the selected group

Make Processor - make the selected processors into a new processor

Publish - publish the selected processor

Add Canvas Note - adds a note to the Canvas

Zoom out - zooms out on the selected process

Zoom in - zooms in on the selected process


Note that most of the main Toolbar functions can also be used for the Canvas. These are:

Save - saves the current process being viewed in the Canvas

Save All - saves all open processes

Print - prints the current Canvas

Undo - undoes the last action on the Canvas

Redo - redoes the last action on the Canvas

Cut - cuts the selected processor(s) for pasting to different place or into a new process

Copy - copies the selected processor(s) for pasting to different place or into a new process

Paste - pastes the selected processor(s)

Maximize - toggles the Canvas between full screen mode and normal mode


Note that the process on the canvas may appear differently depending on its state. See Process states.

The processors in a process also change their appearance depending on their state. See Processor states.

If a process is open on the canvas when it is executed, you can view the progress of each processor in the process, and monitor the overall progress of the process. Otherwise, you can monitor its progress in the Task Window.

Oracle ® Enterprise Data Quality Help version 9.0
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